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While nosing around Hershey the last few years, I've noticed a multitude of $150k RV's perched be hide a pair of retirees with $200 worth of parts to sell in the swap fields.

My question is: Are these people only vending for the tax write off to deducted their travel expenses as they wheel around the US at their leisure? They can claim a business loss, and deducted the lease payment on the RV, fuel, and meals. all they have to do is answer some stupid parts questions. Typically, they are the unfriendliness folks to deal with.

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PLEASE! Don't get me started on this topic! How anyone can justify the cost of a $600,000.00 motor home is beyond my ability to comprehend. The fact that they sell,(or attemp to) low end crap is laughable. If they have to flaunt their welth step up and put some Dusenberg, Hispano, or Bugatti parts out there for us to walk by.

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First let me say that I do not, never have and never will own a motorhome of any size or price range. I like to check out of the motel/hotel in the morning and leave my mess behind.

Now, my thoughts on those motor homes in the Hershey flea market. What they drive is their right and if someone can afford a 600K motor home they have earned it. Should they be expected to go out and buy a used cheap junker for flea market use? That is their motorhome of choice and they have every right to park it in their spaces without being carped at for the price of their rig. Some independent truckers could do their jobs just as well with a basic tractor, but choose to spend zillions of dollars on their rigs. Do we criticize them? H*** no. We admire their rigs. cool.gif

Now what is really happening here is that they have flea market spaces and want to park in the flea market and let that be their base of operations. Lots of people do that with their cars and vans. The flea market regulations state that the spaces cannot be used solely for parking, so they comply with LETTER of the law and sell a few parts. So what's the problem? [censored] about what they sell and not about the size or cost of their motorhome. I have as much tied up in my Yukon XL as a modest motor home would cost and I can't live in a Yukon. Enough of this class warefare. Stick to parts.

But as usual that is just my opinion.


PS: Tommy, try and take those deductions you mentioned and you are looking for a visit from Mr. IRS agent, and it won't be no social call. grin.gif


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Whoa Hoe, Did somebody say zillions of dollars? <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" /> Actually most high end tractors go for around $110,000 to 120,000. Then you get to add all those LED lights at about $15.00 each. Wow, Count the number of lights you see on those rigs the next time one passes you. I've got a young fellow working for me driving a spotless '85 Pete he paid $27,000 for. But, of course he has spent about $15,000 in chrome and lights. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" /> Hey, he's not married, so what the heck. Anyway like Howard said, if you have the spot at Hershey, I guess you can put what you want on it. I'll bet it looks better than that open trailer I saw this year with a camper shell and port-a-pottie on the back. Innovative? Yes, but not real pretty, kinda like the used parts you buy at the flea market, not pretty until you wotk on them. Wayne

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Dave, Just because it's a Pete doesn't mean you have to pay a fortune for it. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> When it gets here in February, I'll attach a picture....Ummm, uh, I'll be using it to haul my antiques around, right?, Yea, Right. Got to keep it car related. 550 hp Cat, 18 speed, flat top sleeper..wind resistance, you know. Gotta keep my fuel usage down so Dave doesn't hate me. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Wayne

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Couldn't afford it Rick. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> And, just what are you trying to tell me?? <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> Sal, exactly what do you park in the flea market space? A MOTOR HOME? <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> No wonder Dave Devine was with you at Hershey. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Wayne

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Me too Sal, but like those other people I try to bring enough to sell to be legal. smile.gif And every now and then darned if somebody doesn't buy somethin. cool.gif But then I have to pay sales tax to PA. And when you consider the cost of the space, gas from Wyoming, motels enroute, 4 nites in a Hershey area motel and meals, I probably don't lose more than $1000 every year. I keep coming back, but the same thing seems to happen every year. confused.gif


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Howard, I guess I overlooked the obvious in my first reply, the amount of spaces needed to park a motor coach, tag along car on towbar, and cardtable for "parts". Those 6-8+ spaces could be filled with multiple vendors, even some first timers, with a true desire to sell parts.

