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Images of Buick Y-Job in Metallic Gray Finish

Guest Avanti

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Guest Avanti

Apparently before it was re-finished in black, the Y-Job was painted a metallic gray with a rumored blue leather interior. I found a photograph (of a photograph) showing the car with it's original finish.

Anyone have other images? Thanks.


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Guest wildcat62

Avanti, neat photo. Thanks for sharing it. :) The Y-Job is a tie for my all time favorite Buick along with the Blackhawk.

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Guest Avanti

Bummer. I was hoping one of the Buick experts would have some old period photographs or reference material with images of the Y-Job in it's original finish. Guess not.

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Could this print have been FX'd when printed in the darkroom to show the car better? I have to wonder if an all-black front would have just shown as a blob in a newpaper rendition. From my darkroom days (before digital!) I recall it would not have been hard to underexpose the front of the car while fully exposing the balance of the print. The murky details at the bumper supports this thought.


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