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The next generation

Guest sintid58

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Guest sintid58

My son recently turned 18 and because he has worked so much on the 70 Riviera and the 55 Special this winter and last I gave him a 3 year membership to the BCA. I hope this keeps him interested in the old Buicks for awhile. I also registered the 70 Riviera as his in the club although I have kept the car and insurance in my name.

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Thats great that your son is interested in the hobby.

I don't know if its me and the area I live in but from time to time I think about how few young kids are interested in working on cars these days. Right now I don't know any kids that are. The only people that seem interested in my car projects are geasers like me.

My guess is the distraction of video games, ipods, iphones and what-nots pulls their interests away. There is so much emphasis now for kids to play sports in school every waking moment they have vs allowing them to get into something that stimulates creativity and learning various skills using their hands. Skills they can use the rest of their life.

When I was in school, coolness was largely measured by what car you drove and now it seems its how many features your cell phone has. Wheres the creativity and individualality in that? I'll take the $500 70 Coupe Deville I had in school along with the freedom it gave me vs a fancy cell phone anyday.:D

I'm 48 and when I was in my teens and early 20s it seemed there was no shortage of kids/friends who were into cars in some form or another.

Times have changed thats for sure. Last year a 20 y/o kid drove down to my place from NY with his girlfriend to buy a nailhead for his rat rod project. He told me with many details what his past projects were and everything he planned to do on his current project. I was so impressed and thought wow when was the last time I met a young person with so much car knowledge at his age. I couldn't remember.

I didn't intend to use this response to vent a bit, it just came out that way so I apologize for that.:(

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Kids still like cars, and even have a passion for them. But it's just not old American iron that moves em. The 25 yr old I work with has a 1999 Subaru. I am actually impressed how much he loves that car. He loves it and is willing to work on it too. Unfortunately the way things are, somethings he just can't do and then I am amazed how much it costs to fix some of the things that never seem to go wrong on the American cars.

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Here is my son and his/our new toy. He was my partner in picking the truck up. He shared the driving with me driving with the trailer empty and loaded home on our 2400 mile weekend trip and he is only 16.

Say Larry, so you found another Buick truck. Cool! :cool: Dandy Dave!

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I am just trying to keep the next generation in the hobby. My son takes a stake in the work and he is a truck guy himself. He has an S-10 with a 4 cylinder 5 speed manual transmission that he is practicing on to drive the old Buick. And Thriller, give me a call and we can get together.

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Guest Dans 77 Limited

My son loves my 77 . Hes 13 and considers the 77 as HIS car ...... not mine. So I worked out a deal with him. I will keep the 77 in its current condition and it will be his upon:

A.) His graduation from College. Yea I know its a long way off but hey Ill use any motivation I can get.

B.) My Death. This may be a better option for him than the college thing. Im not exactly the healthiest guy in the world and my job at times can get incredibly dangerous. (Have you ever climbed down onto an ice covered barge on an 8 degree day ?)

So one day Tim will be the proud owner of a Buick thats 20 years older than he is .


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My son loves my 77 . Hes 13 and considers the 77 as HIS car ...... not mine. So I worked out a deal with him. I will keep the 77 in its current condition and it will be his upon:

A.) His graduation from College. Yea I know its a long way off but hey Ill use any motivation I can get.

B.) My Death. This may be a better option for him than the college thing. Im not exactly the healthiest guy in the world and my job at times can get incredibly dangerous. (Have you ever climbed down onto an ice covered barge on an 8 degree day ?)

So one day Tim will be the proud owner of a Buick thats 20 years older than he is .


How can you possibly get a good night's sleep after giving Tim option B?!?!? :eek::eek::eek:

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Guest sintid58

I know the feeling, when I still had the GSX my 3 kids used to argue about who got what car when Iwas gone. Now that the GSX is gone its pretty well set My younger daughter claimed the 70 Skylark because she always wanted one, Robert of course wants the Riviera because he has so much sweat equity in it and that just leaves the 55 for my oldest daughter who really is the only one that doesn't show much interest in the cars.

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Well, I'm not sure what is going to happen...part of the issue is that Joseph keeps changing his mind on which one is his favourite. Of course, if there was a '59 in the stable he'd be all over it.

I suppose we'll need to discuss it someday...of course Suzanne may have some say in it too. At least now there are 6 drivers and 3 children, so it divides evenly.

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