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I'm very sad to say that my beloved Reatta, which I've owed for almost 10 years, is now "toast". To say I'm sick about it, is an understatement. For those of you who have followed my posts, you may recall that I've had a number of issues with my car for the last three years. The most recent has been a sudden and unexplained loss of fuel mileage. The mileage was so poor, that I had not driven the car since February. Tuesday, I happen to run into the owner of a shop who had fixed my car in the past. I had trust in him, because he was able to solve a problem in a few hours, that another shop was not able to fix in six months! I told him the car was having issues and he told me to drop it by his shop. He said he not charge me just to look at it. I dropped the car by his shop. Actually, it is a mile away from my home. He said he would call me. The next day, he called and told me he had something to show me. When I arrived, my car was on the lift, with it oil pan off. There were metal shavings all in the oil pan. In looking up at the engine, I could see tiny pieces of metal hanging off one of the crank bearings. Frankly, the car had been making a noise. But I thought the noise was being caused by an exhaust pipe hanger that had broken a few months ago. Now that I hear the noise, I can now tell it has been coming out of the engine the whole time! As to why the failure happened, I have no idea. I was quoted a price of $4300 for a rebuilt engine with a 3/36 warranty. I almost dropped to the floor at that figure. I told him there was no way I could afford that at this time. He said he would get back with me with a price of a used engine. He said, the price should be about half that cost. If you think the story is bad now, just wait! The next day he called me and told me to sit down. I thought at that point, the price of the used engine was much higher than he had told me. Boy was I wrong. He stated that my car had been parked on his lot. A car turned the corner at high speed, skidded on to his lot, hit my Reatta and drove off. Of course no one was able to provide any information about the moron who hit my car!!!!! The driver's door is now caved in, plus the drivers window is busted out. The glass having scuffed the leather on the driver's seat. The door will not open, so I can't tell how much if any damage has been done to the inner door area. If there is any good news to this story is that over the years I have always had full coverage insurance. I would guess the car will be totaled out. I would have never guess my car would have ended like this. I really don't expect to get enough money out of the deal to replace my car with another Reatta. Very sad. I have written Jim Finn about an engine and door just in case I want to fix the car. At this time I want to thank Ronnie, who was trying to help me solve my fuel problem via PM's. Larry, thank you so much for the injectors you sent to me a few months ago. You did not have to do that. To all of you guys that have helped me over the years, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Shortly, it appears I will no longer be a Reatta owner. I will check back on the forum from time to time. Again thanks to everyone.

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I think your insurance company will be talking to your mechanic friends insurance company. It's going to be his responsibility not yours.

Do your homework, go for the best price possible, that allows you to keep your car to either part out or keep it for spares on your next one.

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Guest tomt


That's a good point, and the issue since the coverage isn't his problem, is what is a car like Howard's worth. I would look at what's been for sale here, and use those prices to help you out.

I can't remember your car Howard, but there is an ad in the Chicago Tribune last weekend for an 89 coupe for $7,000 (mine). You can look it up if that helps.

Sorry bout your problems, but I wouldn't have gotten my Reatta if it hadn't been for a fire in my TR-6.

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In response to some of the comments:

Robert, thanks for the link to the 89. I already had already viewed the car. It appears great. I'm not too keen on the Dodge wheels or the painted Buick lettering, but the owner says he has the correct wheels. His price, for such a nice, low mileage car seems in reason. Of course, it's many, many, many miles away from me. Until my insurance company gives me an idea as to what they are going to do, I just have to wait. When I purchased my 89 in 98, I had, in addition to my regular job, two part time jobs. I had much more money to play with than I do now. The insurance settlement is key as to what I can do.

My insurance company has already asked a number of questions as to the nature of the accident and who owns the shop. An adjuster has yet to see my car however. I'm sure they will be looking into whatever avenue as to not have to pay the claim themselves. The owner offered no insurance information. He only said he was sorry and that was about it. If fact, he seems somewhat POed when I asked to use the phone to report the accident. Needless to say, I asked that my car be put back together, which they did, and I drove it home. It is now safely in my garage. Actually, I more angry at the driver who hit the car and drove off. The Reatta is a pretty hefty car. I hope whatever the SOB was driving is torn up! My guess is that the fool did not have any insurance, or money for that matter. Texas requires everyone to have insurance, but I would say many people don't have any coverage in force.

I do plan to save my shop manual and owner's portfolio. The floormats, the passenger side still looks pristine. The drivers side is starting to show some ware as you would expect a 155,000 mile car to have.

I know I'm going to have to fight the insurance company regardless of which one I have to deal with, so Tom thanks for the heads up on your ad.

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Howard get a copy of Old Cars price guide and give the ins company the information listed. It lists an 89 Reatta is no 3 condition at $6750.00 no 2 cond at $10,500 and no 1 cond at $15000.00. You can purchase a lot of Reatta's but from I am seeing on the market, a lot of cars are requiring a lot of restoration. Good luck I think the value of good cars is going to continue to up in the future. Hold your ground.I am in the process of buying a Riviera convertible and if my wife give me much guff, my blue car might be on the market. I dont know Texas law but the car was in the hands of the mechanic and liablilty would fall back on him if the driver of the other car didnt have ins. I am not a lawyer but I always win. If you cant find a price guide let me know and I can fax you the info

Good luck


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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Actually, I more angry at the driver who hit the car and drove off. The Reatta is a pretty hefty car. I hope whatever the SOB was driving is torn up! My guess is that the fool did not have any insurance, or money for that matter. Texas requires everyone to have insurance, but I would say many people don't have any coverage in force.</div></div>

Howard, Again I'm sorry for your car being damaged. I too would be angry at the driver that left the scene of the accident. Don't let your anger for the hit and run driver make you have much compassion for the owner of the shop. He is business to make a profit. If he was a friend or neighbor with a back yard garage I would say "yeah cut him some slack" but that doesn't appear to be the case. He didn't cut you any slack when he quoted you the excessively high price for rebuilding the engine. I believe he was trying to take advantage of you.

