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Sad news, Cecil Bozarth

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I don't think this was posted, and I just heard this AM that Cecil passed away on May 24.  He was a long term regular poster here, very nice guy.


Will load obituary later as I have not been able to with phone app.

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11 hours ago, Steve_Mack_CT said:

Thanks VL.  Cecil I think had quite a few friends here.  Sometimes we get to know our virtual friends pretty well over time!

That is true. And sometimes they become friends IRL also. I feel I personally have made many virtual friends and a couple real life friends here as well. There is always a tinge of sadness when I read of fellow members who have passed, even though I haven’t known any. 

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  • 1 year later...

Hi all, This is Andrea, Cecil's wife.   I found his log in on my computer.   I am sorry to borrow it and will make my own, but wanted to briefly say thank you for these postings.   I am so delighted you all enjoyed his presence.  He was an amazing guy.   I miss him terribly.   I see his picture is of "Happy Jack", the 1938 Lincoln that is now roughly 1/2 apart and will need a new owner to restore it.   I hate to see it go but want to see his dream finished.   Cecil was doing research on it when he passed....we think it might have been in FDR's secret service detail.   I might check it out, but I might not-  Cecil knew if it was, he would have to restore it to it's original black with brown interior and he really didn't want to do that.   He wanted it to have "presence" on the showfield.   He would think and muse over what color combo he wanted it to have.  Something correct of course.  We used to call it his "wedding dress" - he changed his mind often, looking for the right combo but I think I know what it is:) 


Are any of you going to Hershey this year?  i am going to go.  I went once before so I  am not a complete novice.  I want to go to the Lincoln meeting, see Ray T and any other Lincoln lovers, walk the field and maybe watch the auction.   


Take care and thank you for caring so much about my husband.  

Andrea Irby

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