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Everything posted by 60FlatTop

  1. I will be parting this car out. Some items have been spoken for. Best bet is to email me at bernie@berniedaily.com. It has a single speed rear end that I will pull the axles from. The right vent window is a convertible one. The body panels will be removed from the floor pan; cowl, trunk section, roof, etc. It's coming down to parade rest, so if you even remotely believe in Murphy's Law you need to get off the pot. Bernie
  2. They are NAS boxes, network attached storage. Sometimes you can't get away with just one affliction. I started using computers for work in 1974. They never have been what you call a hobby, but, then, I never really felt like I "worked" for work. Bernie
  3. Dry, crusty, old, sticky splines at the clutch hub will do that every time. I fixed a Met like that a few years ago. The owner sent it to me for a new clutch and I was scared to death the car would break in half if I took the crossmember out. Snaked that red plastic penetrating oil tube up there, gave it a couple of shots, and a few coaxing taps while someone pushed the clutch in. The we drove it to breakfast and ate green eggs and ham. Bernie
  4. I was 18 when I went into the Navy, 1967. I left behind my driver a '60 Buick Invicta, a '58 Chevy DelRay, a 1951 Chevy ambulance, a '56 Chevy two-ten 2 door htp body, '56 Willys Bermuda, '41 Nash Ambassador, '56 Studebaker Golden Hawk, and most of a '56 XK-140 DHC. We had a black & white TV and my Mother decided the family better get a phone in case I needed to call home. Sickness? Nah, sickness is looking at my old 1Tb Buffalo NAS and planning to upgrade to a 6TB Seagate BlackArmor. Bernie
  5. Over the weekend I was negotiating my Packard around four other cars in my garage real carefully. And I smiled. I wondered if the Super convertible owner has realized what I meant by cracking walnut shells with his Buick. If we had any in the house I would have posted pictures. Bernie
  6. That sex thing was part of the conversation on the Edsel: "Look at those Cadillac bumper guards, we can run with this idea." "Nah, the Caddy got by but I think this is pushing it." Come on, we can play stupid if the media says anything." "If we get this one past it's wide open." "I'm not so sure. I would be as risky as telling them the Falcon on the drawing board can be a sports car." "Well if your think it will sell to some guy who can't understand normal thinkin'". Bernie
  7. A while back I heard a newscast where a South American politician was considered dangerously dogmatic by the US gubermint. I thought about that during some windshield time and decided I was actually playfully dogmatic. I'll believe my own BS if it makes me smile. Bernie
  8. When I was a kid in school I got into the hobby in 1959. I always had an image in my mind of the "future car". I was really surprised when I actually saw it. Bernie
  9. For the rest, how many have flushed the differential in their car? Or are you still running on whatever was in there, whenever it was attended to at all; or just topped off when the car was on a rack. Changing the differential juice car be a hard job, hard enough to get neglected. One car I did had probably never been touched. I had to remove the lowest third member stud to drain the really black stuff out after warming it on a 30 mile drive. Then I drained that and it was brown. I refilled and took it for another 30 mile run and drained that. The third time I drain clear honey gold 90W. Even though I knew it was good I had drained it just to be sure I was happy. I drove about 100 miles with cleaner and cleaner oil and probably charged $350 or 400 bucks. The events that never happen; priceless. Bernie- honey gold in my stuff.
  10. I would put a couple of drops of 30W in there, the distributor oil cup, and the generator if they all have one. A better question is "how long since it was last done?". Bernie
  11. The mileage and ages shows the car has been sitting unused quite a bit. There is probably rust built up on the splines of the clutch shaft and making it stick.If you drop the clutch inspection pan your can use a plastic tube to spray some penetrating oil around the clutch hub and shaft area. With someone in the car pressing the clutch pedal you should be able to get a rod or socket extension bar against the hub and work it free. It's a two man job. Bernie
  12. I have a couple of days left on a '48 LC coupe that I am trying to move on Ebay: http://www.ebay.com/...984.m1558.l2649 I bought it, paid to get it home from 100 miles away, paid a couple of months storage for one of my other cars while I figured out the next move. So I have some time and money into it. I know if I part it out a lot of small stuff will go on Ebay and a lot of big stuff "by the pound". Never having a fear of losing money makes me pretty good to talk with. That rear section I thought about grafting onto the Packard is in good shape, rear fenders, the doors, and things like the rear axles, drums, and brakes as well. I am located between Buffalo and Rochester, New York. If I hadn't had to move one car to get it in the garage I would just let it sit there shaped like a LC coupe. Maybe you think like that too. Talk to me, I am pretty eclectic. You might not even need money. Bernie 585-797-7421
  13. Sorry. I got this in the wrong section and can't figure out how to delete. Bernie I have a couple of days left on a '48 LC coupe that I am trying to move on Ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/151739930708?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 I bought it, paid to get it home from 100 miles away, paid a couple of months storage for one of my other cars while I figured out the next move. So I have some time and money into it. I know if I part it out a lot of small stuff will go on Ebay and a lot of big stuff "by the pound". Never having a fear of losing money makes me pretty good to talk with. That rear section I thought about grafting onto the Packard is in good shape, rear fenders, the doors, and things like the rear axles, drums, and brakes as well. I am located between Buffalo and Rochester, New York. If I hadn't had to move one car to get it in the garage I would just let it sit there shaped like a LC coupe. Maybe you think like that too. Talk to me, I am pretty eclectic. You might not even need money. Bernie 585-797-7421
  14. Break a pane of glass and sort through the selection to find the best angles and contours to remove the paint. It works good and doesn't leave sand scratches. Bernie
  15. Last time I had a boss I would tell him that if we both thought the same way there would only be a need for one of us. And I was older. I arrived first. Ever tried intolerance without denigrating those one is intolerant of? Check the liberal media. And today is church day. Bernie
  16. Does anyone remember what earthshaking transition was happening in July, 1995? Decades go by so quickly. Bernie
  17. A good set of snow tires and a Buick can take you up RT 81 between the Lake and the Tug Hill Plateau when the silent snow is just dropping in front of you. It pushes out ahead of the car and the "Whoosh", the accumulation flies over the top and starts again. Now, that's a driving experience. Bernie
  18. If the line is coming from the tank to the fuel pump and the pump is a mechanical one mounted on the engine you might want to put in a section of flexible line (rubber fuel hose). a hard tube connection isn't a good way to go. Then I would cut the line to length and put a bubble on the end by doing the first step of a double flare. Put a pipe to hose adapter on the pump and use Corbin clamps to hold the line on.
