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Unknown chassis and motor


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Hello everyone,

I am hoping someone has an idea on what these Chassis may be, I am thinking race track around 1915. One is a very small wheelbase similar to a track car the second has the same layout but is much larger. Not my vehicles but if its significant id try help save it from the scrapyard.





Dont Know1.jpg

Dont Know2.jpg

Dont Know6.jpg

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The chassis mounting brackets on the back of the engine are for a wider frame. So the engine was most likely out of a larger car. But I do not recognize the maker at this point, although I know I have seen that exhaust manifold on something before?

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I "think" I have seen something like that, but it must have been nearly 50 years ago! If I remember rightly, it was a "Maxwell"! I aren't real sure, I only saw it once and as most of you know (or will soon find out) memory can get a bit twisted with age!!!

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The engine in the shortened chassis is definately not the correct engine.  The correct engine for these Overland's can be seen to the right of the shortened chassis in the full length chassis (first photo).

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