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Johan Boltendal

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Posts posted by Johan Boltendal

  1. Matthew,

    Thank you for your reply and pointing me towards this spray chrome.

    Next to chrome plating on the cars headlamps, grille, bumper and a few small items, the difference with spray chrome is too much. I have tried a few parts,

    for other use, with professional spray chrome, to find out how it stands up,

    the finish is certainly acceptable, but the quality we get in the Netherlands is too far off.

    Besides that the chrome paint we get is easier damaged, leaving chips and scratches.

    Will have to follow the chrome plating road . Thanks again Johan

  2. Sharp eye and a legit question.

    Knowing my aim for Authenticity, I would have been surprised, if this question hadn't come up.

    '32 shells are made of thin hard metal from new, as it turned out,

    Most people ever undertaking a restoration of any kind, must feel the need to have the shell chromed as one of the first things to do. This '32 is no exception.

    The result I suggest, the existing shell on the car so thin, it almost imploded.

    After finding and buying a second one, a bit better, but also in a condition way less then wished for, after repair and reinforcements being carried out, the chrome plater managed to sand it to destruction.

    Despite my explicite demand, to only acid copper the shell, this, to get some materal thickness being able to polish the shell and in the meantime not to though the thin metal shell at all.

    The plater had decided to do otherwise without consulting me, only presented a holed shell. I spare you the details of this conversation.

    Not wanting to wait for a third shell to be found and chrome plated, this could well take several month's,

    I decided to paint the first shell, being the only one in a paintable condition after filler and repair.

    This black shell, could perhaps have been ordered late '32, but it isn't as it should be and this shell is temporarely.

    As a bonus, I will be able to drive this car this summer, I must add, I kind of like the black shell as well.


  3. The device between the headlamps is a siren most likely. I do not know this car with the siren, but it was certainly common those days, for high ranking

    members and those who liked to be, to have a siren on board , this one certainly looks like it


  4. Don, that certainly has turned out to be a very fine substitute with some

    excellent solutions. