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Attn. NW Reatta Owners, Let's Get Together

ol' yeller

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As a follow up to a thread in the Reatta Buy & Sell, I'd like to propose that us Reatta owners in the Great Northwest get together for a meet & greet and maybe even go on a nice ride on some country backroads. There seems to be quite a few of us and the pool is getting bigger all the time. I'm open to suggestions and as I'm retired, I have time to make the arrangements. If there is enough interest from our Oregon Reatta brothers, we could even meet up in Centrailia which would give the wives something to do (discount malls). Am I being a stereotypical chauvinist? Sorry. Let's hear from you all and I'll try to set something up. I'm thinking late March or April but I'm wide open to any suggestions at this point.


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50 views and no one is interested. I guess I misread the interest.
Even though the response hasn't been overwhelming, it's good to see you trying to get Reatta owners together in their area. I think a lot of people like the idea meeting other Reatta owners but don't want to drive too far to do it.

I've considered doing the same in the East Tennessee area but I don't think there would be much interest. From what I can tell Reatta owners are few and far between in this part of the country.

If here were enough of these local Reatta owner get togethers taking place I would start a page on ROJ to help promote them.

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Guest llamalor2112

I'm aaaaaalmost a Reatta owner, or the son of one rather. We're hoping to take care of that in the next few days. I think a local meet up would be very cool to see happen! Thar be interest! March and April are going to be busy months for me but I'm just the Riv owner haha I can conspire with the old man :)

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I'm not proposing a car show or anything like that. I'm thinking we meet at a restaurant with a big table, spend an hour or so talking about our addiction amd maybe go for a drive somewhere. With only three of us, we might not even need the big table. Stanley, I'm thinking Centrailia, maybe the Country Cousin's Restaurant to make it halfway for us. I'm not sure my cardiologist would be too happy with that choice though. Maybe Denny's? I'm open. If someone from the greater Seattle area is interested but can't make the drive, I'll have one empty seat. You don't have to own a Reatta to take part, just an interest in them

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I think that a NW owners' get-together would be a great idea. If we wanted an activity to do, we could all visit the new LeMay Museum in Tacoma; I went last summer and it's fantastic! Not too far from Centralia/Chelhalis, too. Summer would work better for me, though.

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Guest llamalor2112

Ooh. I've been wanting to visit the LeMay. Being an hour north of Seattle that'd even the playing field for me in terms of distance :P I can reflect the sentiments that summer is aces too

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I know some people who are docents at the LeMay Museum. I can probably arrange a private tour if there is enough interest. Let's make that a separate get together. There are lots of events in the summer to gather at. The best one would be the Puget Sound Chapter's All Buick Open in June. I'll find out the date and let anyone interested know when it is. While this is a peer judged event it is a lot of fun and you certainly don't need a show car to participate. Every year we have over 100 Buicks from old to newer for a full day of Buick fun. Years ago I brought my '65 Skylark that had some rust issues and different colored body panels. I not only had a great time talking about my car and Buicks in general but my car won the "Most Ambitious Project" award. The next year after a lot of work, I won "Most Improved" and "Best In Class"!

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I know some people who are docents at the LeMay Museum. I can probably arrange a private tour if there is enough interest. Let's make that a separate get together. There are lots of events in the summer to gather at. The best one would be the Puget Sound Chapter's All Buick Open in June. I'll find out the date and let anyone interested know when it is. While this is a peer judged event it is a lot of fun and you certainly don't need a show car to participate. Every year we have over 100 Buicks from old to newer for a full day of Buick fun. Years ago I brought my '65 Skylark that had some rust issues and different colored body panels. I not only had a great time talking about my car and Buicks in general but my car won the "Most Ambitious Project" award. The next year after a lot of work' date=' I won "Most Improved" and "Best In Class"![/quote']

Although it's 2 hrs away from the 2014 meet in Portland, I'm hoping someone in the Reatta division will think about organizing a caravan and tour of the museum. It would be a long day for a round trip visit (if not an overnight stay) but worth every minute. I recently saw a 90 minutes video of the museum that was riveting.

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Every year on the last Saturday in August, the LeMay family opens up their home and the nearby old convent Marymoor to allow the public in to view Harold's massive collection. They even provide transportation between the venues in old classic double decker busses. If you were impressed with the 90 minute video, this event will leave you speechless.

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Guest Metricwrencher
I know some people who are docents at the LeMay Museum. I can probably arrange a private tour if there is enough interest. Let's make that a separate get together. There are lots of events in the summer to gather at. The best one would be the Puget Sound Chapter's All Buick Open in June. I'll find out the date and let anyone interested know when it is. While this is a peer judged event it is a lot of fun and you certainly don't need a show car to participate. Every year we have over 100 Buicks from old to newer for a full day of Buick fun. Years ago I brought my '65 Skylark that had some rust issues and different colored body panels. I not only had a great time talking about my car and Buicks in general but my car won the "Most Ambitious Project" award. The next year after a lot of work' date=' I won "Most Improved" and "Best In Class"![/quote']

I'm in for a get together, especially at the LeMay. I'm not sure about a heading all the way to Chehalis (from B'Ham). But if the weather was good, and the timing was right, I might continue on to see my son and grandson in Portland. Count me in as a definite yes for Tacoma and an equivocal maybe for the Northwest "Heart of Dixie" tour to Lewis County.


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Perhaps we should all meet at the LeMay; imagine a parking lot full of Reattas! (Well, maybe the parking lot wouldn't quite be full of Reattas). I know I would rather not go as far as Chehalis from Vancouver, but Tacoma would be okay. There must be a good place to eat in Tacoma somewhere! A summer day at the Lemay?

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I am hoping you Reatta owners get together ............ Remember, next year the BCA National will be in Portland. The Reatta Div needs a member or more to assist with the 2014 Rendezvous. Find a place that can park and feed 30 Reattas and their owners. We also want all of you to be at the meet and even recruit more Reatta owners to show up. It is always great to see more Reattas at a meet than any other series of Buicks.

It is not unusual for more Reattas to be at a national meet than all years of Rivieras.

One of my goals as a Reatta Div member is to make "old" Buick owners aware there is a new Buick that is collectable.... it seems to be working.

I have been on 4 BDE (Buick Driving Enthusist) tours and out of 40 cars, there are always at least 3 Reattas on tour. This is also a great way to drive your Reatta. The next BDE tour is Fredericksbury TX ..... May 19 - 24 see Bugle for details

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