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ians old 27

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And if you get pictures then ask for pictures from a different view.  It can be easy to find pictures on the internet, but may not be as easy to find pictures from a different views of the same part.


If they are legit then they can easily take other pictures.

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I've reported on this already,but when I demanded photos, he sent photos,but the parts were on 3 different cars. I actually talked to the guy, who had a strong East Indian accent,claimed to be from Texas,but was calling from a Nevada area code.They're definitely trolling this forum.


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It will make it much easier for the moderators if you will simply click the report button on suspected scammer PMs. This allows us to see the scammer's PM which we can use to help confirm that they are in fact a scammer, so we can then ban them. 


In this case, I checked the IP address of user 060 and determined that he is from Nigeria. Based on this discussion and his IP address, I have banned him. 


As I have posted in the past, if you get a PM from a new user with zero posts who wants to sell you parts, you can be fairly certain that the new user is a scammer. If the new user wants you to use an odd payment method that will not allow you to recover your money if you have been scammed, you can be even more certain that he is a scammer. If a parts deal sounds too good to be true, It IS too good to be true.

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