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Everything posted by Den41Buick

  1. On 1941 Buick's with 16 inch wheels they call for 4" whitewalls, while 15 inch wheels call for 3 3/4". In my opinion the more the better.
  2. I purchased a 6 volt jump start several years ago on ebay. It was made by Battery Butler. I believe it was made in England. Not sure if they are still available, but I carry mine all the time.
  3. Thanks for all of the suggestions. I purchased EZ Cool insulation and will install that tomorrow. The bags of ice would only work so much. I will update as soon as I have tested it.
  4. I am looking for suggestions on how to stay cool on a very warm day in a prewar car. Last weekend I went for a 40 mile ride on an 80+ degree day and thought my sneakers were going to melt to the floor of the car. Actually I thought my feet were going to melt to my sneakers. The heat through the floor/firewall was incredible. Without dismantling the car does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks
  5. Juan, Welcome to world of 1941 Buicks. As the adverstsing said "The Best Buick Yet". You have already found Bob's and he is a good source for parts as well as Old Buick Parts in NJ. A must have is a book by Bob Anderson titled "Restoration Facts: 1941 Buick". It is a great reference to have and can be ordered at www.andersonautomotiveenterprises.com. As you will find they are great driving cars and very reliable too. There are plenty of 41 owners on this blog who I am sure will be willing to help you through the process. Best of luck.
  6. NADA Average retail $20,500 Average retail $36,800 High retail $55,000
  7. The serial number indicates it was made in Flint Michigan. You will need the data plate to indicate the series/model/color etc. Also, the engine number will indicate the small 248 or large 320.2 engine. The engine plate is on gthe passenger side near the oil filter on the 248 and back further the starter on the 320.2. If you get the info I can break it all down for you.
  8. I would suggest a change in oil as well. Maybe a 20W non synthetic oil. That is what I run in My 41 Buicks. I would do a compression check to make sure that the issue is not there first.
  9. As Old Car Fan said, once you go you are hooked, and when you get home you start counting the days to Hershey. The cars and the automobilia is awesome. My daughter has been going with us since she was two. She will walk some of the fields with me, but she finds much to do with my wife. They like Zoo America, Hershey museum, the outlets and Chocolate World. They look forward to this as much as any other vacation. Don't miss the opportunity to extend your stay in the area to visit Amish country, Gettysburg and even Philadelphia. We always extend on one end of the vacation to go somewhere else for a day or two. D.C is not far as well.
  10. The pre 1940's were grey. In 1941 the initial run of engines were gray as well. The remainder and majority were dante red. After 1941 the color was a blue gray with the exception of replacement engines which were black. Hope that helps.
  11. Better chance it is a 1941 Clipper. Not many 42's made before the war.
  12. Is there anyone making the 3 inch BCA medallion? I know the Minuteman Chapter has made a smaller 2 inch one. If anyone knows where to get the 3 inch one, please post it. Thanks
  13. There are plenty of parts available for 41 Buicks. Floor pans are alot easier to find. I have even seen them available on ebay. My first purchase would be the book by Bill Anderson called "Restoration Facts, 1941 Buick". It is a great book to give you an idea on 41 Buicks. Also, there is many parts providers for Buicks including CARS and Bob's Automobilia. Good luck with your project. They are great driving cars and not too difficult to keep running well.
  14. I am looking to have a boot for my 71c made. I am unsure of where the inside snaps need to be to hold the boot down. Are there any above the arm rests on the sides and in back of the seat? Pictures would really help. Thanks!
  15. I am a purist, but would welcome anyone saving a war Buick form the crusher, or worse a custom with a chevy small block. I can not see you not being welcomed at a BCA meet. Good luck on your restoration.
  16. 1941 Model 41 with the optional dual carbs. Not sure from the lack of interior pics if it has the "optional" super interior options. A great driving car.
  17. Happy New Year Anderson, In response to your post. From what I have seen done most of the time is the ventilator tube from the valve cover to the air cleaner, and a conventional "flat" oil filler cap. I saw at Hershey this year a 41 limited , a 41 51C, and 41 76C which was Doug Seybold's set up that way as well. Both of my 41's have the same configuration. I would make the assumption that this configuration was probably the most common and maybe the best as well. Dennis
  18. Anderson, I am jealous. The engine looks great, but it could really use a valve cover! My new one looks great! Thanks again. Dennis
  19. Tim, I looked everywhere. I saw no springs that big near any of the carbs or for that matter anywhere. I looked all over the firewall area and even under the manifolds. Sorry. Den
  20. Is that on a 248 or 320.2 dual carb setup? Let me know and I can take pics of one of my cars for you tomorrow.
  21. Thanks for the offer. Anderson is sending me his extra one. Looks like 41's are a family favorite for you too. I have a 71-C and a model 41 sedan. Just curious, what color is your dad's 71-C ?
  22. I am looking for a boot convertible cover for my 71-C. I have called Bob's and Hampton Coach. Only Hampton Coach has a boot for a 56-C. Does anyone know if this will work? I hate to spend $450 only to find out it will not fit. Does anyone know of another manufacturer? Thanks
  23. Looks to good to be true to me. A Super 8 in that condition should be 50K or more.
  24. 1. Doug Seybold's 1941 76-C Roadmaster 2. 1941 90-L Limited 3. 1941 51-C Super tie 1940 Limited 81-C Wish I could figure out how to add pics of all three to the forum. I think the files are too large. It was a great day!
  25. I am looking for a valve cover for a 320.2 CID for my 41 Buick. Must be in good shape. Thanks
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