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A very large thank you to all...


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I wish to thank you all very, very much from the bottom of my heart. You have re-instilled my faith in others to help out in a time of need. You have given my son the chance to think more about his recovery and helped him to not worry as much about his medical financial obligations. I am certain he will thank you himself via a note or even a post here.

I am humbled to have made such great friends and as a father, very thankful for all you have done for my son.

John S. Keiser

Here is the update on the amount raised thus far on the website:

Dear Friends of Jonathan,

We wish to thank all of you for your prayers, thoughts, good wishes and very generous donations to the Jonathan Keiser Medical Relief Fund.

Jonathan has made a rapid recovery from the injuries he suffered in his bicycle accident on September 5th in Japan and was permitted to fly home October 17th. That’s right, Jonathan is back in the U.S.A.!

Thanks to your overwhelming response and generosity we have raised over $5,000 towards our goal of $7,500!

The fund raising fun continues in San Diego this Friday, October 23 with a benefit concert at O’Connells. $10 donation gets you: The Knockout Bell, Save Amos, The Flower Thief, Ryan Blue, Rson White, DJ Gonzo and more! O’Connells is located at 1310 Morena Blvd. San Diego, CA 92110.

If you can’t make it to the concert but would still like to contribute please use the convenient and secure PayPal button to make your donation.

If you prefer to donate by check please contact tom@tcwelch.com

Thanks again to all of you for your prayers, good wishes and outpouring of love and generosity towards Jonathan.


Jonathan’s Family

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He is saying "Thank you" in Japanese.

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Dave Henderson has one more trick up his sleeve.

Contrary to what I thought, he will part with his beloved Hershey mud.....for a donation to the fund to help Jonathan. He will ship the now framed mud to the winner.

Now the question is, how do we do this? Raffle, silent auction, bidding war?!?!?

Let's hear some ideas. :D

Edited by Shop Rat (see edit history)
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We are delighted to learn of Jonathan's return, and will keep him in our prayers for a full and rapid recovery

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The "Repair Men May Gyp You" book is back for bids on eBay. I dare all you ol penny pinchers out there to out bid one another. After all, If you got it, flaunt it. ;)

This ones for you Johnathan, where ever you may be. :D Dandy Dave!

Repair Men May Gyp You 1941 - eBay (item 120482749261 end time Oct-29-09 17:50:17 PDT)

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douitashimashite Johnathan

or I think the best I could ever get out was "don't touch my mustache. Glad you're back in the good ol US of A.

Since I've had 'seller's remorse" since I let that lil book go, I'm gonna try and get it back, PLUS that Highway 1 book Dave threw in.

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I was asked by a few folks here about the status of our situation and I want everyone to know that our goals have been reached and we have collected more than enough in donations to cover my son, Jonathan's hospital debt. The remainder of the donations will go toward his physical therapy. Thank you again very much for all you have done. We certainly could not have done it without all of your efforts. John S. Keiser

Edited by keiser31 (see edit history)
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