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Not that that is surprising, however, I am not sure about Junior verses Senior cars. I was very flattered and honored to win my First Junior at Charlotte with my Farm O Road. As I look at a number of local AACA chapters' shows, I see that many of them have a special class for AACA "Senior" cars. According to the judging manual once a car wins its First Junior it is competing in the "Senior" categeory. So some of you folks that are involved with local AACA shows, what are you looking for in this catageory?? Do you want cars that have won a first Junior or is it cars that have won a Senior award???

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Hi Dave, regardless of your responses here, AACA National awards generally have little to do with region and chapter run car shows. The local guys can call them as they see them, since the bottom line is what counts on a regional level.


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I understand that Wayne, what I'm trying to find out without calling 5 or 6 different chapters is what is generally regarded as a "senior" car. A car that has won its First Junior, and is being judged as a "Senior" car or a car that has won its "Senior" award???

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Dave, this may help. A lot of long standing local shows keep records of awards they have given out. So if you have won a first prize at a local meet, the next time you would compete in a senior category. Not all work this way but a lot do. How cars are judged at local or regional shows is up to the region or chapter so you could find many variations of this.

Naturally, on a national level you will be competing to win a senior award at the next show you enter.

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Not that that is surprising, however, I am not sure about Junior verses Senior cars. I was very flattered and honored to win my First Junior at Charlotte with my Farm O Road. As I look at a number of local AACA chapters' shows, I see that many of them have a special class for AACA "Senior" cars. According to the judging manual once a car wins its First Junior it is competing in the "Senior" categeory. So some of you folks that are involved with local AACA shows, what are you looking for in this catageory?? Do you want cars that have won a first Junior or is it cars that have won a Senior award???


As others have mentioned it is a simple designation mostly from local car shows and AACA Region/Chapter shows.

i.e...I am looking at the entry form for the 34th Annual Reinholds Lions Club flier (not an AACA affilitate). My car is a 4 time AGNM Senior. The Reinhold's Show and many others for a fact place AGNM's, AACA Seniors, and, AACA Junior winners in a Class all together. They usually give a momento type award to all in the AACA Class for taking the time to display the vehicle. Reason being to let their judged categories go for trophies and I would hope spur interest in the hobby.

Reinholds calls the class "AACA Seniors". Have seen some call their's "AACA Winners". Have seen some call their's "AACA Juniors/Seniors". In short it is just a display Class.


Peter J.

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+1 Restorer32.

Our local AACA region used this class for years. It was for any vehicle that had been awarded it's 1st junior. At that point, they considered it a Senior car, whether or not it had actually won its Senior tab.

This moved all National winners into a separate class, so they did not compete with cars that had not won National Awards. In our region, these cars were not judged, but generally the owners received a trophy or ribbon for bringing the car out.

Congrats on your 1st Junior.


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Guest billybird

I attend a local show every year that has the class "National First Prize winners". I don't think they're too interested in whether the car is classified as a Junior or Senior, they just want to give special recognition to "National Winners", which is good. If I were you ,I would call someone putting on that show and talk to them. You'll probably be in that class. Also, the show I attend is pre-register only for THAT class. They do this to know how many trophies to buy for that class as all National cars are not judged and recieve a trophy. It's a recognition thing.

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Guest Siegfried

This is an aside to the Senior question for AACA regional shows.

I have noted that more AACA regional shows are honoring HPOF certified vehicles.

It would be superb to see a DPC class at AACA regional shows soon.

:cool:And finally; Dave congratulations on your Crosley First Junior.

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As other have said about their regions ours also has a Senior class for any car that has won Junior 1st or better. They are parked in a special area of honor and given a nice plaque/trophy, they are not judged they are all winners.

We also let them in for free.

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