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Texas Road Warriors... Westward Ho !

Bill Stoneberg

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Another year another trip to the Nationals. We leave in the morning and hope to meet up with Willie (Old Tank) in Amarillo tomorrow night. I told Willie I would buy hime one of the 72 oz steaks for dinner tomorrow.

Our trip should take us up through the panhandle of Texas and then into New Mexico We then go up through Denver to Cheyanne Wy. We will hang a left to Salt Lake City. Then North to Boise and on to Portland. Up the coast to Seattle ending up there Wednesday afternoon.

Unfortunatly Mike & Payton are not going along with us this year. We will miss them both.

So the Rivera is packed with clothes and parts and its full og gas. I think it ready but will let you know as we go along. I dont have a digital camera so I cant post pictures like Derek, so you will have to put up with our naratives.

See you all down the road.

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Bill, here's hoping for an excellent adventure for you, Pete, and the Riviera. I'm eager to see you rolling into Seattle in a few days.

Looking forward to your updates!

I heard from Rich Gibbs today, who has already made it from Topeka, Kansas to Casper, Wyoming in his '59 Electra.

I'm envious of you guys who will enjoy fabulous road trips during the days ahead.

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So we are in Amarillo tonight.. Didn't get a 72 oz steak but had a beer or 3 and some good food.

Our trip was mainly uneventful except for one incident. We are in this little small town in Texas and the car starts missing. We thought it was ad as as we were below a 1/4 of a tank so we stopped to buy some. When it was time to start the car it was dead. Lights worked but no starter. So a nice coupl of guys gave us a jump and got us started. In to a bigger town that had a Autozone where I bought a new battery. They couldn't check the alternator though, so we drove down to O'Rielly's There were having a car show, so we fit right in with the 64. They checked the alternator which was putting out 30 amps at idle. While they were doing that we were scarfing down the free hamburgers they were givin out. A good stop all in all.

The rest of the way was uneventful. The car ran fine the A/C kept us comfortable thoug we didn't use it much and the cruise control worked best at 82. The only complaint I have is that I am too big for the car or the seat wont go all the way back.

12 hours after we left the house we pulled in to the hotel where they couldn't find my reservation and the hotel was full of a convention. Coinsedence ??

We got a room and dinner with Willie and Mary Ann. Pete drove a while today and is a good navigator. I paid anyuwhere from 2.95 - 3.30 for premium gas. We made about 650 miles and plan on doing the same tomorrow.

See you all on down the road.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Originally Posted By: Bill Stoneberg

I told Willie I would buy hime one of the 72 oz steaks for dinner tomorrow.

That'll almost double his weight

Mike </div></div>

Not to worry he didn't buy it.

anyhow we did 600 miles un 10.5 hours ended up in Amarillo TX....drove thru 100 miles if 'car wash' rain, but still the trip was less stressful: no I35, no Austin, no big ciy traffic., no 18-wheelers.

Later, Willie

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A long darned day today. Google maps said it was 9 hours, it took us more like 13. We are in Rawlings Wy. tonight in a sleazy hotel. I like the nicer hotels and this is not one of them.

So we went through the most desolate, lonely country today, nothing but grasslands up through Texas, Oklahoma and Colorado. It wasn't till we turned left in Cheyanne that is started to be interesting. It was HOT too, i am sunburned even though I wore block.

We found a great cajun restaurant in Laramie Wy that had cold beer and hot food.

What happened with the car today you might ask, well we didn't run the A/C till we got to the freeay beacuse I didn't trust it after yesterday. As soon as I turned it on, I threw a belt and overheated. We pulled off and changed the belts but didn't run the A/C again.

We went 600 + miles again today getting about 12 - 15 mpg and going 75 mph. The Riviera is a longlegged car that cruises real nice about that speed. It als has the power to pull out and pass as we found out on somne of the 2 lane roads we were on.

Cruise control works thank goodness and it like 75 too.

So we are going to find some new belts tomorrow and head to Boise.

We left Willie and Maryanne in Denver today. His computer is dead at the moment. He said his car was hot and wasa having issues with vapor lock. He does have an electric fuel pump on his 55 so that helped. They are going into the Rockies tomorrow and hopefully cooler weazther.

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Another day another 650 miles... I am TIRED of the High desert scenery. Never did I think that Idaho was so boring. I 80 sucks.

We left early this moring, but before I did I slammed my finger in the trunk lid. I will have a remberence of this trip for a while. We traveeled the freewsay for a while but turned off because it looked like scenic route. Had a good lunch in some little town in Idaho and continued to Pocatella. About 3 - 4 we were all HOT and came to American Falls. Do you know how good 60 degree water feels ? I went in with all my clothes on and then got into the car soaking wet. Driving till I dried off was nice.

No problemns with the car today. No extra belts for theh A/ C so didn't try it. We cooked and cant wait to get over the cascades an int 60 degree weather tomorrow.

I talked to Willie and he is having the same vapor lock issues that he had yesterday. They are going to find a cooler way he hopes.

Pete has been a good traveling companion, but he is as bored as we are with the flat hot trip.

