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2004 St. George's Traditional DF'ers Lunch

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Folks, it's that time of year to sign-up for the DF Lunch at St. George's.

Appreciate it so I can give them a "Heads Up" as to how many to expect.

NOTE TO ALL: From experience and based upon the time frames of some seminars, it is "totally" informal for a quick bite. Do not think that it will disrupt your Seminar interests. Good chance for fresh air, St. George's is a short walk, grab a sandwich, put a face to a key-board, then, scoot back to the meeting...

Thanks in advance, Peter. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

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Guest BruceW

No invitation needed..... the DFers just show up! All DFers are welcome!

St. George's Restaurant is about 1 1/2 blocks from the rear entance of the hotel. The DFer's migrate over there at lunchtime after their last morning seminar they attended and we all get together for food and laughs. Father Ron usually has some inspiring words to say. And all DFer's present are acknowledged so everyone knows everyone. Its a totally casual event.

Peter always tries to give the restaurant a rough head count due to the fact that the forward dining room that the DFers use is rather small (although its probably the largest in the restaurant) and to let the staff know that a large crowd is coming. But if the actual count is over or under by a few doesnt make a difference. Some people don't know until lunch time whether or not their schedule will allow them to make it.

Come on down and join the fun!


From the hotel lobby..walk to the left side of the lobby (away from the registration desk) past the escalators and through the back door. This puts you in an enclosed foyer connected to the rest of the building. (If you look left when exiting the hotel, you will see a statue of two portly men talking). Turn to the right and exit through the double doors to the street (Race Street). Turn left and walk up the street. You will immediately cross 16th street and continue to and cross over 15th Street. From here you will see a parking lot on the right corner of the next block and the first building next to the parking lot is a small brick building with St. George's Restaurant on the sign. Enter the door, walk past the counter and to the left. We are usually in the front dining room.

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I'll hoist a few with you, Sal...after that lady at Hershey told us to get a life, I could use a brew. (In Feb, it will be 4 months, so, she didn't rattle me too bad...)

Regards, Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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And exposure it is. My 14 year old son, Mike, and I will definitely be there. I've also got to finish my club banner for the hotel foyer, and make a DFer poster for the registration desk, just in case anyone else wants to come and missed the announcement. I predict that one day we, as a group, will outgrow St. George's and may have to plan something entirely new or at least someplace with a bigger room. I'd like to have a place big enough and quiet enough so that everyone can stand up and introduce theirselves. Sorry, long winded again. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Wayne

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Getting to St. George's from the hotel is fairly easy, but I included a map that might help orient the first timers not accustomed to the area.

Hope it helps.

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Bruce, Which way in South on that map? <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> In case of hasty retreat, remember, they know I'm coming this time. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Also, bring it back to the top...I'm registered for the big party! Wayne

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south is to the top of the map (Race street is on southern side of the hotel).

I know this irregular in most maps...but

I drew the map so if someone was standing in the Wyndham lobby with the map held in front of them, they could follow the map without having to turn the map upside down or get confused on which direction to turn.

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St. George's is really a great, inexpensive place to go for the DF'ers luncheon, but if we ever found that the group got too large, I'm sure the hotel itself could find a room for us. (Given all the money AACA drops at the hotel each year, the room may even be available for free.) Last year the kids had a pizza luncheon in a room off the lobby. We could consider doing something similar if space became a problem. For me, the "where" is less important than meeting all the "Whos" who choose to attend.

Jan K.

Wis Region

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Yea, we may get a free room and then a third class meal for $25 (or more) and they won't serve pitchers of beer (just bottles at $5 a pop). Peter would not like that, Sal would not like that, and I would not like that. Figure there might be a few others although we recognize this is not a drinking club, there just is no better liquid with one of their fantastic Philly Steak sandwiches. The where is important for the tradition, even if we are a little crowded.

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Hi, Ron...I agree 100% to maintain St. George's as the traditional meeting place.

Looks like we are on target to have the normal 15-18 people, so, I see no reason to even consider another location, such as a free room at the Wyndham.