I don't know about Texas but here in Tennessee all drivers are required to have insurance. It is a law that has good intentions but still allows people to drive who have no insurance until they have an accident or get stopped for some other reason. There is not a requirement to have insurance in order to get a drivers license or to register a car and get tags. I think insurance should be required before you could do either.

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Sorry to hear about your car. There are plenty of nice Reattas out there.

Just saw this one on Ebay.....


Don't know what their reserve might be, but you could ask them if the care is so perfect, why is the antenna up about 6".

It does look like a good example of a 1991 coupe.

My research indicates ther were 69-70 Burgundy coupes made in 1991, about half (34) had tan interior.

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Guest imported_blazer1997

Howard just finished reading your bad luck. Hope you get enough from the insurance company to find another reatta.

About a month ago came across a 90 reatta blue in color.

Let me know if need any parts or if the insurance comp. states its a total.


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Sorry for your loss Howard (the good thing is you were not with or in the Reatta when the hit and run occured)....you have always been a valuable member of our group....please attempt to find another Reatta.


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Guest Reatta1


Really sorry to hear about your Reatta getting hit. I agree with the others about standing your ground with the insurance co. whether it ends up yours or the shop's. The law here in Oregon requires proof of insurance to get plates or renewal tags for your car but there are still plenty of people who are driving without. It's pretty simple to make a down payment on a policy long enough to get the tags and then canncel it and unless or untill they get stopped no one knows the difference. Our Regal was scraped on the passenger door twice in parking lots and never any info left. Had to pay for the repairs out of my pocket. I certainly wish you lots of luck with getting yours back on the road or acquiring another.

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Guest jcc3inc


Sorry for your loss. The prices quoted for engine replacement seem excessively high!! It seems to me that you ought to be able to get a used engine for maybe $400 with an equal amount for installation. These engines are very common.

Maybe you should part it out and get another Reatta. The Teves alone goes for maybe $400! Then you could shop around and find en even better car than you had. I bought mine from North Carolina, flew out and drove it back to Illinois.


Jack C.

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I'm so sorry to read about your Reatta. I know it's been a part of your life for a long time.

Were the Police called after the accident? Was a report filed? Were pictures taken of the scene? These might be handy with your insurance company. I agree with the others that this is the responsibility of the shop owner. You left the car in good faith under his care. Now it's probably totalled. He and his insurance company need to belly up to the bar.

Good luck Howard and please stay a part of this family. It wouldn't be the same without you.


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Guest Mike_s

Well Howard, that really bites. I hope things work out for the better in the long run. Not hanging around here is NOT an option.

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Guest steveskyhawk


You seem like a good person. You have always had a kind helpful word for me. If you locate a replacement car in southern california i will pick you up at the airport and we will find you a car. Would you like me to pick you up in the coupe or convertible? Finally a good use for these cars!

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Guest kennyw

Howard: sorry for your loss. You could buy my deal. My parts car has a motor & trans that ran very well when I bought it. It was hit when parked on the street. It is all good from the doors back. So you could have a driver that needs paint and enough parts to fix you car. It is listed on the free Reatta site. Just trying to help not make a sale. Hope it does not sound that way...Ken

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Guest F14CRAZY

I'm sorry to hear about your loss Howard. I'd be saddened just the same had it been one of my vehicles. A very sad end indeed.

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I certainly don't mean to be cavalier about the entire incident, Howard, but I can't help thinking the hit and run driver did you a favor. Even if the mechanic was willing to install a used motor at 1/2 the price originally quoted, you would be into your 155k car for $1800 with an unknown under the hood. I would much prefer to have a car with the original 100k motor than a salvage motor whose history I don't know.

The shop owner pays his insurance premium every month precisely to cover incidents of this kind. Though most of us are wary of filing insurance claims for fear of the effect on our premiums [isn't it amazing how the insurance industry has conditioned us to believe they are in the business of collecting premiums, not insuring against damage], commercial coverage is more foregiving. Since this incident is not chargeable to your mechanic, it should have no impact. While I'm sure he is kicking himself for having the car on the lot for a "no fee" diagnosis, he did stand to make a large chunk of change off you had this not happened. His should be the primary insurance. You have a right to demand the information on his carrier. Even if the claim is discounted for the engine problem [assuming the mechanic blabs to the adjuster], given the loss of use etc. you should come away with at least $2500. If you add what you were prepared to pay for the engine, you have about $4000 to spend to replace your car. I am confident you can actually improve on what you had for that kind of money in this kind of economy. Plus you can buy back the salvaged car for parts [if you elect to keep some stuff and sell the rest, you will make back several hundred dollars]. No, Howard, I think any farewells to this forum are, thank heavens, premature.

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