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I have a hard copy of January 18, 1954 LIFE magazine with this article in it. Glad to have ran up on it on line as I have about worn the magazine out. Enjoy

LIFE - Google Books

That's Life

What's Life?

A magazine

Well how much does it cost

10 cents

only gotta a nickel

Well, that's Life

What's life? ....................................................:D

Who's on first..............

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I wonder if you can mix Spam with the crushed pineapple in the pie in the ad?


The crushed pineapple would be placed over the sliced SPAM, then placed in a pre-heated oven for sufficient time for the pineapple to fully marianade into the SPAM, providing a unique taste as well as crunchy ornamentation.

Check it out at your nearest A&P at the SPAM Demonstration Table, near the soft drinks and AlkaSeltzer.



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The crushed pineapple would be placed over the sliced SPAM, then placed in a pre-heated oven for sufficient time for the pineapple to fully marianade into the SPAM, providing a unique taste as well as crunchy ornamentation.

Check it out at your nearest A&P at the SPAM Demonstration Table, near the soft drinks and AlkaSeltzer.



Sounds spamlicious. You should submit it to Spam Menu Contest, maybe win a case of Spam.

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From one who actually likes Spam, thanks for the great article Lamar. There's nothing like a

contemporary report of something we can all enjoy, learning about the design background

of our beautious babies. Lucky for us, they chose to feature the Buick Studio.

As for the '55 fiberglass 4drht (mentioned above), its home-built origins have already

been revealed by the OP's own sleuthing. That said, LIFE's article does give hope that

long-lost studio-builds may be hiding out there.


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