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Everything posted by 414TATA

  1. I wish. The closest station to me is 265 miles. Thanks California one more reason to get the HELL OUT!
  2. Thanks.. Mark and billorn . I do some research.
  3. Had the same coolant (don't know the brand) in my '41 super for three years. Time to change it. What do you guys suggest as a good coolant. This area has hot summers and mild winters. Car is garaged. The engine temp currently maxis around 180 F on these 100 degree days. Thanks for your suggestion. Wayne 1941 Super
  4. Thanks. I'm talking the bread and butter pre war.. i.e. my Buick. Wayne 1941 Buick Super 51
  5. Any suggestions of a web site to get a fairly accurate value for pre war era cars?
  6. Year round I'm out on average about once a week. In summer like you Las Vegas Dave I take the car out more often but pretty much get back to the "barn" by noon as the Central valley of California is a hot place. I am thinking I'll start taking evening rides after the sun goes down this summer. The clime here is very much like Las Vegas but not as dry. Lots of 100+ degree days dropping into the low 70s at night makes for balmy after dark drives. Sorry guys I just can't help myself. I love pictures. Wish more would post. Wayne Burch 1941 Buick Super
  7. Anyone else think the programming on Velocity channel has changed the level of programming? Lots of blanked out words. (Like you can't figure out what is being said) I think there were programs in the past that didn't have to be filled with the F word to have a show. On one show the guy can't complete a 4 word sentence with out using it. Even when his children are standing beside him. I think there are at least five shows I would not watch with my kids. (Grand kids). There actually are people who think that type of language is very low class and find it offensive. If this is what appeals to America we have a lot more problems than I thought. I know. Just turn it off. Which is exactly what I've done. Thanks for the rant time.
  8. No mechanic here so I can use some help. 41 Buick 248 CI straight eight with compound carbs. Some background info. The car has been parked in the garage for almost four months. When I parked it I made sure the gas was very low as I don't like to leave with a lot of gas in the tank. When I returned to start the car.. no luck. Thinking maybe what little gas was in the tank had evaporated, I now I have about 5 gallons in the tank. The car will start for maybe 7 seconds when I shoot the carbs with starter fluid, but dies and wont start again with extended cranking. Seems to be starved for fuel. The fuel pump has about 8K miles from new and is about 6 years old. Ideas please. Sure would like to get her going and enjoy a few drives in this Spring weather. Thanks Wayne
  9. Thanks to you as well C Carl. Really good info. My Sister lives in Santa Barbara so on our next visit I will do some shopping. Wayne
  10. Thanks Las Vegas Dave I'll take another look. Maybe OM spinner knob?
  11. Any of you using a steering wheel spinner knob? My arm power isn't as good as it once was and as you know these old girls are heavy at slow steer. I have fitted a couple knobs which didn't work out. Because of the small thickness of the wheel in these old cars it's hard to find one which will tighten enough not to be loose. Most knobs I see on Amazon eBay and auto parts store web sites are all plastic except for the screw. If you have a good one like to know where you bought it, and where on the wheel you mounted it. . I am thinking to mount it about 10 o'clock on the inside of the wheel. ( I am right handed) Any advice will help. Thanks Wayne 1941 Super
  12. Thanks for the advice gentlemen I will not be in the area so the car will not be driven during those 3 months. I will disconnect batt and leave treated fuel in tank as advised above. Wayne
  13. I will be garaging my Buick for approx. 3 months of winter. Winters here are mild with a low outside of not lower than 27F (unusual) garage temp probably no lower than 50 degrees. My question is: Is it okay to leave some fuel (less than 4 gallons) treated with an additive in the tank? i really don't want to drain the tank or leave it full. your opinions please. Thanks Wayne 1941 Buick
  14. Olympic Great photo and story. In that I have been to Europe a few times just thinking of the fuel that Caddy burned on those trips around Europe must have been pretty pricey. Must have turned a lot of heads especially when filling that 30 gallon tank.. I am thinking of shipping my '41 Buick to Italy if we move there. At least I can get some "real" gas or should I say "benzina" with out the added Corn farmers subsidized ethanol. Thanks for posting. Wayne 41 Super 51
  15. Curious to know who here has the oldest car with factory power steering. Wayne 1941 Buick Super 51
  16. Thanks for the advice and compliments. I think I'll leave well enough alone. Wayne
  17. I enjoy responding to post on these forums and like to include a photo. When I do so the photo is huge ( a little embarrassing). Not sure why. Is there a way to decrease the size of a posted photo? Thanks Wayne 1941 Buick Super 51
  18. X-Frame I have had my license since 1961. Like you I have never had an accident. My last ticket was in 1968 for speeding at 3 a.m. on the Long Beach Freeway trying to get back the my ship before she sailed. Went to traffic court and the Judge let me off. Imagine that. As far as how things are on California roads today. Way too many people 39,000,000 last count, it seems like half of them drive. I am in favor of speed cameras. This state would have no money problem. There would be a budget surplus just from tickets on I-5. Cameras could be set to allow 5-7 miles over posted. ( there are areas now where posted is 70) I would love to see some of these Yahoos who pass me in a motor home pulling a 35' trailer at 80 - 85 mph get a big fat ticket. (the speed limit for all vehicles towing is 55) There are still a few areas around home where I can take the old Buick for a nice run and not be too stressed when I get back. Thanks for the chance to rant. Safe travels to all. Wayne
  19. Guess I put my pictures in the wrong place. Haven't figured this out yet. sorry Daves Buick. I Have to tell you the photo you posted is the body style my folks had in the late 40's. which started my love for the 41's took me 60 years to get one but I finally did.
  20. Yes, here we go again. I did try to do a search but i guess it's me. can't bring up any oil subject by using the word "OIL" I have been using Non-detergent 30 W (Auto Zone brand). Non-detergent motor oil is no longer sold in California. (or so I am told) My question is: what's a good replacement? My engine is original with 31K miles. I have not used detergent oil in the past. Will the use of detergent oil create a problem? Also like to get some feed back on 15-40 W detergent as a replacement. The climate here is hot in the summer and mild in the winter. Last question: Are we still able to preview post? I can't find that either. Thanks for the help.
  21. Re: The transport truck fire posted here. I keep my car in my garage which is attached to and part of the house structure Some of the comments regarding "old cars" and fire risk beg the question. Do fires in collector cars happen more often than in modern cars? Have you had a collector car fire? Do you keep the battery disconnected because of concern of a fire when the car is garaged? Thanks for the feed back Wayne 1941 Buick
  22. I also posted this question in the Pre War Buick forum. I am asking for feed back on the use of "Restore' oil additive to reduce smoking. (The car, not you) I have a 1941 Buick straight eight all original engine with just under 30K miles. It's starting to get some smoking when stopped in traffic. Sometimes a lot sometimes not so much. pretty sure it's oil use as it is grey in color. (rings?) Oil use has not been excessive. Have any of you had success in smoke reduction with this product? Thanks Wayne 1941 Buick
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