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Brooklyn Beer

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Everything posted by Brooklyn Beer

  1. What part of the road didn't this cover and own ? What a beauty. Never driven in a later 60's caddy is the road feel really non existent ?
  2. White doesn't work here IMO. It hides the curves. The museum car in that shade though highlights them. Defines them more. And this car is all about those large curves just like a Betty Page or Marilyn Monroe.
  3. Not one of the longest rides but one of the best. My buddies son got married on Saturday. Was an outdoor wedding (gasp) in Texas and it was around 100 degree. Proud the big girl (the car not the bride) made the rounds without a hiccup in that heat all day. Big family piece of property so I got to spend the afternoon shuttling bridesmaids and bride around the property for the photo's which was followed by delivering the bride and her father to the ceremony in the evening. Better then winning any trophy for sure.
  4. There are people who will buy the worst condition 68 Charger just so they can say they have one even if it will never move. I bet some corvette guy bought it just so he can say he has one.
  5. Car shows in this part of TX could take a few hints from up there. Not even a prewar class. But 25 different awards for camaro's and hot rods. If you show up with a mustang you get something.
  6. Seen this car at the Spring church show this year. It is very nice. What stood out to me was the green interior and the pattern on the seats. I was suspect of a couple places under the paint.
  7. Just finished watching "Mad, mad, mad, mad, world" and really took notice this time to the cars in it. Mopars were the choice of cars I guess as these were all over the movie
  8. I could fill up a garage with all the nice 35-50 mopar four door sedans posted and still think I would need the next one that pops up. Such great and reliable cars.
  9. Was on a roof most of the afternoon (102 + and it was white butyl) so wiped out. Tomorrow is another day so intend to dig in if I don't come home feeling like a hot pocket.
  10. Ground not getting warm, just positive into the relay. And it doesn't take long.
  11. OK, before I drop the starter let me swap out the cables. I am sure I have plenty around here from years of changing those dinky 12 volt cables from 6 volt cars.
  12. Pretty sure I have figured out but just want to run this past folks. 63 Dodge 880 with 361. All stock. 3 days ago went to move it and it started up fine. The weekly exercise the cars evening. Parked it and next day went to move it again and not only did I get one single CLICK from the starter, the interior lights dimmed like no get out. Waited 30 seconds and did it again. One click and nothing. Tossed in a spare starter relay and did the same thing. So yesterday some buddies came over to help me push it on the lift and I gave it one more try. Turned over for 2 seconds and then that one click again and nothing. I should also mention the battery cable at this time got pretty warm in a very short time. So I have the car on the lift and getting ready to drop the starter and give it a going over. No clue when it was last replaced but every else on the car was near original when I found it. Folks opinions on why the battery cable would get so warm from that huge amp draw in so short of time ?
  13. Yep, a good old driver that will most likely run forever without doing much too it. If it was local for 4-5 I might be interested in it just as another daily driver.
  14. Standard fluid drive car which are great for teaching younger drivers with zero clutch experience or 3 on the tree knowledge how to drive an old car. If it is tuned correctly you really have to work to stall it or getting into riding a bucking bronco. Takes that fear out of it for many who have no clue what a standard trans is these days. The best cars to teach clutch work if you had to stop on an incline and the idiot behind you is inches off the bumper.
  15. Chopped and channeled and sitting on an S10 frame yet "Beautiful craftsmanship. Not a hack job"
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