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Everything posted by MarkV

  1. Tell her $7k cash who is sally rand? She certainly isn’t Frank Sinatra!
  2. I’ve got a 1921 490! It only goes about 25 mph on a good day so this golf cart engine is probably enough to haul it
  3. Well take it from a guy who rescued his grandfathers 48 Lincoln 17 years after he sold it (I found it and bought it back). These cars are expensive with the original v12. Luckily I have a flathead Mercury v8 in mine which was put in during the 50s. The v12 is a horrific engine. the trim parts on these are very expensive and there are so many. Lots of the parts dealers think they have gold. Yet these have an ever fading fan base and dying interest. 75% of the people I knew a decade ago who liked these and were in our club are dead. what I did was convert mine to 12 volt, put in new wiring and fuse box and an alternator and it’s great! It was not original anyway but I love it and it’s story. I would pay no more than 3-5k for your example. Did I mention parts are expensive and impossible to come by?
  4. Yes absolutely! Considering it has been off the road for the better part of 6 decades it’s progress!
  5. Back in august I saved this 1940 Studebaker Champion off of a trailer! After decades she runs again (lots of protest initially smoking, pops and booms! etc!). It looked like it was someone’s project many decades ago and the engine was pulled and reinstalled. The oil pan was spotless etc. I replaced the water pump, thermostat, distributor, radiator (which was recored in the trunk!), tires, hoses and belt, as well as the starter and fuel pump. basically now I’m onto the following: 1. I need a driveshaft it was missing. 2. Re wire 3. reattach the transmission linkages 4. change trans and differential fluid 5. reattach the exhaust system.
  6. Get the generations correct! Gen Z are the sensitive ones not us! We didn’t grow up with participation trophies
  7. I hate it when they say “what’s the least you will take” it’s like whatever it says in the ad! And cash talks
  8. well read up on the efi that was specifically on these imperials only. I successfully repaired this one and one other. There are only about 15 left with running efi!
  9. Still have to do the interior but I replaced the console and cluster and cleaned it several times through the years.
  10. A little over two years ago I saved this Sinatra imperial from about five hundred miles north. It was stored outside and hadn’t run since 1996. I had it painted and just got it back from the shop! Now with everything else done I just need to get the interior done!
  11. your friend needs to hire a public adjuster or attorney immediately on that house claim. Last year my wife and I about four weeks after we came home with our daughter noticed water coming up through the raised floor. No water lines are under there but it appears water came from potentially the washer or the dishwasher or both end went up under the floor. I called the insurance thinking they would just cut out the floor etc. no they gutted the kitchen a bathroom laundry room etc. we had to move out because of it for 6 months my daughter was a premature newborn and initially they wanted us to stay in a house that 1/3 was destroyed and they were doing asbestos and lead remediation. Did I also mention their remediation team hacked away at the walls and destroyed and damaged my wiring, etc? damages were about 65k insurance tried to pay out 14k our building code states when walls are torn out everything (wiring etc) has to be brought to current code. I had code upgrade on the policy and the best replacement policy as well (the one that doesn’t depreciate) they didn’t want to honor that or anything else. Then two weeks later after they gave me $13k they sent a letter denying everything else. their last ditch thing was to put me in front of their special investigations unit for questioning me after I threatened a lawsuit with a certified letter to the president of the company. Because “it was unusual we were out of the house for so long” and that I knew so much about building code (yes I can read!!) really? There was a pandemic raging, plus the holidays and shortages (it took four weeks to get the right breakers) and it took 15 weeks to get the cabinets in and another eight to get them installed as the installer came down with covid and their workers quit to claim unemployment and one died. Let alone scheduling the electrician to rewire 1/3 of our house and install a sub panel to bring it up to code, plumber (for gas and sewer), plaster guys, paint and floor. did they really think I wanted to have this happen during a pandemic with a premature newborn and a sick wife? I owned the house for years and the kitchen was redone just a couple of years before. They ended up paying for everything except the sewer line replacement under the kitchen (which I did out of precaution on my own) I find that many insurance people are morons, and think the public is scamming them yet they are the scammers low balling claims by tens of thousands and fine print or denying claims, they don’t think, and cause lots of misery. The bigger the claim the worse it is. If you don’t want to insure don’t write the policy. Their final gimmick this year was to raise the premium by $300 and want it paid in one payment which I did. I called them out on it and they said the one payment thing was a ‘clerical error’ Never go it alone on big house claims never.
  12. they won’t do that. I tried that same course with my imperial when it was damaged by a careless neighbor while it was parked. The insurance insisted the entire car be repainted. They legally had to do the full payout or no payout by state law. I took it and got the salvage title. Sold the car to a guy a month ago who’s dad had one just like it and he fell in love with it, he had no reservations purchasing a salvage title vehicle as I had all the communications and even video of what happened. Haggerty doesn’t care about paperwork it is a couple mouse clicks linked to the software for the payout that gets sent to your dmv. Regardless if you release them from repairs they are still legally on the hook for extra up to your policy limit that’s why they just do these full payouts on these old cars. salvage titles don’t really matter as long as there was no frame damage. Inevitably lots of old cars will get them due to situations like yours and mine.
  13. Take the money fix the car. Salvage title will not matter to any collector as long as everything is documented. They total out for anything these days. I just bought a restorable 1940 champion for pennies where are they coming up with $16k for a parts car? Lol
  14. 2015 Chevrolet Volt in 2018 had just been in for a recall on the front axle had everything replaced drove 75 mph to Palm Springs got there checked into a hotel then went to dinner turned into the parking lot and the wheel fell off! Took an hour to get the car on the tow truck. Then I had to Uber it to the airport to get a rental car. Turned out the dealership during the warranty work did not tighten the bolts. It took out both tires and I made them pay for a new set of Michelins plus a new axle had to wait days for parts! It was crazy
  15. let me guess they are stating the entire car has to be repainted? They did that with two of my cars
  16. That is the craziest thing I have heard all day
  17. Here are some more!: my 1941 Dodge in the family since 1955. my maternal grandfather by the car 1955 (it was black and he painted it red In the 60s). My grandmother who is still alive complained that my grandfather didn’t pay the payments but she did! 1984 after he passed my parents had it painted. then photos of me as a baby with the car 2004- we began salvage operations and my sister tagged along 2006- was featured in Hemmings and took this photo of my paternal grandmother and my father and I by three of my cars featured. 2007- painted some other photos from 2010-2016 and then my wife and I used it in our engagement photos!
  18. Well she is turning freely I’m going to replace the coil and see what happens
  19. My 1948 Lincoln that my grandfather owned from 1974-1991 that I tracked down and bought back in 2007! First photo is my grandfather in 1974, then 1983, several in the 80s, 1987, 2 from the 1990s (owner between my grandfather and I) then me by it in 2007 (and being towed home), 2008 parade, and then in 2020 and 2021 at my grandfathers grave and now my daughter in 2021!
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