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FS Early Dodge Engine

Steven Meixner

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I was going to ship something via Fastenal to the west coast, when I asked for a quote was told they cannot right now move less than truckload (LTL) shipments into certain western areas, including Washington State...



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I’m all for containing the virus, and I understand isolation, masks, all that stuff.


What I don’t understand is that Fastenal will ship to the mid west, and then further in that direction it’s a no mans land.  What changes going over the mountains?


Im sure there’s some reason, just not one I can intuit. Is that a word?

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People are out, working from home, on mandated quarantine due to Covid employees they have been in contact with.  Most every business has seen the impact in some way.  Our local bank was closed for two days for deep cleaning, same for the convenience store a mile from my home, closed for two days.  Mail delivery is just getting somewhat back to normal.  Big snows in the Rockies are adding to the confusion too.  My wife works for a farm equipment retailer.  Getting replacement parts has been incredibly difficult task.  The vaccine may help with these issues but it will take time.

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My guess is they don't have any trucks coming this direction empty. I hear all these stories in forums about how great Fastenal shipping is, but I have never been able to arrange it, not once. I have not tried since the pandemic began, so that wasn't a factor. I am in central Washington State, and have an enormous Fastenal store about 10 blocks from my house.

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On 2/4/2021 at 4:02 PM, trimacar said:

I’m all for containing the virus, and I understand isolation, masks, all that stuff.


What I don’t understand is that Fastenal will ship to the mid west, and then further in that direction it’s a no mans land.  What changes going over the mountains?


Im sure there’s some reason, just not one I can intuit. Is that a word?


I think the word you're looking for is manufactured.


We're west of the big muddy and the big hill and haven't missed a day of work driving to and from since this s&%^storm started a year ago....


Sure, we mask up, wash our hands till our skin falls off and eat in a lunch room with NO MASK. We social distance (at times) and still here we are... up right and working hard daily. The building I work in is two floors, constant movement, visitors in and out daily so the common sense rule must be working as we have no fatalities or illnesses reported. Why are other parts of the globe not able stay in business or visit certain locations is still a mystery to me. Why fastenal consider us no mans land is a joke to be quite frank.


Manufactured is the only word that I can come up with to explain why anything happens anymore. 

Life has been normal out west no matter what you might hear or see. There are some places who have been "profiled" unfortunately and they have been hurt badly due to the manufacturing process, but for the most part, life is normal for the rest of us. That is until we go to certain places who have gestapo leaning views who want to shut it ALL down. 


There is absolutely nothing that should be preventing anyone such as the OP from sending parts across country from coast to coast. I have a few trucker friends that can vouch for that... For the past year they travel to and from (not parts related) without any problems until they run into someone who has a wild hair full of power as they put it. 

Edited by 30DodgePanel (see edit history)
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