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Everything posted by DAVES89

  1. Sorry to hear about you selling your car. Looks like a great ride. When my daughter got married, my wife and I sat down and came up with a total of what we felt a wedding should cost. Then we wrote a check.[My in-laws did this for our wedding]. This goes a long way to keeping peace and avoiding anger and resentment at cost overruns.It also makes the young couple realize that this budget thing is a part of life. Makes for a good first lesson as they start their life together. Who knows it might make it so you can keep your car and have a good time at the wedding. It allowed me to have a good time at the wedding and still BUY a Reatta in the same year...
  2. I think we need Manikmekanik to volunteer/bid his services. I would be willing to bet that if you would buy his used parts and pay his air fare plus a little for labor you would get your car back in shape. And for way less then what that guy wants. He could ship the parts/tools UPS. He ownly owns 7 Reattas, [although he does have an issue with the horn setup on his daily driver,that black car],he should know everything you need to get fixed.
  3. I was looking for recomendations of what tire to buy. I am confused, are you trying to sell me a set?
  4. I am in the market for tires. I use my car for a daily driver in the months April-Dec. This car is not driven in the winter. I will put on about 30000 miles during those months. Any recommendations?
  5. After I bought my car I replaced almost all the gaskets, tranny lines and oil level sensors.Still had a very slow leak, then when I took the car out of storage to get it repainted I had a big puddle. Turned out my power steering pump had gone bad, and was the source of the leak. Check your pump level.
  6. Sounds like everyone has answered your questions. Regarding your ABS light coming on occaisionally I will suggest you look at the ABS sensor leads that go to the front wheels. Mine were bad, [the insulation was worn] replaced and the light stayed off. Good luck with your new car. Post some pictures when you get a chance!
  7. Whitelaw is a little cross roads town east of Appleton on Highway 10. Population less then 300. Salute!
  8. In the selling area [vehicle profile]he listed Hartselle, Al. Sounds like a parts car to me. Wrong colors and too far away for me.
  9. I'm a cheesehead and I'm going. My wife is still thinking about it. [All cars all weekend?!?]
  10. I'll bet thar tmader is short for tomato which is red which is the color of the other Reatta. Just a guess...
  11. Probably not the aftermarket horn modification you were thinking about, huh? [Why do I feel like Bud Abbott or Dean Martin right about now?]
  12. I'd just like some of the cars I used to have; 1]'66 Ford Mustang 2]'70 Cuda 3]'72 el Camino 4]'85 Sedan deVille 5] Still have the '89 Reatta
  13. I bought my red/tan '89 for my 50th birthday in Dec.'06. I had no idea these cars existed until one snowy day while making calls in Door County, Wi. some guy pulled out in front of me in a Claret Reatta. Usally I am pretty agitated when someone pulls out like that, but as I had never seen one before, I say "What the heck kind of car is that?" Then I read Buick on the back and couldn't wait to get home and look them up on the internet. I looked for about a year for a red/tan, and found one in Clearwater Fl. Flew down liked what I saw and bought the car and drove her home to Packerland. Things done; Previous owner replaced the transmision,a/c,touch screen, accumulater and pressure switch and speakers. Things I did; Repaint car,added sunroof,replaced carpet,transmission lines,thermostat,intake/valve cover gaskets,struts,cleaned up wheels,tune up,got the interior console lights to work,other misc.items. This car has reawakened my interest in getting a hobby. However I use it for a business daily driver which due to miles deductions,allows me to spend pretty much spend what I want on this car. That and the fact that we are now empty nesters, and my wife pretty much has all the jewelry she can use. I also want to thank the guys on this forum and their input, without their help having this car would not be half the pleasure it is!
  14. The only black flame convert I ever saw was a car that had an aftermarket horn modification. And the problem is I can't remember who that guy was. Maybe he will check in....
  15. Well no one ever made a movie about trying to get back home to Wi... Although that part of the movie [Kansas] is in black and white and the rest of the movie [Oz] is in color... Always wondered about that.
  16. That's the problem with the midwest. It's kind of like "The Shining" We get a little goofy when the weather turns bad and our idea of being outside is the distance between the garage and the house. Not much else to do but run on about nothing.
  17. I saw that car. The problem is I really don't like white cars and convertables. I like sun/moon roofs.I would be interested in an '88/89 Select 60. Still thinking on that car in Fox Lake.
  18. Nic, Thats a great idea except that first you have to get up early to clean the driveway, then get in an ice cold car, deal with salt/slush spray on your car as you go to work. At the end of the day go out to your car to scrape the windows, drive home, clean out your driveway once again. Eat supper then sit in front of the fireplace. Most winters are not that bad, at least not like this year...
  19. I find that the closer one gets to Green Bay the crazier it gets. I am originally from the Milwaukee area and went thru some culture shock moving to the G B area. For some being a Packer fan is a reigion. That teacher in Duluth should get her contract pulled. She is a teacher first. As a matter of fact if it was a religion she was promoting she would get her license pulled. At any rate it is good to see you alive and well.
  20. I just love touching that Viking nerve! Looks like if you want to bring Jim back around just talk about the Vikings...
  21. Robert, First of all welcome to the Reatta website.You will find guys more then willing to help. However please don't use more then one post to ask your question. You started a post which was good, but then you went to other posts to ask again. There are a couple of sources for your manual. You can try Jim Finn, he is our used parts supplier. He however has gone in hibernation ever since the Vikings were eliminated. You can try Barney's suggestion to go to the Helms website, or you can try www.car-part.com to find your manual. There is one available in Pa. You may want to update your profile with your location, so when a part is located we can tell you what is closest to you. Welcome!
  22. About 1 year ago I tried bying a car for my daughter at an out of state dealership. There were issues with the car that they needed to resolve before I could buy the car. We had agreed on a price and everything. Well long story short I think I talked the guy down too far, or the cost for repairs were too high for my agreed upon price, or someone came thru the door to buy the car about the time the car was done. All of a sudden there was no returning calls, my salesman was out on the lot with a customer and will call me back when he was free etc... Upshot they never called me back and we ended up with a different car purchased locally. At any rate I don't know how something that should be so easy can get so screwed up.
  23. I think what happened is that someone made a pricing error. They are choosing to ignore Ronnie knowing that sooner or later he will give up calling. The proof is in the fact that the "new" price is over $5000.00 plus taxes. If you really want the car, I would ask for the owner and if that doesn't work, I would contact the better business bureau and get them involved. They must sell at the published price or print a retraction/or notice of a pricing error in the same medium they advertised in.
  24. I think he is working with the Vikings scouting team trying to figure out what players to draft! lol
  25. I didn't respond because I don't have a parts car. I am however interested in going out to the local u-pick lot and grabbing one out of a Cadillac[no Reattas in the lot, however I believe they are the same]. The thing is living in Wi. the temperature this month of Jan.has been close to zero and with any wind it is 10-20 below with the wind chill. Then when the temp comes up we get snow and lots of it. I will grab it and send one to you Ronnie and you can rebuild it if you want. Just give me some time. Regarding the removal of this unit how do I remove it?
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