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Everything posted by stealthbob

  1. Looks like fun...? I'm curious, is this something that you have done before? I only ask as I would love the challenge of doing mine as well but I have never touched a transmission before. I am leaning to farming mine out but I sure love to experience new challenges and learn new skills. The book is so explicit and thorough...surely if I follow that exactly I should be good? Any pit falls or things to consider that the book doesn't cover? Other than getting the wrong kit it looks like a whole lotta fun!
  2. O2 sensor is typically the main reason cars don't pass these tests...then the catalytic converter. What has worked for me is to put gas line antifreeze in your tank before the test, it burns a little hotter and more complete but starting with the items above you should be fine. I doubt you have that available though.....Its basically just Methyl hydrate or methanol.
  3. Loved it...very fitting music during the part where a Cadillac is sliding sideways bouncing and rolling all over and in the background is "Magic carpet ride" ...and that bridge that the Buick and alot of other cars almost misses! Yikes! Me just give me a Beer and it all starts to come out...
  4. This is why it is very rare to find.... The Special came with the 264 and Power Steering was an expensive option. Typically if people had more money and wanted PS they would go for the Century with the 322 or even a large series Super or Roadmaster. Good luck finding one, they are out there....also check adds for engines. I'll keep an eye myself but my bet Lamar finds it first
  5. ....no thanks needed to me! As I have said before, as a newb it is hard to "Pay back" all the great help I have received. So when these little things come along I am very gratified to be asked to help. Its nice that Willie decided to do the real work of transferring this off of tape and into the digital realm for it surely would have been lost forever. I just think of all the stuff that is locked away in some dark closet degrading away over time. If anybody has stuff like this on VHS and wants to "Restore" and save it, it's not that technically difficult to do. Using a "Capture Card" which can be external or internal (some PC's out there have them already built in) all that is needed is to connect the VCR to this device or PC press play and using the software record it. At this point you would have saved the video from loss to deterioration.The next step if you want it on-line is to trans-code it to an easier format which can be done simply with some free software out there then upload it to Youtube or Vimeo ...ect. I'm offering to help anyone if they want to share some old video....hell send me the vid and I will do it all myself. Just PM me and we can talk.
  6. I love the refueling.....everything was about aircraft then! I wonder what the oil looked like after all that?
  7. He does have a beauickful voice doesn't he..... hehehehe
  8. Try updating your Flash software.
  9. Geeze I forgot about this one.... Now I will carry that tune all day in my head....still deciding if that's a good thing.
  10. Man I missed March 22 as well.... Long Live the Nailhead! Here is one ready for its new life after arriving home...just needs its trade mark Buick Green
  11. Yea the misaligned-alignment was sorta tongue in cheek, it was referencing another........never mind. By chance was one of the models named Linda? ...Landau Linda as a nice ring to it.
  12. I also like how those colours also merge into the 54 line.... ...but this says it all to me: Then there is this....a slide show of all angles, with the lead 1954 Buick nut! (He has the ink on his arm to prove it folks!) Bob, the Landau's caretaker is in there but was camera shy....MrEarl was most definitely not! LOL <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/0RZY7KeVFqM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  13. Great news! I would love to see your pics though, I would like to help ya there. I think we have a how to for that, if not I will make one and link it. Off to work though....late, late, late
  14. The clear backup light was flat... This looks exactly like the normal Red Rear Lights right down to being "Guide" but only clear?
  15. Yep ...you bet ....ssshhhhh, I'm angling for a ride so don't mess this up k? Oh and BTW...were you cleverly calling me a Hoser or was that just a typo...
  16. Now that's comedy... Bob, you Sir have impressed me
  17. Whew....thank you for clearing that up. I retract any and all insinuations which may have diminished in any way her perfect and stately stature..
  18. Ooooh baby! Man what a turn eh....you must be completely bonkers right now! Your progress is rapidly getting rapid...geeze a little interior work and some tires and your off to Danvers!
  19. That was my point... Just got finished reading about the high judging standards, you know the ones that hold all to the "as it left the factory standard" and here we see a beautiful and historical show car with fitment issues. Thank you Bob again for being a great custodian for this piece of history. I can only hope to see it soon myself...maybe show the kids one day.
  20. So your tree looks like mine then... Its the thought of the chrome bill that keeps me up at night....
  21. Making me envious as well...also very inspired! You are big part of why I let my "Might as wells" carry me all the way to a full frame off. I have no where near the metal/rust work that you have so by watching you I have gained the motivation and the confidence to complete mine the way it should be done. Keep it up!
  22. .....Please pray tell for those of us who were not around to witness the next step in toy evolution from the cup and ball.
  23. They all suck....at some point!
  24. True enough... I sometimes forget though how narrow my experience is in all this and may speak out of turn. There is nothing wrong with the Trailer Queen set, frankly the thought of looking at that level of perfection is exciting. ....it's just not where I'm at now in my stage of the hobby, likely will never be. cha·cun à son goût!
  25. I get it...perspective is everything. I'm still so new at this so I am willing to agree that my outlook can change. I also think, after re-reading the posts, that I may have taken this thread off track and for that I apologize...this was about the methods that cause "over restoration" and not the effects. Driver vs Trailer Queen...I'm learning is close to the level of a "due's" thread I think.
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