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Mark Shaw

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Everything posted by Mark Shaw

  1. Check this out: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1949-1953...1QQcmdZViewItem
  2. I have heard it called "Oil Cloth" mostly on GM cars and "Cobra Skin" on Fords & others.
  3. Cardinal, Just put AfterTour in the search space and hit go....
  4. Just bringing this back up to the top of the forum.
  5. Jules, I had a problem with the Washington State Department of Motor Vehicles when I tried to license my 24 Buick. I referenced the website below to verify the locations of frame and engine numbers by year of manufacture. Then you can reference "The Standard Catalog Of American Cars" to find the range of numbers for your car. Dave Corbin can tell you what month and year it was manufactured, but until he has published his book, they may not accept his determination. http://members.aol.com/buickohv/ars.htm If the U.K. is like the USA in how they document registration, I expect you may need a recognized publication to document your car rather than just a letter from the BCA or Dave Corbin.
  6. James Otto 865-966-9494 was the contact on another forum.
  7. Bill Sibley from Memphis TN called me yesterday trying to get some info on Buicks. He mentioned he had a late 20s Kissel under restoration. You might look him up in the HCCA roster. Try this value guide. I am told they use auction results to calculate values... http://www.manheimgold.com/car_lo.html
  8. Rick, The Alemite pin type adapter is $32.00 !!
  9. Dan, What car will you bring?
  10. Careful there Danno, The real native Washington State expressions are: That is really "spendy"... (Meaning it costs a lot). That is a "Skookum" rig!.. (Meaning the guy really likes it).
  11. Greetings to BCA Members from the Buick Car Club of Australia Queensland Branch Members. In Australia we hold an inter State Meet every 2 years between Queensland and New South Wales State Buick Members. You can look at some of the Australian Buicks that were at the last Buick Inter State Meet if you click on - www.buickcarclubaustralia.com and look on the Coffs Harbour 07 page and then scroll down to pages 4,5,6 and 7 where you can see the models and owners names when you click on each of the photos to enlarge. Most of these Buicks and many more will be at the Australian Buick National Meet in September this year. All BCA members are invited to join us and share ride in some of our Buicks through some of the most beautiful country in Australia. It's still not too late for you and your Chapter members to enter, so for all the details go to - www.buicknationals.com.au My wife Linda and I have been made very welcome by fellow BCA members when we attended the BCA National Meets in 2003 and 2007. So, we'd love to make you welcome for 2 weeks of fun, friendship and Buick touring in Queensland's balmy Spring.weather in 2008. Hope to see you . Regards, Brian Hall , BCA # 34371 President, Buick Car Club of Australia.( Qld. )
  12. Bob, This is one of the most common needs in perwar Buicks. You could search for years to find one and then have to pay dearly for it. If it is a show car, you must do this. If it is just cracked & you just want to get your car running again, Press in a new inner steel tube (my 24 Buick uses a length of standard 1 1/2" exhaust tubing). That is what actually carries the fuel air mixture to the intake manifold. Seal off the heat tubes from the exhaust valve, and enjoy driving your car. If it is broken in two pieces, you should have it welded by a competent cast iron welder who will preheat the parts to achieve a good strong cast iron weld.
