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FEATURES FILM - Shooting in Hanover, PA - Classic Cars NEEDED


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ROMAN PICTUERS is filming scenes for SINGALS 2

and need your help!


CLASSIC CARS from 1959 and earlier needed with their drivers<O:p</O:p

The scene is set in the 1950’s at a drive in diner. We are looking to really establish an amazing scene with the look and feel of the 50’s. Some extras may be chosen for lines, so please be ready to be on camera.<O:p</O:p


All extras should be dressed in 50’s era clothing.<O:p</O:p


Sunday, July 31<SUP>st</SUP> from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm

(Some extras will be chosen for lines and additional close ups, please indicate if you are available beyond 12:30 for consideration) <O:p></O:p>


Crabbs TROPICAL TREAT - <O:p</O:p2279 Carlisle Pike, Hanover, PA 17331<O:p</O:p

Please contact Shannon Lanier @ lanier@ajku.net with any questions

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Hey Bob,

This is a non-paying gig, but will offer credits in the film, special poster of the movie that shows that your car was featured in the film as well as the potential to be a featured extra and the shoot will be a lot of fun as well. Please let me know if you have any other questions.


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PLEASE>>>>> take my comments with a grain of salt ---- I've seen good people burned by well-meaning "Cinema-wannabees, Directors, and PictureCar Coordinators

The Film-maker expects you to clean your classic, drive half-way across the state, driveback and forth dozens of times because the camera wasn't set right, or the "star" flubbed his/her lines for the umpteenth time, they probably won't even feed you with the crew, but with the extras who get spaghetti instead of catered surf & turf, ....

and then after your car has a dead battery from idling for 11 hours and has overheated to the point of coughing up rust....

you get a pat on the head, and maybe a poster of a film that may never get picked up and distributed !!!

Make sure that your production company is providing an insurance policy rider naming each driver and his/her car, insured for proper appraised value,

If the production is a Not-for-Profit, then please volunteer your time and your vehicle for the social value, and hope that you have made a contribution to society, but if it is a commercial venture, ask the production company to:

Pay the going rate for Feature Cars, for Hero Cars, for Background Cars, and most importantly, for Picture Car Drivers........Feed the drivers with the crew --- not with the extras....

Edited by Marty Roth
spelling (see edit history)
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I live way too far away to help out, if I wanted to....which I don't.

I have had a few cars in films over the years. All of them were paid appearances.

I have actually been in one film that had nothing to do with old cars, but they wanted real cops to play cops.

I was trying to figure out how to semi-politely respond to this discussion. Thanks Marty, you about summed it up!

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Thanks Matt,

I guess we've participated in 35 or 40 film and TV productions over the years. New Orleans has become Hollywood South.

I've been deeply involved with some of the best pictures, and a few bombs as well. I've helped coordinate what it takes to manage the Picture Car end of the production -- the insurance, the locating and re-locating of cars all over the city and the countryside -- the logistics of preparing the vehicles, the drivers, the actors who don't have a clue what a stick-shift is, and don't really give a s#%@ about your priceless antique. Yes, there are the very special actors who treat the car owners decently, and even very well at times.

Years ago David Coco and I spent several wonderful days with Lillian Gish, Sharon Gless, Jack Warden, and Richard (John-Boy Walton) Thomas. Ages ago - Ceaser Romero - More recently, Brooke Shields, "Tony Soprano" James Gandolfini, Charles Durning, Brad Pitt, in films such as "All the King's Men", "Pretty Baby", "Ray" ,TV show trailer shots for "Memphis Beat", as well as dozens of others.

But your car, your rolling piece of Americana, your pride and joy -- is nothing more than a "prop" to the director and his crew. Sure, they will tell you how beautiful it is, and then cover it with dirt and dust and mud from the ditch because it reflects too much light now that the sun has moved - or while you are down the street, the director tells a grip to put down your convertible top, but they don't know to unsnap the canvas until the top rips or pops the snap ( I saw this happen to somebody's really nice cabriolet in Mississippi a few years back), or they take off the mirror to better see the actor, and then either break the pot metal, or lose an original part.

I'm NOT NEGATIVE on the film industry - I work with them quite often, but I want you all to be aware of the pitfalls, and to protect yourself and your car when you agree to work with them - and don't get "stars in your eyes" - approach it as you would any business deal, and get a written copy identifying you as the "insured", and get paid a reasonable amount for your time and effort.

Edited by Marty Roth (see edit history)
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Our experience has been that you have to really want to do it, because usually the remuneration doesn't make up for the time involved. In other words, you have to do it for the fun of it, or it isn't worth it. Personally, I'd sooner support an "independent" production company – such as Roman Pictures – over the "Hollywood" ones, because usually the films are much better quality. If I were closer, I'd do it for free given the available time.

Edited by West Peterson (see edit history)
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I did this twice back in the 1980's. Yes, I got paid $100.00 for the day, too.

But the one time I did not go with my car, a friend drove it to the set.

After I got it back I was looking it over and under the front seat I see empty soda bottles, paper cups, cake wrappers, etc.

There was no damage to the car but that really pissed me off and I would never do it again.

The cars to them are "just props" and are treated as such.


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The film that Marty mentions was a flop from a distribution standpoint, although at the time it had a very talented cast. Filming is slow, tedious work, however. We'd set the old cars up for a scene, then (as extras) take our place. This was in New Orleans, and the extras were walking or riding bicycles, all period correct to 1912 or so.

I still remember being amazed at one bicycle the production company had found, it was a tandem bike, side by side......never seen one since.

So, you'd set up, they'd shoot a scene, and you'd stand around for 2 or 3 hours while they set up for either another shoot of the same scene, or a different scene.

I walked up to Jack Warden and we chatted. "Is movie making always this slow"? I asked...he replied "Yes, usually it is, but it has its moments!!" The glamor of a movie star is definitely not when working........

Not long ago, I was asked to have one of my cars in a movie, as the prime car for the lead person. This movie, too, was a flop, "Loss of a Teardrop Diamond". They wanted my Pierce, and offered big money (15K) if I'd bring it down to Louisisana for 3 to4 weeks of shooting. This wasn't practical with my job, but one comment from them would have killed it anyway.

'We'll have to weld brackets to the frame of the car, so we can mount a camera for side shots"........that wasn't going to happen.

As Marty stated, unless it's a non-profit, you should get a few hundred a day minimum, and also get paid and fed as an extra. Remember too that once you accept the first dollar for use of your old car in any event, in all probability your insurance coverage instantly becomes null and void. If you decide to do any movie, stay with your car....you're the only one on the set who cares about it........

It is fun, though, and you'll have a lifetime of memories and bragging rights, if it's a good movie and you're treated correctly.

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