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Bob ~ Hershey flea market spaces are 10x20. I have 2, one to sell from and one to park in. What should I do, give up one space and haul my stuff in from the parking lot in the next township on my back? My Yukon is about 7'x 18+'. That takes up one space. A 45' motorcoach takes up 3 spaces, 4 max with a car or trailer tagging along [rare]and the card table. That is 1/2 of the 6-8 spaces you mentioned.

I used to have 2 flea market buddies who bunched their 2-36'[approx]motor homes together and used only 4 spaces and had room to sell out in front. That's no more spaces for 2 guys with 2 motorhomes than the 2 I used for me and my Yukon. 6-8 spaces is overstating the case.

Perhaps we should have a redistribution of wealth in the flea market. Take from the haves [# of spaces] and give to the have nots. But what about those BIG vendors like Dennis Carpenter and Coker Tire. Should they be cut back in number of spaces because a bunch of other folks could each use one or two of their spaces? Robin Hood at his best. smirk.gif


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Howard, Please don't dump the class envy line on me, this is about PARTS in the fleamarket, and the space needed to sell them. I'm trapped in the memories of the good old days when Hershey was full of pickup trucks filled with parts. We'll all be saying the same thing about the show that goes with the fleamarket in a few years. Why try to park half a mile down the road when any wreck old enough to get in with a Drivers Participation pass will get you on the show field? For the record I can fit my E-350 across the back of my two spaces, unhook my trailer after unloading it and setup a 10x20 sun sheild, whatever space is left over is covered with parts.

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Bob ~ It was your opening comment about the $600,000 motor homes that raised the class envy issue. Nothing more.

You said, "PLEASE! Don't get me started on this topic! How anyone can justify the cost of a $600,000.00 motor home is beyond my ability to comprehend."

I know you personally, and know that is not the case with you. BUT, the mention of motor home cost ahead of the parts and space issue certainly had "class envy" written all over it.

There are some who would glomb onto the $$$ statement, and that really is not the issue here. Spaces are, parts are, but not how much people spend for their traveling equipment.

Again, my class envy comment was a general statement on the issue as raised and not directed at you personally. You just happened to be the first one to mention $$$.


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my point of this post is:

If you own or have access to a 100k+ RV, your not going to be at hershey earning a living selling $300 worth of parts.

So, it you are not there to sell parts,, why are you there?.. in the swap fields......

easy parking?

Showing the IRS that you are running a small business out of the over priced rig?

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So what you are saying tommy is that a person with a 100k motor home shouldn't sell their surplus or left over restoration parts at Hershey. What should they do with them?

Granted that I don't have a 100K motor home, or ANY motor home for that matter, but I have never sold a part at Hershey other than stuff I had left over from a restoration, bought in a bunch of stuff to get one or two items out of the lot or parts I had left over after selling one of my cars. And tommy, I have sold thousands of dollars worth of such parts. I have NEVER bought ANYTHING for the purpose of reselling it at Hershey. I have made a few purchasing screwups and sold that merchandise to get rid of it.

It appears not to have occurred to you that someone who can afford a 100K motor home would ever restore a car or have a left over part to sell. Suppose he has only a few hundred dollars worth of stuff he doesn't want any more. Should he be criticized, as you are doing, for bringing it to Hershey to sell from his 100K motor home.

Lousy, rich, rotten SOBs with 100K motor homes shouldn't be allowed in the flea market, right? They probably shouldn't even be allowed in the Club.

Your remark, "Showing the IRS that you are running a small business out of the over priced rig?" smacks of class envy. If you can't have it, no one should have it, and if they do, it must be for some evil purpose.


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Howard, if I may, I believe the jist of what is trying to be relayed is that people may be using the space to avoid walking 1/2 mile, fighting for a parking space, staying at a campground etc..

To make this seem a little less apparant they pretend to be renting that spot for the purpose of selling parts which is obviously secondary to the above.

If you want to pretend it's a NASCAR event and park your motorhome in the middle of the action then just pay for the space(s), put left over parts out for sale for sure, but don't pretend that is your main concern. grin.gif

Actually if someone wanted to rent the space dig a hole and make a natural hottub it would be their business and could do so as long as they invite everyone and return the space to it's previous condition.