  13. I have Alemite pin type grease fittings on my 24 Buick. I also have the correct gun, but when I try to screw grease into the fittings it just comes out the sides of the gun connector. The fittings may be plugged, but I wouldn't think all of them would be this way. I am ready to swap all of them to modern fittings, but first I want to know if anybody has another solution. Thanks,
  14. Buick Club of America Northwest Regional Meet Salem OR Classes for All Buick Bodied Cars Hosted by the PORTLAND AREA CHAPTER BCA Friday evening Social at the host hotel (info below) Saturday Driving tour (including waterfalls, covered bridges, winery tour & lunch) $20.00 per person leaves from host hotel @ 9:30 am Registration for this event MUST be received no later than July 16 Evening cruise event leaves from the host hotel @ 6:30 pm Sunday Car Show at ANTIQUE POWERLAND,BROOKS,OR 9 am to 3 pm I-5 Exit 263, then west 1/4 mile Awards in 11 classes peer judging, games, raffles & other events, displays & activities at Antique Powerland REGISTRATION Car Show BCA Non-BCA Car # 1 Year ______ Model _________________ Body style ___________________ $20.00 $25.00 Car # 2 Year ______ Model _________________ Body style ___________________ $20.00 $25.00 Total included $_________ (a $2.00 per person entry fee to Antique Powerland will be collected at the gatedo not include with registration) SaturdayDriving tour $20.00 per person (includes all fees & lunch) Total included $ ________ GRAND TOTAL $ ________ make your reservations direct by 7/16/08 RENAISSANCE INN KEIZER, OR 1-800-299-7221 mention: BCA N.W. Regional Meet special rate: $69.00 per night http://www.keizerrenaissanceinn.com/ send completed registration forms to: 2008 BCA NW Regional Meet 510 W. 34th St. Vancouver, WA 98660 360-693-4993 make checks payable to: Portland Chapter BCA email questions: nwbuickclubregional08@comcast.net Aug.15-17, 2008 PARTICIPANTS Name(s)_______________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________ State / Prov._______________ ZIP _________ Phone ______________________ Email address _____________________________________ BCA Chapter _________________ BCA Member #____________ Total Attending _______
  15. Do you have the rims too? If so, please send photos to: durcodude@comcast.net
  16. Hey guys, try to look at it as planting a seed that can grow the hobby into another bunch of enthusiasts. When I finally do sell one of my Buicks, I would like to sell to someone who has no other collector cars. Yes, it would also be nice to sell it locally, but I would feel good just to infect other newcomer with this great hobby. My 2 cents...
  17. Brian, Agreed. I think we would also need to update the list after contacting each service provider at least every other year or so. This would allow us to verify that they are still providing quality services and make any changes in phone numbers, email addresses etc.
  18. Try Olsen's gaskets: http://www.olsonsgaskets.com/
  19. I suggest you put a glass bowl type sediment filter (without a filter element) at the inlet to the carb. You really don't want to restrict the flow from your vacuum tank, and a sediment bowl alone will easily drop out any solids big enough to foul the float valve on your carb. It will also be easier to see when it needs cleaning so you can keep track of the sediment problem. The source of the sediment could be the vacuum tank, so a filter between it and the gas tank may not solve your problem.
  20. Nice buy. A couple of letters for the hood, some new wheel covers, and a little TLC on the interior and you can go anywhere with this car.
  21. Ther is a 32 Buick chassis with engine etc. for sale in Salem Oregon.
  22. Wayne, Good suggestion. Expanding to post war cars would increase potential sales to the broader market. We will need someone with postwar cars to co-ordinate the postwar references. Anybody want to take on this project?
  23. John, I gladly accept your offer to help organize this effort and will definately put it on the agenda for our meeting in Flint. Each of the PWD regional directors should also help co-ordinate this effort by requesting such references from PWD members and at their local BCA chapter meetings. Hey guys... are you seeing this?
  24. This morning while perusing the AACA forum sites, I came across a request for someone who rebuilds the shutter thermostats used in early 30's GM cars. The request was answered with an explanation that there was really only one guy in the USA that still does this work and his name, address and phone number were provided. Although that is one of the best reasons to frequent these forums, I think we could take this one step further. We will all eventually need references for qualified sources of specialty services and/or reproduction parts for our prewar cars & trucks. Several car clubs publish directories with references and listings of local businesses who offer such services. But I have never seen a national directory like this. I would like to know if this is a viable option for the BCA PreWar Division. If we get enough good references to compile a booklet, we may be able to publish a booklet or make a CD & sell them to raise money for PWD special events and tours. We could also sell advertising space, but I think we would have to pre-qualify advertisers with a good member reference or recommendation before accepting such ads. Please give me some feedback on this.
  25. Larry, Thanks for the lead. I have been asked for such a lead many times. My 31 Buick thermostat works perfectly... I think it is because I lube the shutters & linkage every year and the drive rod is properly adjusted for the full stroke of the diaphragm.
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