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Everything posted by Sasha39

  1. Thanks Narve, but I think I might have a lead on some here in Australia
  2. Now how did I know that you would be the one to get me the answer, thanks very much John, as always you and the rest of members of the forum are very helpful and supportive, now if anyone might have some that they might want to sell I’d be happy to purchase.
  3. Learned members of this forum does anyone know if this panel has a name? It’s the small panel that bolts to the rear fenders and connects to the chassis and fits under the fuel tank cover, I am looking to find a pair for a 1920 Chrysler model 65 but I sure other models might fit.
  4. Yes very had to work out but the Body Builder might have had some of the 72 cowl lights left over in stock when they started producing the model 75.
  5. Hey Vintageben, the position of the holes in the cowl would suggest cowl light brackets, but more of the type for 72 models (external wire through conduit) and not like the model 75 with internal wiring, just my 2 cents worth.
  6. Here's a great post over at the Buick forum you might like to read https://forums.aaca.org/topic/353101-gabriel-snubbers-rebuilding-installation-mid-20s-buick/ hope it helps with you decision making.
  7. Vintageben bet me but here is the light switch lever unfortunately mine is broken but if you zoom in you should see the lugs that keep the horn button in place, thanks for confirming Vintageben! Cheers Mate
  8. Lets see what Narve’s photos show but I must say that the Horn button doesn’t look right, my horn button has 4 locking teeth in it, the way you can remove the button is by pressing it down all the way and turning it less than a quarter turn and let it up and it free, if you see on the inside of the light lever you can see the notches where the teeth lock into, I can see these teeth on the cap in your photo. I see if I can get a photo for you.
  9. Hey there Ben, hope the weather been treating you well mate, yes while both should fit on either radiator it's about the right cap for the car, the 75 model is slightly larger, when I put my 75 cap onto any of my 65 models it looks at bit too big for the cars, just doesn't look right.
  10. Thank you keiser31 and ipforward for the confirmations, now as the first photo in this thread is of an item on EBay https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/144918280088 and in the description it says :Measures about 3 ¼ inches in diameter, I'm going to stick to my guns and say it is more of a chance that it will fit a model 65 and not a 75. Happy to be proven wrong.
  11. Thanks Keiser31, if I may could you show a photo of the top of your cap and also measure the external diameter, I know that a model 65 is 3 1/4” and I believe that the model 75 is 3 3/8” Do you think that what I have is a 75 model?
  12. Keiser31, I stand corrected, the photo I have I believe shows a model 75 (left) and model 65 (right), note the 65 is smaller that is why I asked for measurements just to make sure.
  13. Have you had time to measure the cap as yet, as I don’t believe that is a 75 cap as it looks more like a 65 cap where the tangs sit straight up and down just like in your photo, 75 caps have the tangs sitting at an angle so using that cap would mean that the cap wouldn’t sit straight on the Radiator and the wings would be sitting at an angle.
  14. Hello Alain, Sorry to hear you are having problems with the starter, have you work out what is wrong? If it's just a broken Bendix Spring there's one on eBay at the moment https://www.ebay.com/itm/125437120603?hash=item1d34a2905b:g:HisAAOSwf2li4qKg&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAoAbXJeJ%2FGSPrsWPptXbHcBVbWUMNTCf9YNC6M3kSKRJkKwv4AH3hbPtkw2LcHmFzoobQVlee3LcYja%2FqTpINqJegpxBAc5GqHJEDfqTV04UyuWT5EuY3t3fLJ1Nk4vBcKNEiiAOyy6qx8nVeIwLaWX7NLaI1uTl2hq%2BRZl93Hths3VyJIJLPpTewEs1AZ0enwgOwF8upBTukfMo%2B4EmsqNU%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR9TuhpnZYA if you need more parts please show what you are after.
  15. Hi Narve, Looks OK for a Series 72, noticed the Red Head first before noticing the damage to the thermostat housing, hope you find the missing piece as it should be a easy fix. Agree with you about it not being a Roadster looking at he doors you possibly have a Coupe, if you get to have a better look the engine number should be in the same place as a model 65 so take a wire brush with you, good luck. Here's a link to a Series 72 Chassis at a local museum near me in Sydney, you might find it interesting. https://collection.maas.museum/object/214116
  16. Can you give a few photos of the Clum switch at the base of the steering box, could be that the bracket holding the Clum switch in place has come loose.
  17. Yes, as Vintageben said 1929 Chrysler model 65 built late 1928 in Detroit.
  18. No doubt about it Chrysler 28-29 Spark plug lead tube.
  19. Well after years of searching to try and find these washers Bob has come to the rescue and is willing to produce some more of the type that he made for Tom and ship them Down-Under to me, what a true Gentleman, the AACA is truely blessed to have members like Bob who are willing to help others with their problems, Thank you again for all your help Bob.
  20. Oh no, not the new Shed! Sorry to see mate but living in Queensland I would have thought you'd build a Queenslander style shed you know on stilts. If there's anything I can do mate you know the number.
  21. G'day Matt, Great to hear and see, I think I'll do the same trick when I start work on restoring my shocks, I have been told by a few old Timers if you really want to stiffen up the shocks an old trick was to fill them up with grease, would be interesting to see if that would work.
  22. Hey Vintageben, whereabouts did you get your radiator done and did they do a good job?
  23. Looks like you're missing the control levers, I think it should have 3 levers, Lights, Throttle and Advance/Retard.
  24. Mark, You'll have that finished in no time, have you given any thought to want you'll be doing with all the free time you'll have once it's all done. Would you consider working out a quote to do the upholstery for my 1929 model 65 Chrysler tourer? just saying you could put that new skill of yours to good use considering it looks like we'll be in lock-down till Christmas. Great job mate!
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