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Beast of Turin Movie

V. K. Shirk

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I followed along, somewhat, about the story of The Beast of Turin race car back a couple of years ago.  I found a video on YouTube that says it is a trailer for the movie.  Was there a movie produced about it?  I didn't remember it.  Does anyone know the name of the movie?  I couldn't find a movie...I'm assuming they mean a full length movie perhaps about how it was produced or restored or ???

Verne Shirk

Wichita, KS

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I don't know about a movie but the story of the car is amazing. If I have my facts right, and that is a very big if, there were two identical race cars made. One was kept by the factory and the other one was sold. The one that was sold was raced around England and was then shipped to Australia, where it was raced some more. Eventually the motor was replaced by a more modern power plant but the chassis was deemed too valuable. After several power plants the car was retired sometime in the late 20s I believe and wound up in a museum in Australia for early race cars. By that time, nobody recognized the chassis as a beast of Turin chassis and the car was identified with the last guy who raced it.


Then, towards the end of the last century or the beginning of this one, this guy in England is able to buy the chassis from the museum. The second race car chassis disappeared along the way but the factory kept the motor. The guy in England identified the chassis he had bought out of Australia as the Beast of Turin chassis and was able to convince the factory to part with the motor. He put the two together. I would hope the movie would cover this remarkable story of the car's survival and I too would love to see it.

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