Stop picking fights Howard, have some egg nog. grin.gif


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David ~ I'm not picking fights. I just can't abide some of the carping about apparent wealth of others. frown.gif

There was a time when you probably could have dug a swimming pool, but now with most everything paved we couldn't get away with it. frown.gif You might try it in the White Field since there have been years when the water supply was already on hand under the cardboard that folks had to spread out to keep their feet dry. grin.gifgrin.gif

Now for the record. I have been selling in the flea market for over 30 years out of everything ranging from the back seat of a VW Thing in the '70s to my current Yukon XL. It has ALWAYS been about a place to park. grin.gif What can be better than to have a spot in the middle of where you want to shop and also be able to unload a bit of unwanted "stuff". grin.gif Over the years my sales totaled thousands of dollars, but I never made enough in total to cover my total expenses over the period. frown.gif I met the letter of the flea market rules as do hunderds of other vendors both rich and poor. smile.gif

Gee--- I never even thought about taking illegal tax deductions. shocked.gif Some people only suspect of others what they would do themselves in a similar situation. frown.gif

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You are correct....

Howard, you are filling in the blanks like an old "add libs" book.....

Never the less, I can understand your train of thinking for your area of the country. The east coasters are a bit more crafty...

Happy holidays all... and will pick it back up after the 1st of the year.

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Tommy ~ You missed again. I was born, raised and lived in Baltimore until I moved west in 1991 at age 58. The problem I have with this whole issue may be more generational than regional. smile.gifsmile.gif


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I want to thank all you guys for discussing this topic without a single shot being fired. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> I feel I now can stick my head above my desktop again. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" /> Wayne

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Hey Terry,

I found a timing chain for my '37 Super 8 in the Yellow Field this year. I started not to go down but saw a person selling out of the trunk of his '99 300M. Turns out it was all Packard stuff and he left within an hour of his sale to me. You never know what or where you are going to find that rare item! grin.gif


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Geez Howard, It's funny how this thread is going. If I could afford that big motorhome, I think I'd want to park it in the flea market and be in the center of the action. For the price that our friends at Herco charge for parking, food, etc, it makes since to have a motorhome parked there. The guy with the motorhome probably spends less money to stay in the flea market and cook in his motorhome than someone else who has to pay to park, and then get slammed $3 for a hamburger. The best part is that the guy with the motorhome doesn't have to walk into the next zip code to take something back to his vehicle if he buys something. Especially if you're at the age where you can't get around that well.

One thing that is good about AACA is that the club isn't based solely on money. If you have a $100,000+ Packard, a $3,000 Cushman scooter, or a '78 AMC Pacer, you still have to score 365 points for a first junior, and how much money you have in your pocket has nothing to do with it. A first junior for that Packard is the same trophy as it would be for a Cushman scooter or a Pacer. You can see the money on the show field, the RV's and even with the pulling rigs that haul these cars to the show. I've seen fully enclosed trailers painted up to match the $500,000 RV, the tractor trailers with hydrualic liftgates, ordinary pickups with open or enclosed trailers, and the DRIVERS. But the beauty of the club is that even with limited funds, you can still get involved and participate and win.

The club is set up where it allows for the young, old, wealthy, and average income person to join and participate. Maybe a younger person can't afford that Packard, but he can afford to have that Rupp mini-bike and still take all of the same awards and have the fun.

....The sad part is that it is cheaper for us to enter a car in the show for Hershey than it is to pay to park. It also has allowed us to have better parking because of having the show trailer. After seeing the advantage, we probably won't ever go to Hershey again unless we bring something for the show. For someone who takes offense for a high dollar motorhome being parked in the flea market, if he doesn't like it, he can do the same thing. Perhaps if HERCO were to lower their prices on things, maybe less of this stuff would happen. From my vantage point, that guy with the motorhome is SMART.

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ok you got me. But the point I was trying to make about the flea market, is that HERCO has inflated the prices bad enough to where it's a better deal to have a space or show a car than it is to be a spectator. When you can spend the same or less money and have the convenience of being in a good spot, it's worth it. Some guys have the $500,000 motor homes, while others have tents.

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Yes, And I have to stay in an "economy" motel run by foreigners. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" /> And guess what, the place smelled funny before I got there. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Wayne

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