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The Old Guy

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Everything posted by The Old Guy

  1. If it is ,in fact a 320 engine, it will NOT fit in a special unless you move the firewall and sit in the back seat. Measure the rocker cover and compare the length to the engine in your car. The 320 engine is considerably longer than the 248 in a special.
  2. It is interesting to see how different members see the BCA . I have enjoyed all the national meets that I have been to, ( I have been to 38, as there wasn't any national meet in 1974 ) and I think the main reason this "money thing"' comes up is that the 400 point system is responsible for much of it. The awards ,judges breakfast, judging manuals, and seminars must put a real strain on the finances of the meet. That coupled with the fact that it is becoming more and more difficult to get "COMPETENT" Judges, and it just gets to the point where it is not worth the trouble. I have been quite vocal about this for some time, and I am sure that I have ruffled a few feathers, and for that I am sorry !!! This will be the last I will comment on the issue. and hope that everything works out for the BCA. This is still the best car club in the country, and I wish the BOD, which I am very impressed with , the best of luck in the future !!!!!
  3. THank You !!!!! This is what I have saying for some time. Until the judges are informed enough to understand that even Buicks were not perfect in the early years, the system will NOT work
  4. I am the current director of the BDE, so will continue to be involved with this GREAT group.
  5. Derek Iguess it is time for me to jump in one more time. I have been a member of the BCA since 1969, and I guess my problem is eveolution. The BCA has evolved into a group that is more interested in expensive pieces of art than fun. The Buicks are looked on as perfect if enough money is spent on them. I have lived in Flint (hometown of Buick ) all my life and have never seen cars come off the line in the condition demanded of a senior car. The early meets were FUN, and the later ones became a bore, as the evolution to judgung perfection came to the front. I missed my first national meet since 1971 in Ames this year and although I was told it was good, really did not miss it that much. I hope the BCA continues to grow, and when it when it gets back to what it was ( everything runs in cycles ) perhaps I will get interested again.
  6. If you have the Buick in good mechanical shape, there should be no problem. I carry some spare parts ( water pump-fuel pump-generator-regulator- belts and hoses ) and some tools. I have traversed the country in old Buicks, and they always got us home under their own power. I hauled a 1935 house trailer to California from Michigan back in the 70s with my 1932 Buick. ,and have put over 100,000 miles on my 40
  7. Check and srr if there is a square boss on the side of the engine. The Buick engines up to 1947 had a front mount only. The 48 up engines had side mounts that bolted to the bosses.
  8. From 1940 to 1955 the differentials would interchange. The later V8 dynaflow Buicks had 3,4-3,6 ratios and were much better for travelling.
  9. Congratulations to both Rick and Bill !! They did a great job of keeping the BCA traditions going, and deserve the accolades.
  10. The BDE helped get the BCA back on track for awhile, but we need something to do it again, Joe Taubitz BDE 001
  11. Everyone seems to think that the reason members are leaving is because they can't afford the dues increase. They all try to put this in perspective by quoting different costs. I can really afford the increase,but I just don't feel that the money is being spent as it should be. The meets have evolved into members with a "can you top this " attitude, and without the BDE and PWD tours, have made the cars almost secondary. Driven class Buicks are given awards, but the main thrusst of the banquet is recognizing who spent the most to redo their Buick. The good thing about the "driven" class is that the awards are given on the field, Trophies and judging ,in my opinion are the culprits, and this will be the last I will say on the sublect ( on this forum ) It will be interesting to see how Robertas suggestion is carried out. You have to remember that the main reason for the necessity of being a BCA member was to protect the chapter insurance wise. With all the new govenment regulations, and the fact that the chapters must incorporate, leaves the chapters in a position where they do NOT need the BCA umbrella coverage.
  12. Barney I also thank you for the time you have devoted to the BCA. You have been the voice of reason and are to be complimented for everything you have done.
  13. Thanks for the "back up " Roberta !! The BCA was a great group until they decided that fun with old cars was secondary to "perceived perfection "" The young group with the Regals are really good guys , and I would like to see them accepted as I was 40 years ago. I was a "hot rodder, and after joining the BCA was challenged to to a Buick "right" I accepted the challenge and enjoyed the BCA for a LOOOOONG timw.
  14. In Flint in 2008 we had twice as many cars and no judging. We also had a $30 registration fee and a $25 banquet. We made so much money the IRS was after us. I can't figure out how things got so expensive so fast. We gave money to the Sloan Museum, the Mott Community College,and Baker College
  15. The problem as I see it is that there is too much emphasis on 400 point perfect cars ( which are judged by many incompetent judges ) and not enough on driving and enjoying our Buicks. The early years of the BCA had members milling around the parking lot discussing their Buicks and finding out from different members ,how to make their cars go down the road better. Many of the Buicks at the national meet do not come out of their enclosed trailer until the morning of judging, anf the members that own them know nothing more about them than what it cost to bring it to "perfection" I can afford to pay the dues, but I just don't feel I am getting ,for my money, what I want. Th Ames BCA meet is 9 hours from home, and although I have never missed one yet, i am going to miss this one. I hope your meet goes well, and everyone enjoys themselves.
  16. The color is 1603 Ford green , and it is not available in this area any more. I don't think they are making it according to the local hardware store.
  17. I would like to come to the breakfast, but a 9 hour drive for breakfast is a little much.
  18. Derek Roberta rode to the meet with Bernice and I ,and the rest of the chocolates melted on our luggage in the back of the 69 wagon. No telling how bad it would have been if they were all in the box
  19. I will not be at the meet this year ( the first one I will miss since they started in 1971 ) Yhe forum breakfast last year was the high point of the meet, Say HELLO to everyone for me
  20. Roberta has a better memory than me, but I don't remember this car at all. Today is my wifes Mah Jong day at the house, so I will call the guy and go check it out
  21. Synthetic fluid also has a tendency to screw up the hydraulic stop light switches.
  22. Undo the bolts holding the manifold to the heads sfter draining the systen and removing the radiator hose. Then pull up on the manifold. There is an "O" ring that seals it into the front cover, and it is probably stuck in pretty good. You may need to "persuade" it with a pry bar.
  23. The 46-48 Special had two wide trim strips. The Super and Roadmaster has a single triangular strip for side molding. Dave is correct
  24. I have lived in the Flint area for a LOOOONG time, and this is the first I knew that it existed
  25. With the brake drum off, you should be able to push the axle in far enough to remove the horseshoe (C clip ) .The spacer you have already removed is what keeps the axle in place . You have a beautiful car
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