If I was planning a trip from Hell, this could qualify.

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I hope Bill is in a better humor tonight when I get to talk to him. The worst leg ot the trip was across the high desert (100*+) south of Provo UT where we stayed last night. Anyhow we have made 2000 miles to the Oregon border and have about 500 to go. we are averaging 500 miles a day...mileage has been 15-18 mpg with the best in the mountains (go figure). Very good traveling today compared to the last 2. the 55 runs well in hot weather and in high altitudes, but not at the same time. Vapor lock! There is no way to duplicate those conditions back home...I have an electric fuel pump that treats the symptoms but is not the cure. I also discovered that vacuum wipers do not work as well in high altitudes. It should be 2 more easy days of traveling to include some touristy stuff.

Is there gonna be some facilities or links to a place to change oil and service the beast for the trip home?


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SCENERY !!! We finally saw some scenery. At least more of what we expected to see going west.

We made it to Portalnd last night and had a wonderful Bar B Que at the home of Mark Shaw. Other caravans from Idaho and California were there so lots of nice Buicks also. We have been staying in nice hotels as opposed to fleabags, so yes Willie, I am in a better frame of mind.

We saw the neatest thing in Sumpter Oregon yesterday. It is a gold mining dredge that I swear is a big as a House if not bigger. Check it out......http://www.friendsofthedredge.com/

THen we came through the Columbia River Gorge and hit Portland about rush hour.

It was cool, scenic and a nice day for a drive.

Car has been running fine, didn't need the A/C, uses some oil ands water everyday and getting about 12 -15 mpg of the hi test stuff.

In Oregon they dont trust you to fill your own gas tank, so watching the younger attendents try ot find the gas tank behind the plate is fun. Can you imagine if you came in with a 57 Chevy with the filler behind the tail lite ?

Anyway, on to Seattle today and then out of the car for a few days. I do need to find a place to get oil changed and my tires balannced as I have a vibration at 65 - 70. But it goes away at 75 and its totally gone at 90.

See you all in Seattle.

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Bill and Pete -- glad y'all made it!

Bill, sounds like you found most of the "harmonics" in the car. Engine rpm and peak torque, chassis smooothness, and tire interaction . . . all which make the earlier vehicles that much neater to drive. Finding and being able to exploit those "sweet spots" can be rewarding, when you can do it AND they all happen at complimentary times.

I hope y'all have a great time up there!


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So Finally have free internet again. Internet in Seattle was 10 bucks a day nad I had better ways of spending my money. Have you ever heard of "Black Butte Porter" Fine beer that Willie and I sampled quite extensivly.

Meet was great, people were great, weather was great. Dee won the archival award for her 64 Buick which was her goal.

Not much else happened to te car except the persistant noise got worse. Turns out the dust cover on the shock broke, but we got it fixed for no charge at a local Midas shop.

We went to the Boeing plant today and saw them assemble 747's great tour and we were glad we could poke along with the Pre War Buicks. When we came out the bus has stopped and the people were out taking pictures of the cars.

We made it to Moses lake WA today. Not many miles but we will do more tomorrow.

Car turned 90,000 miles today and 3,000 miles away from home. A/C is working again bit the cruise control has quit.

Tomorrow, Yellowstone....

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We also ended upin Moses Lake. Only car trouble is a missing gas cap that an Oregon attendant forgot to replace, and the wiper motor quit completley...there were none at the swap meet, so it will be RainX the rest of the way home. Since we have aleady seen Yellowstone, will head for Mt Rushmore and then south.

Great trip, great meet and great people!...it was a treat to finally me some forum folks.


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Guest imported_Thriller

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bill Stoneberg</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Have you ever heard of "Black Butte Porter" Fine beer that Willie and I sampled quite extensivly. </div></div>

I wound up spending my money on Fat Tire Amber.

Good to hear things are going well (relatively speaking of course).

When we were in Oregon in 2004, we found out that apparently a politician's wife some years ago burned herself badly pumping her own gas while smoking...hence the law for attendants to fill you up...that being said, I wish they would make a law requiring them to get to you and do a decent job within a reasonable amount of time.

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We have made it to Bozeman Montana today. Traveled I 90 and it is MUCH prettier through the top part of Idaho then it is through ther bottom part. The scenery is prettier and more of what I expected in the west.

Coeur de aloure is a wonderful looking town, wonder if the jobs are there ?

Then we ran into the fires in Montana.They were right along side the freeway.You could see the flames from your car.

Car is running fine again, the cruise decided it wanted to work again, so that was nice. A/C worked but we didn't use it much.

The car likes 90 and it could run all day at that speed. I got behind a 63 Buick Wildcat Police car in Washington and he was moving. The cars moved over for the "police" car and we just cruised on by.

We didn't make Yeloowstone today, but will tomorrow.,

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We pulled in Bozeman an hour after Bill and as I was pulling into the motel parking lot a nasty rumbling/grinding was coming from the front of the engine. After removing belts one at a time to isolate, it turned out to be the water pump bearing. Bill helped disassemble, but it got dark before we could put it together. 30 minutes more and it should be running if that rebuilt pump I have carried for the last 6 years is any good.