Regards, Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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I rarely post, but read this every day. This will be my first annual meeting, with my motivation to attend the Newletter session since I started doing one for our region in July. I'll invite myself to St. Georges. It'll be interesting to see how the internet poster personalities match up with their real ones.

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Thanks for posting 40LUV, I hope we don't disappoint you. But, I was there last year and other then the women, I'm afraid we're a motley group. If you see some of us wearing strange head gear, they're the ones that got there early. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" /> They serve beer, you know. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Stop by our Forum Booth in the Trade Center too. We'd love to see you. Wayne

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Bringing this back to the "Original" thread topic:

Trying to get an estimated head count for the DF'ers Lunch at St. Georges restaurant.

Please, just state your name. All DF members are welcome.

Thank you, Peter J.

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As of yesterday, it looks like we WILL be coming to Philly after all. I put our names in before, but now you can ink us in.

And please, don't misunderstand my comments above. I LOVE meeting at St. George's and strongly feel we should continue to do so as long as space allows. However, the DF group is growing and we're bound to outgrow the space before too long. Since time is always of the essence, the hotel seemed a likely alternative spot to gather. Hey, if enough of you guys chip in, Vern and I will get a suite and we can hold the party there! (The sandwich shops deliver, right? And one or two of us could make the requisite beer run. How heavy is a keg?)

Jan K.

Wis Region

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Moving the lunch from the St. George is sort of like moving Hershey to the York fair grounds. confused.gif

Give up all that ambiance, fine cuisine, cultural surroundings, and association with the social elite? Goodness. shocked.gif

Just sorry I won't be there. Somebody have a tongue sandwich for me. At least say you did. grin.gifgrin.gif

Peter, will you be taking our new Exec. Dir. with you guys? Break him in right.


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Well, folks, I had to be the bearer of bad news...

I looked up St. George's Restaurant on the net to get a phone number to make the reservations today...low & behold, the page opened with big letters saying: "Property for Sale - St. George's Restaurant".

If you have a cool $1.3-M, it's all yours.

I phoned them anyway, and a lady said the bar is open, but, the restaurant has closed permanently.

If anyone gets there say, Thursday, and could scout out another location, I'm for it, or, maybe we could just meet in the lobby for a get-together?

Sen-loi, folks.

Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />

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Umm, Now I know Howard's not coming this year, but you know another little endowment to the AACA or maybe you and Ron Barnette could get together and buy the place. OK, Does anyone want me to check with the Philly Committee to see about getting a seminar room for us. I will be up Thursday myself. Actually the hotel restaurant is pretty large, but of course it won't be the same. Open for suggestions? Wayne

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Peter, we went through the same exercise a couple of years ago. Turned out there were two St. George's in Philly and it was the other one that had closed. I walked by the other one and could see why it would shut down. Are you sure you called the right one?

Sally and I will be going up on Wednesday, so will have some time to check things out if your words of doom are valid.

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Chuck and Ron...sorry to report that they did in fact close the restaurant.

I just phoned to confirm if this is "our" St. George's 1 block from the hotel, and, the bar manager said, yes it is. He also confirmed that they serve little food, and, have very limited seating now.

Phone: 215-564-2268

Address: 1422-24 Race St.

Go to www.rasbrokerage.com/properties/StGeorges/StGeorgesFlyer.htm

They have a picture of "our" building.

Sen-loi, again...


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My two seafood restaurants are too far from the hotel to work out. They were dinner hangouts anyway. Besides one of them has gone out of business too. What's with these places. Did we drive them under? Now don't try to hang it all on me, just because I won't be there to defend myself. grin.gif ~ hvs

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Here is a possible idea.

There is a TGI Fridays within about the same walking distance..maybe a little shorter..except you would exit the building through the doors on the 17th street side of the building (to right of lobby and opposite of those going to St. George's. Its a straight walk down to the corner..cross the street and TGI Fridays is to the right. Its visible from the rooms on that side of the building.

Di and I ate there last year.. its not gourmet dining.. but its large enough for get together and they sell beer if you like.

Just a thought

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