  19. I looked at one of those "urban legend" cars once. The widow had a price based on everything one could see without bending over. I had a copy of Hemmings Motor News in my car. So I showed her the section with appraisal services and recommended one in a nearby city. I left the magazine with her but she seemed to think $250-$300 was an extremely high price to evaluate her $30,000 car Her deceased brother who did the expert maintenance on the car was one of those guys who doesn't cut the end off tie wraps. My wife has a list of prices she should get for all my stuff. Believe me it's a lot cheaper than my living price. If you hear about me dying call her quick! Bernie
  20. Getting a pricing value from an online group is tough, maybe entertaining as a spectator, but tough if one is seeking an answer. And Buick guys; they are some of the tightest guys in the whole car hobby. (BTW Cadillac owners spend best) I'd say buy the car if you have the money. Be creative if you fall short. Money is fairly easy to get. A '63 Riviera is not. A good one is even harder to find. If the seller has a price in their head using logic and references is not going to dislodge where the little BB rolled to. Looking back on all the cars I can't remember regretting any I bought. If I have regrets it is over ones I didn't buy. Buy it and post some pictures. Bernie (an incorrigible color discriminator)
  21. Charge around the country? Insane. Used head, hand lapped valves installed in 2002. The previous owner broke a valve cover bolt while changing the gasket (dangerous boy). Then drilled into the water jacket and made a green fountain. Not deterred, he broke a tap off in the hole. Then let it sit for two years figuring out how to get the tap out. Charging around just fine now. Bernie
  22. A green car is sort of like a girlfriend your Mother would pick for you. Grandma O'Brien always had a shiny black Roadmaster and if anyone would want a green car it would have been her! Circumstances around low mileage cars can be interesting and generally follow a theme. One might find that the build date and the delivery date on that car was many months. It wasn't resale red and may have been in stock for a long time. In 1964 you could still save $1,000 by buying left over stock. My white 4 door '60 Electra was sold new in February 1961. I have the cancelled check for $3,000, about a grand under sticker. Minimal use cars purchased by the elderly, or at least old, may be that lifetime dream that is fulfilled by a windfall of cash. The car they dreamed of, didn't need , and finally had enough money to buy. A salesman can spot them pretty easy and guide them to the aging stock row. I owned a 1967 Electra in the late 1980's. The salesman who sold it new had opened a liquor store. I pulled up in front with the car and he greeting me saying "Oh, you ended up with that stripped job." It was a base black, minimal optioned post sedan. He said a farmer in the next county had sold land, called the dealership, and asked for a new Buick. At the time salesmen made house calls so he took the least desirable new car on the out to them; still a new Buick. It was parked in the barn since the hay lot was sold and driven infrequently. On a low mileage car you generally find some or all of the elements of the story. Aging stock, aging buyer, windfall purchase cash. It is a story told over and over. I bought a new bright red 2005 Chevy Silverado conventional cab, 2WD, with a 5.3. The village the Chevy dealership is in also has a large fire fighting equipment dealer. On delivery, the sales manager said "I'm surprised you bought that truck, I had a fire chief in mind when I ordered it." It was red with the bigger engine. How could I resist. These stories do reflect a lkot on the original purchaser. Bernie
  23. I would go for this. Be careful not to do too good a job. Hand lapping the leaking valve to seat it in a worn engine is much better than having a three angle valve grind done. It will duplicate the wear in the other 14 valves and allow that slight leakage, like the rest, to keep blowby from pushing past the rings. If you tighten two cylinders up too much you will probably see blue puffs from the draft tube; not very ladylike when parking at a show. Bernie
  24. From the day I met with the realtor. I wasn't the seller..... Bernie
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