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CarNucopia last won the day on January 11 2016

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  1. I daily a manual car and bought it because I wanted to get one while I could. Genesis offered the G70 sedan with a 6 speed in 2019-2021. I believe it's the last RWD four-door to be offered in stick, other then the BMW M cars. Over the course of the three years, they sold less then 300. It's so rare, most of the people at the dealership I get it serviced at didn't know it existed. When I take it there, they need to be sure they have someone who car move it. For what it's worth, the few stick driving porters think it's really cool. 😁
  2. Uh….about that… Toyota CEO Akio Toyoda Steps Aside, Which May Accelerate the Company's EV Rollout
  3. If you end up doing a questionnaire with the car club and the other younger gearheads, can you post the results here? I think there’s more for us to learn from you about getting younger people involved then the other way around. Thanks for your enthusiasm and efforts!
  4. Matt, I'm starting to think you're in the pocket of Big EV. 😛 According to the US Senate: So the US is about .25% of total subsidies. Still to much, but hardly excessive compared to EVs.. And if you want to dig deeper and look to the International Energy Agency, you'll find out that the largest "subsidies" are countries with a state run oil industry. The US isn't even in the top 25. Value of fossil-fuel subsidies by fuel in the top 25 countries, 2022
  5. You make an interesting point. The biggest constraint on me having an older car was space. I played with motorcycles instead because I wasn't going to let my gearhead wants go unsatisfied. With regards to the OP, I should elaborate on the question. The second thing I'd ask is: is his goal is to get more people involved with old cars by getting them involved in the current way the hobby is structured. For example, does he want to help grow existing clubs membership? Or, does he just want to get younger owning old cars in whatever form it takes. More to the point, what does succuss in this project look like? I think it's great he's doing this project and I'm curious where he wants to take it.
  6. Thanks for sharing the results I’m curious, is your goal to get young, non-enthusiasts to become enthusiasts? Or is it to get enthusiasts of newer cars (Fast & Furious), into older cars?
  7. This is a bit of an apples-to-oranges comparison. The average age of a car on the road is 12+ years while the average EV is 3.5. Car fires are far more common in older cars due to poor maintenance. The reality is, it will be a while before there is enough data to isolate variables and make a like-for-like assessment.
  8. The Cord was commissioned by Simple Green to have a car for their SEMA booth. The company that did the conversion was Revolt Systems, who makes crate EV motors. I don't see this as much different as doing an LS swap in any car, and don't have a problem with it. I do think it's a bit of a shame they started with what seemed like a decent car. I spent a week driving a Mustang Mach E and was really impressed. However, I found the performance to be synthetic. The car enthusiast in me thinks EVs are interesting. The driving enthusiast part of me is uninspired.
  9. Bring a Trailer was acquired by Hearst Autos (publisher of Road & Track and Car and Driver). This certainly supports an notion mentioned above that auctions are becoming media properties for entertainment, not selling cars.
  10. I took the survey and wish you success with the project, and the TC. Once you get the car on the road, be sure to always have this in the glovebox. Carrying spares is important. 😉
  11. The picture superimposed behind Jerry is Cats Exotics north of Seattle.
  12. I’ll take “Cause and Effect” for $500 Alex. 😂
  13. @Hemi Joel Congratulations on the win. The car is beautiful.
  14. I agree they are pretty plentiful. I’d bet I could buy a half-dozen of them near home in a single day for $500 each. But I’d first want to be sure my tetanus shots are current. A set of new tires is worth more than the entire old/used unit. One that has been completely refurbished is an entirely different proposition.
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