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Everything posted by PaulMuzz

  1. Great information, thank you very much guys! I should have been more specific. I have a 64 with the wire hub caps and want to know if the wire hub caps from a 63 will fit.
  2. Ed When did they make the wire hub caps with the R in the middle versus the Buick emblem and are they interchangeable on first gen rivieras?
  3. Great cars and i second that on the man cave, a lot of storage cabinets for spare parts and other stuff. Sorry I will miss the show this year but look forward to seeing the pictures and hearing about it.k
  4. Excellent thank you for the tips gentleman! The part has been shipped so should be replacing it this week once I pick up some PS fluid as well.
  5. Awesome! I’d like to install a rear arm rest and seat belts too. I heard the arm rests are hard to find. Btw how do you know if you have cornering lights?
  6. Definitely it’s chafed from the a-arm. Not sure why the hose has the metal piece that is shaped that way that caused the problem but looks like the new hose is mostly rubber so should be easy to keep it away from the engine. I didn’t see anything in the manual on replacing the hose itself. Is it as simple as loosening both ends and popping in the new one and topping off the fluid?
  7. Great thanks. Per the manual it is the pressure hose. It doesn’t look quite like what I have but should work.
  8. Ok great. I’ll look for this part then and try to find a place to order this one like rock auto.
  9. After staring at this clock for so long i know everything about it but unfortunately after pulling back the spring it just stays open and never closes. I can move some of the gears with a screw driver without much effort but it is not moving on its own. For the quartz conversion, i did see a kit for about 100 dollars in the Original part group catalog. Are there other options out there? thanks again!
  10. hello I have a hose that is worn due to it being right up against the suspension. In the picture it’s the hose on the left. Can someone advise on the part I need and whether this is a pretty simple replacement? Thanks!
  11. I attended the show a few weeks ago. There were only a few 1st gen rivieras there. Here are some pictures of the ones I thought were awesome.
  12. Thank you Ed and Rodney for all the details and tips. My understanding is that it should run for a minute or so without any power if you pull back the part with the spring and then you should see it come back to touch the other contact. I’m my case I cock it back and it doesn’t budge. The only thing I can do is spin one of the parts by hand and it sometimes makes the second hand move but even after air spraying and shaking it doesn’t move on it’s own. Could be a clock repair can take a look and see if they could spot any issues. Another problem I discovered was the wire from the top is broken off where it connected to the coil ( I think ). But either way it should run without power and it doesn’t.
  13. Another tip for removing the clock is using rubber gloves. Worked like a charm. I happened to have my work gloves on that are cloth with rubber on the front. You can get a bag of 5 at the hardware store for cheap.
  14. No worries I thought if there were something obvious in the pictures it could help. I tried all the tips you mentioned. I cannot figure out how to get it going, even temporarily. I think it’s fried.
  15. Hi Ed here are a few pictures of my clock. I can’t quite figure out what to do. A video or pictures would be very helpful.
  16. Does anyone know what the hole is that is underneath the left side dome light on the console? Mine has a cover on it.
  17. Hi Ed he must have been a special person to do that. The prior owner of my 64 also bored over .030. Do you have any background why that is preferable?
  18. Great point. I missed that one. Kinda leaves you wondering what else could be wrong with it. But all the other first gens commanded 30+ and even with a dealer installed dual quads it seemed like it could have bid higher. I have a 64 with dealer installed duel quads but was converted to a single carburetor. I may switch it back one of these days but I don’t have the air cleaner for it.
  19. Was surprised that this decent 64 didn’t bid to over 20k on BAT. Interested in hearing from the experts on why. https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1964-buick-riviera-26/#comments have a great day, Paul
  20. does anyone know if this will fit in a 1964 riv?
  21. btw Joe does have a 20 x 30 with a frame for $200. A bit expensive for my taste but definitely a nice poster. Another btw, i travel to El Segundo fairly frequently for work, too bad i missed the show!
  22. thank you Tom and Bill! Any suggestions for the type of paint I should use for that vinyl piece?
  23. I'm looking for how to replace the console lense, does it just pop off? I have the original one that is yellowed and i bet it will just fall apart when I try to take it off. thanks!
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