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The Old Guy

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Everything posted by The Old Guy

  1. I have 275X60x 15 on Buick road wheels on my 72 GS and I just had to massage the inner rear wells with a BFH just a little.
  2. I use a BIG rubber hammer ,and beat them on. It wont mark the rim and they go on quite easily
  3. There are two or three people in the Bugle that advertise that they redo 40 dash panels. just contact one of them ,and they will fix you right up.
  4. I am a dummy when it coes to these computers ,so I don't know how to put pictures on it ,much less send them. Sorry! <BR>Can you feel anything hitting the rocker cover when the engine is running? If so you may just need to put new gaskets on to raise the cover
  5. there is no adjustment on a 401 valve train, so I'm afraid you have a problem
  6. Try : FactoryAutomanuals.com Dan has almost everything and is good to deal with.
  7. I would check with a farm store or tractor supply store. They still use greasable water pumps on the old one ,and many are still in use.
  8. Robins post stated that tha car had a stage 1 license plate ,and you can order them from your sec of state. I believe the GS was rated 70 HP over the standard Regal ,as it was supercharged
  9. The430 manifold will only work if you plug the exhaust passages in the heads. if you look at the heads 0n a 73 ,you will find that the exhaust heat passage is almost square, and the passage in the manifold is long and thin. if you don't plug the holes,you will have a real problem. The AIR holes on the ends should also be plugged as they are not covered by the intake ,and will also leak.
  10. If the white walls are REALLY dirty, you can always use a SOS pad(steel wool and soap) . They will get a white wall clean ,if it will come clean
  11. Buick offered a GS in 97. It was a regal with the supercharged 3800 from the Ultra and riv . They are still offered in 2001 I think. They did some suspension work and put on bigger tires and wheels.
  12. Join the Buicktown chapter of the BCA and meet a whole passel of buick crazy people. <BR>Contact Bill Renico : 810-694-3281 or <BR> billrenico @aol.com
  13. The 3.42 from a 55 will fit in your rear end and I would think twice about changing to an open rear end. You will have to put in a rear end that has a four link or something similar to hold it in place . The early cars will run well with the 3.42 and you will find if you go to a much taller gear ,you won't have the power to pull it. I have a 3.42 in my 40 with a 263 out of the 53 special and I know I couldn't pull a higher gear. The 322 had more power ,but the car is heavier too .
  14. I didn't read the whole post. The door handles on most GM cars in the late 30s to 50s were removed by removing a horseshoe shaped spring clip behind the escutheon .
  15. What year Buick?? Quite a few in the 40s had a spring clip on the edge of the door that could be pulled and the lock would pop out.
  16. I have a 200-4R in my 72 GS with a 3.31 gear and it great!!! I used a corvette convertorand the lock up kit from TCI and it runs high 12s and pulls 18 MPG. The RPM at 70 is 2200
  17. I guess I didn't make my last post clear. You must turn both rear wheels at the same time or you will still bring the spider gears into play. I usually mark the driveshaft and then roll the car one revolution of the wheel while watching the mark. You can get close enough with this method to figure your gear.
  18. Did you check the fuse? On some of these Buicks the dash lights and brake lights are on the same fuse. This was done so you knew if the brake lights were working. If the brake lights work, you can run a jumper from the tail light wire . Sometimes the dash light dimmer goes bad ,and rather than replace the light switch you can get the dash lights back this way . You can't dim them ,but you won't get nailed for speeding either, as you will be able to see the speedo
  19. If you can run the coming events in the roster ,I think that it would be the simplest solution to the problem.I would suggest putting it on the front page ,as many people don't look at the table of contents too closely.
  20. If you only jacked up one wheel , you will get a wrong number ,as the differential gears come into play. I would wager if you jack up the whole rear end ,and turn both rear wheels one revolution ,you will find that you do have a high 2 ratio.
  21. I think if you look closely, you will find that there is a bezel that covers the head light only. This can be removed by taking out 4 0r 5 phillips head screws, and you will see the the screws that the first post was referring to
  22. I just got mine today, and it was worth waiting for !! the 36 and 38 stories were GREAT , And I know both cars. They are GORGEOUS and they drive them wherever they go !! <P>Joe Taubitz <BR>BCA 1308<BR>BDE 001
  23. It is interesting to note that our fuel prices are less than half what they are in Europe, and everyone is REALLY upset. Greed still drives the world, and Exxon made more money last year than GM for the first time. The gas lines of the early 70s are a distant memory ,but it can happen again, and I for one would rather pay more and have fuel available than hope I could get enough to go where I have to!
  24. I think we should applaud the efforts of our board! This club has had growing pains for some time. The membership numbers have not kept up with the growth in our expenses. This board is trying desparately to get a handle on things,and it very refreshing to see the person in charge step up and tell the membership that they have numerous choices, none of which they will like. We as members should look at the situation ,and try to understand that unpaid ,overworked people are trying to help this club, and we should help them by letting them do what must be done without griping about raising our dues. I am sure that everyone of us has wasted more money in an evening than it would take in an increase to make our organization solvent!!!
  25. The Old Guy


    Even if the cores were straight enough to allow the boring without going through a wall, you would have a heating problem . the 425 was cored bigger than the 401
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