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Identification of car brand and approximate year

Guest RafaPintoCR

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Guest RafaPintoCR

Hello everybody:


I have a friend that has a very old collection of old pictures of old Costa Rica and of vehicles that where here in Costa Rica.

In this moment, he has passed me a picture to try to identify this attached vehicle.


I will appreciate your help.


Rafael Pinto

Costa Rica Chapter.


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She must be a featherweight.  How can anyone stand on the running board or lean over on it and not make it list?  It's sitting level.  1915 and the transition through 1916 are very distinct Ts, the only ones with brass radiator and a cowl.

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JFranklin, Dandy Dave & emjay are 100% correct, it's a 1916 Model T Touring Car,  $440 brand new.

No, she doesn't look like a feather weight to me,  Maybe the springs were stiffer 100 years ago, when new.

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Guest RafaPintoCR

Hello friends, I really appreciate very much your comments, I will be passing them to my friend here in Costa Rica.


This picture was taken here in Costa Rica nearby San José, which is our capital city and I say this, because you can see the electric wiring due that San José was one of the first cities with electric light in Latin America.

I appreciate all your help and quick response of all of you guys.

Have a nice week and my best regards to all of you from Costa Rica.

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