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Everything posted by Schmiddy

  1. Hi Ed Would like to know more about it… From where did you got it? Looks great! Will follow that thread, thanks!
  2. Great to meet you Matt! Right, as I know New Bern was founded 1710 by an emigrant from Switzerland... His name was Christoph von Graffenried. One of these "von Graffenried descendants" was one of my Boss - here in Bern Switzerland, it is still a very, very respected family! The city's coat of arms of New Bern corresponds to the coat of arms of the city of Bern Switzerland, except that the red bear penis is missing on the American version! *hahaha* πŸ˜‰ I would love to come over to visit New Bern on day!
  3. My wife Yvonne (left) and my lovely neighbor Jacky - both totally fan of my 65! πŸ˜‰ (no worries, they both had to clean their shoe sole before putting their feet on my bumper!!! *hahaha*). By the way... what do you think about my new plates? (BE ist for Berne - the place I live)
  4. I'm in holidays in Spain right now... will send some detailed pics as soon as I'm back πŸ˜‰
  5. Thank you for your answer! Yes, as I researched myself, I found some (very old) listings with an amount of up to $400. But I think, today and in NOS condition, the price of these original parts are higher... I don't know how hight exactly. I was asking because someone is very interested for my RPM and I don't want to give away this gem under its price. It's an original Buick RPM. Thank you also for the link, I will follow. πŸ™‚
  6. I own such a RPM in absolutely mint condition... What's the actual value of it? I don't want to sell it below it's value... Thanks for your advise guys!
  7. EmTee: I have such a part... What's the actual value of this RPM in a perfect mint condition?
  8. Can you send us the link? (was it for the stickers or for the Riviera inlay??) Thx.
  9. Hi Turbinator May I ask from where you have found the inlay emblem of this horn cap? Thank you.
  10. Hi Jim I love your car very much! Astro Blue is one of my fav color! And with these wheels… Looks damn good!!! My 65 is Midnight blue with light blue interior (wich I restored completely).
  11. Believe it or not, I went to Scotland, Loch Ness, hired a boat and after 3 nights of waiting, I finally met the monster... With some gold dust I was able to tame it. So he dropped the cap and I was able to drive home happy and put it on my 65. πŸ˜πŸ˜‡
  12. That's right, I've seen those posters... I really like his style! (True, a bit expensive for a poster, but from what I've seen it's also sold without a frame).
  13. Thank you Craig, very good input!!! I will consider that for the next design! πŸ€©πŸ‘πŸ»
  14. Yeah... did some Shirts for our European ROA Meeting in Wolfsburg in 2021... But they where limited for the members of the meeting. I plan to use the vector pic for a new design this summer... something special for my brand www.Riviera65.com πŸ˜‰
  15. Hey Marc, the sliders look way better! πŸ‘
  16. Good reasons, as I think... Best one is the third! πŸ˜‰
  17. A cool fast-motion rebuilt! Thanks for the link πŸ™‚ (Exactly what Yankee-Motors did with my 401 HN in Germany. Now its roaring again like a wild cat should! πŸ˜‰ ). https://www.yankeemotors.com/wp/en/start-2/
  18. you can check my blog on www.riviera65.com. There is a series about this topic.
  19. Hmmm... I don't think! But possibly it's my glasses I need to change... Some how they focus on red πŸ€ͺ
  20. Thank you, Mike, so nice and I really appreciate your post! We are a team of 4 people on the organizing committee and everyone brings their own skills to organize a cool meeting in Wolfsburg. My part is the "visible" part with the visual communication (Logo, Facebook-Site, T-Shirt designs etc.)... But Rudi and Trond work more in the background and have organized everything with the hotel, program, clarifications with the local authorities, registration form, etc. wich I think, is the bigger part! πŸ˜‰ Trond is the chairman for the ROA Europe and he was the one who came up with the idea of a European meeting and Ray contacted us... Rudi, Klaus and I were so enthusiastic about the idea that we found - let's do this! πŸ’ͺ😜 We cross our fingers so that we can actually do this meeting the way we planed it. It's currently a bit difficult to say with the German Corona guidelines... but we hope the best! If not this year, then the next! Sure, we will post all the pics on Facebook, Flikr (an others like Instagram, etc.) and I hope, we will also have the place for an article in the Riview - Ray will decide about that. πŸ˜‰
  21. Question for a good friend of mine: We live in Switzerland and he is selling his great Riviera '65. I just wonder, how much $ (+/-) this car could achieve in the US... The car is in deed in a perfect shape and he is asking 74k (wich in my opinion is a bit too much). Here is the link to the selling platform with different pics: https://www.autoscout24.ch/de/d/buick-riviera-coupe-occasion?vehid=8412947 and here a YouTube vid: Thank you for your realistic assessments (and reasons). Greetings, Schmiddy
  22. Oh, I just have seen, Mr. Earl already posted that one... Sorry for reposting! (On the other hand, it doesn't matter that much to see this gi... ahmmm, a car like this again! 😜) πŸ‘
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