The idler pulley bearing on the A/C is rough too but should hold up if I keep the A/c turned on where it is out of the system. Stay tuned...


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I made a quick tour through Yellowstone today. Kinda like when I shop, in and out as quick as possible. Too many people. Saw Elk and Old Faithful blow its top. 8,000 gallons of scalding water.

Then it was on to Cody, Buffalo and then Gillete Wyoming. I paid more for my hotel in Gillete Wy (149) then I did at the National meet. (109). Out in the middle of NOWHERE !

Car ran fine and turned over 4000 miles on this trip. Like Willie said, Mt RFushmore and then home.

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Guest imported_MrEarl

Just thought I'd share. Guess there'll be more bug juice to scrub when ya get home


Sorry Bill, I never could catch you at the wash station.

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Yesterday was spent at Mt Rushmore, Crazy horse and lots of twisting mountain roads...met Bill at Hot Springs SD and after dinner and some brews we sat on a bench in front of the motel and watched the sun go down while taking in the mountain atmophere. It just doesn't get any better. Today we ended up in Pueblo CO ~450miles (plenty for and old fart). Tomorrow Lubbock TX and then home. Car is running great, with no new issues...sorry to disappoint since calamities make better reading. 4400 miles so far and 900 to go.


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We made it to Lubbock TX after a little delay trying to diagnose and fix an electrical problem. Seems that I lost all current to switched accessories...probably the ignition switch, which is a bear to replace. Anyhow I have it jumpered, modified and rigged to get us home. Thanks to Mike (buick5563) and Lamar (mrearl) I had enough info to fix it. If only a certain 'dumb a**' had packed the service manual...I had tools and parts to fix it but no guidance. Thanks guys!!


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I meantime have made it home and already have had dinner at my favorite Mexican restaurant. 5275 total miles with 1275 the last two days.

It was hotter then heck the last day and of course the A/C didn't work. I did find out I can live without the A/C easier then I can without cruise control.

My wife is mad because she didn't get to do any driving.....

I was in a hurry to get home as was evidenced by my gas the last two day.. I averaged 12 mpg with a couple of tanks yestaerday in the 9 mpg range. I was driving into a headwind though and had cruise set all day at a nice 76 mph. The car doesn't vibrate there.

I passed everything but the gas stations.

Willie, you wondered why I made 150 more miles then you in the same time.....

Good time though for the whole trip and I am glad I took the Riv.

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Bill & Wilie,

Thanks for sharing all your experiences throughout the trip there and back. I have been logging each day for the updates and have really enjoyed following your journeys.

Glad everything went well (nearly everything) and maybe I can convince Stuart to make the trip with us from Australia next year grin.gif and see you in Flint.

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I've been following you and "old tank" all the way along back home. Glad you're home and all is well! It was a pleasure to meet you and all the forum folks at the breakfast that Friday morning. I hope all is ok with Willie and he's home safe and sound.

Thanks for coming northwest to the evergreen state, we were glad that you did!


variable pitch

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After arriving home yesterday evening, we too had to have some Mexican food. Bill beat me on the miles driven, we only did 5238. For me that was "The mother of all roadtrips" (should have been the title of this tread). Overall ecomony(?) was 15.5 mpg and 5 quarts of oil. I had planned on changing the oil on the road but it still looked clean and no one would change the cartridge filter even though I had one and offered to 'help'...so it got changed this morning. The oil still looked good and there was no debris in the filter canister...I've seen dirtier oil and more debris on a yearly change on a 500 mile car.

This was the first trip using a Garmin GPS, which agreed with the odometer exactly on the way to Seattle, but recorded 50 more miles for the return trip, even though it was not in the car for for one short trip to go eat.(???) The speed displayed by the Garmin and the speedometer in the car was in exact agreement...until late in the day where the Buick speedometer was reading 2 mph slower. More trivia: average moving speed was 58.3 mph overall...trip to Seattle it was 62.8.

The Pilot station in Ontario OR where the attendant failed to replace my gas cap sent it to my house, so now I can remove that red shop rag that served me for 2/3 of the trip. Driving the roads of the Northwest on bias ply tires was a chore due to the grooves worn in the road from studded tires and chains...even the concrete on the bridges and overpasses was worn to the point of casting shadows at lower sun angles.

I have a few things to fix before the next roadtrip: ignition switch, A/C bearing, power steering pump bearing, paint the water pump that I replaced on the road, find a Carter WCFB carb with a front fuel inlet in hopes that will eliminate vapor lock, replace the wiper motor, and the usual degrease the engine and underside in addition to wash and wax the exterior.

I will try to post a few pictures and some more comments later.


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Guest imported_MrEarl

Glad you TRW's made it home safe and sound. Looking forward to "Low-tech Tips for Mid-fifties Buicks- Part 3, 4 and 5... ignition switch, AC bearing and Power steering Bearing Repacement.

What's up with the Power Steering Bearing ? Mine was making noise one time and I thought it was bad. I tightened the bolt on the pulley and walah, no more noise...

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