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See Ya....

Bill Stoneberg

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Even though I live 50 miles from the coast, I am getting ready to head into Central Texas tommorrow morning. I have boarded up the house to protect it from the big tree in our backyard and we have our suitcases and picture albums packed.

Its really hard walking through a house trying to decide what to take and what not. In the end, we took 1 suitcase apiece and 1 picture album apiece and a cooler full of foor and drinks. Both Dee and I feel that they are only possesions and our lives are worth more then they are.I am leaving all my chrome and car parts in the house and trusting God to protect it.

Houston is closed the next few days and all the roads are full. The gas stations and grocery stores are even worse, but everyone is being polite. You haven't heard of anyone getting shot over gas.

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Have previously had to make similar decisions here with bushfires and know what your going through.

My best wishes go to you and Dee and all your fellow Texans.

Hoping all goes well and we can still catch up for that beer next month.

There's an old Australian saying " she'll be right mate " , lets hope it's true on this occasion.


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Guest imported_MrEarl

My heart goes out to all of you in the path of Rita...I've been living with her for 24 years. tongue.gif

I'm sorry, I just had to go ahead and get that out. crazy.gif

Seriously my heart does go out to everyone who will be affected by this storm, especially those who are going throuh it a second time. May God bless and take care.

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Good luck and be safe. Even though we are 100+ miles inland here in the San Antonio area, EVERYONE is taking this one seriously.

The emergency generator is gassed up, and I only have one last run to make to get some emergency supplies.

Ironically, the Katrina evacuees have been moved out of the Houston Astrodome because......it has a GLASS roof!

What a strange year!


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Alot of folk's are headed here to San Antonio, Tx. and the traffic on the east side of town is horrable. So if your headed here, alow lots of extra time. I am so proud of my town, we still have an unreal amount of people from "Katrina" and now more are coming! I still say that's why the "Spur's" are so great.We have a town that has a Heart and this town has so much to offer bcause of it's wounderfull people! Bill, if your coming here let me know in a private msg maybe we can get together fo a cup of coffe. Hans

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I have made it to my Sister's house this afternoon in Temple Texas this afternoon. Its only 180 miles from home but it took us 10 hours to get here. It would have taken us longer but I know back roads.

All the freeways leaving Houston are full, 14 - 20 hours from Houston to Dallas 12 to Austin and San Antonio.

I guess that happens when you try to evacuate 3.5 million people in 3 days time. I am glad I left when I did.

I ran into some great people on the road, including a family from the east part of town who had left 6 hours earlier then I did. Theyt were makig sandwhiches, so I traded cokes for sandwhiches. I also met this great fireman who unlocked my car door after I locked myself out while getting gas.

All in all not a bad trip except for the time it took.

Now time to get a frosty mug....

Stuart, I will let you know whats going on after the storm.

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Hey Bill

Glad you and Dee had a safe trip...sounds like an extension of our summer adventure!

I cannot believe that anyone from Houston went north. It seems that everyone is on IH-10 going west to San Antonio. Last night on my way home from work at midnight heading east from San Antonio to Seguin 30 miles away the westbound traffic was constant and congested, and it was worse tonight. On my way into work at 2p I could not even get on the interstate and had to take the 'scenic route' and that was somewhat congested also (seems some from Houston have maps and an imagination and will try alternate routes). At least I could go east to Seguin since at Seguin the eastbound lanes had westbound traffic all the way to Katy. All of the service stations had long lines and some I understand have had trouble keeping pumps open. At least the prices have not went up much (3c since yesterday). Cell phone service is sporatic due I guess to overload.

Give me a call or come by this weekend if your relatives run out of beer and we can plot an escape route to Katy.


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Guest imported_MrEarl

Willie, I hope you are on high ground. I'm hearing that the storm will likely stall and dump lots of rain up your way. Everybody in Texas is on my prayer list.

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Guest 53Nailhead

Hey Bill, I've been watching the news & they keep showing the Katy Hwy. all jammed up, so I've been thinking about you & your family. Hope everything works out exactly the way you want it to...God speed!!


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We are 200+ miles west of the predicted landfall, so we will just get a hot north wind (30mph) and little or no rain.

On Wednesday night for the 20 miles I drive east on IH10 I was passed by a constant stream of buses.

Looks like New Orleans will get more action...


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A sad story from the local paper.....

CONROE - A young Pasadena boy who was evacuating with his parents and unintentionally left behind at a convenience store today is back with his family, police said.

The 10-year-old boy was reunited with his father around 3 a.m. today, said Conroe police spokesman Sgt. Bob Berry.

"We just kept calling his mother's cell phone,'' Berry said.

Child Protective Services in Dallas, meanwhile, got involved and made contact with the father.

"He made it here, and they turned around and went back to Dallas," Berry said.

The family, traveling in a five-car caravan from Pasadena to Dallas to escape Hurricane Rita, stopped at a Conroe store Thursday and forgot to check for the boy before they left, police said.

Police received a call from the store about noon and took the boy to the police station, where he stayed until his father arrived.

Berry said he did not talk to the father, but said he thinks the parents probably thought the boy had gotten into another family member's car and did not realize he was missing until they all reached Dallas.

"It was strictly unintentional,'' he said.

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I'm glad you made it safely. I ran into a guy tonight who was working on an offshore rig who was dumped in Austin with his 60 lb. backpack and three days per diem. I bought him some "dinner" and some smokes from the Diamond Shamrock, but he was a bit too drunk to offer a ride to. I noticed a bunch more traffic up this way, too. I have a bunch of friends in Houston, who are gonna ride it out. They said traffic was a worse nightmare than the storm. I wish them well.


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I am home now with power, food and some gas.

West Houston was spared the storm. I hardly got any rain at all out of this, just sprinkles and wind according to my neighbors.

I came home back roads again just in case.

Would I leave again ? Yes, in a heartbeat. The next time though I will leave earlier.

Thanks for all your prayers.

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Glad to see you are back home and safe and sound. I do not recall seeing anything in the prior messages (just scanned them) - what did you do with your cars?. True they are just that -cars, and certainly not a priority when family safety comes first, but it must be difficult to leave these cars behiend.


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I left my 88 station wagon and my 98 dodge truck in the driveway. Dee and I did not want to take 2 cars and be seperated, so we took the newest truck. After talking to friends who took 2 cars, I am glad we were together.

My 47 is still being fixed in Cleveland and the 50 is still at the

woodworkers in Fargo so they were both safe and sound.

Thanks for asking.

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