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'pills' actually came with vintage car bought new -yes medical pills haha


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For years the new cars came with 'pills' lol among medical liquids.......what the heck the pills are for i have no idea ! .....and the american person doing the report on the car has no idea either ....and cracks up laughing when they show the factory supplied  'pills'.........worth the watch on youtube ......" 1988 Volga Gaz 24-10 is a hilarious bad soviet russian car "

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This reviewer is clueless. The lack of context is just astounding. I have seen several of his videos over the years. At the moment I am recalling the one for the Yugo. It was a terrible car apparently because it had simple heater controls and screws with no covers over them, and several similar "problems". I've worked on a few Yugos when they were current or almost. They aren't great, but are far from the worst thing I ever worked on in those days. I would call them middling. He clearly has no idea how bad cars got in the malaise era, or what sort of problems people had with the poorer examples after taking out a loan to buy them. Hint: it wasn't screw covers. Other videos show a similar lack of understanding.


As for the Volga, from what I hear from an ex co-worker it was regarded as fairly good among Soviet cars, but wasn't available to just anyone. Maybe if you were a diplomat, spy, KGB, etc. you might be able to get on the waiting list for one. I probably wouldn't try the pills..... :ph34r:




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I haven’t watched the video, but I do know that my ‘64 GAZ came with a well-stocked first aid kit.  The one in my car is still rather complete.  All the contents are labeled in Russian, so I am not sure exactly what they are.  My guess is that the liquids are antiseptic for cuts, maybe salve for burns, and so forth.  I expect the pills are aspirin or some similar OTC pain killer, but don’t know for sure.  The kit also has the usual sampling of bandages, as well as a stout rubber strap that may be used as a tourniquet or a sling.  Similar kits appear to have been standard equipment in other Soviet cars as well, including the LADA and Moskvich.


Hey, in the US, some Cadillacs (maybe others) came with perfume!  Given a choice, I’d rather have the first aid box.

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1 hour ago, Akstraw said:


Hey, in the US, some Cadillacs (maybe others) came with perfume!  Given a choice, I’d rather have the first aid box.

Cadillacs of the late teens and early twenties came with flower holders

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