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35 Auburn Convertible

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This is my '35 Auburn super-charged convertible, which has been on a lot of tours in Texas. My brother and I restored the car from the frame up in the early 1990s -- we knew the car as teenagers back in the '60s. 279-cubic-inch straight 8 Lycoming engine with a Swizter-Cummings supercharger, 3-speed transmission and 2-speed rear axle with a 3.23-to-1 high. 2500 RPM at 70 MPH. Overall, a great road car. I plan on going through the engine this winter.


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Wow, what a beautiful car. I have a 1937 Cord phaeton that I have owned for 20 years or more, so am not new to ACD cars. Realizing that I will not be in a position to get a D car, and having a C car, I now am thinking that an A car would be a worth addition to the stable. They are such pretty cars.

Again, great car, you should be proud of it, and "knowing" the car from your childhood is a plus! Thanks for posting pic. David Coco Winchester Va.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@ curti1913: Please post a pic.

At this time someone has on ebay an <span style="font-weight: bold">1937 Auburn Speedster Kit</span>for sale.

Item nr. 200178241078



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My own take on Auburns is that although they are sort of a lower-rent classic car, they have such nice lines and flashy touches that they are very appealing, especially to members of the general public who don't know much about older cars. I've had countless people rave over my car, while ignoring more expensive, higher-quality and more-painstakingly-built cars. But mine has red paint -- check. Lots of chrome -- check. External exhaust -- check. So there you go.

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