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1995 Park Avenue Drive train noise

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  Folks, my PA has developed a "roar" or "growl" in the drive train.  I am totally lost on front wheel drive.  I don't know how to diagnose. I am hoping it is external of the transaxle.  No vibration. No clunking.   Impression is speed related. I notice no change when OD kicks in.  Reaches loudest at 45-50. Not terribly loud, just enough to be worried and know "sumpin ain't right"  . All thoughts and ideas appreciated.




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Nothing there you haven't seen before beyond maybe the CV joints. Could it be a wheel bearing? CV joints tend to click when they're failing, not roar. But there are still wheel bearings up front like any other car and they do roar when they go bad. The differential isn't any different if it's in the front or back, so it might rumble like a rear end might. Does it sound like a rumble or a whirring?


Are you able to localize the noise? Turns? Acceleration? Speed? That would help narrow it down. But don't be afraid of it, there's nothing scary in there. 

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Front hub bearings are a bolt-on situation.  Usually about $100.00+ a side, depending upon where you get them.


Once, a neighbor thought he needed a new rear hub bearing for his '90s Regal.  "Roaring" noise, he said.  I sold it to him.  He returned it a week later.  Wear pattern on the rear tire.  New tires fixed it.  So, check the wear pattern on the front tires, for good measure.


Jack up a front wheel and listen as you turn the wheel slowly.  Then do the same on a rear wheel and compare the sounds.  Might need a stethoscope or broom handle section to listen with?



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Thanks for the replies. Not the aahhhhw, I know, I was hoping for. So shoot me! I am a dreamer.


  I have had the flu, m'lady has been under the weather so have not had an opportunity to work on the rascal. I will let you know what I find.


  Turns have no effect. Same for acceleration.  Road speed ! Does not change with shifts.  Maxes out at 45-50.  Noticeable drop in noise as speed drops to 25.


  I will find it.





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Hub Bearing, my guess too..


Have passenger ride in car with windows down.

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My money is on a bad hub bearing.  You should be able to listen and determine whether it is front or rear.  I have isolated left/right side by driving slowly (as in a parking lot) and turning the car left then right.  This will load the hub on one side and unload the other.  For example, turning left will load the RF hub.  If the growl or roughness increases, that's where I'd look first.  Also, I have found that unless the bearing is really loose/worn you may not necessarily be able to feel anything by simply jacking the wheel and spinning by hand.

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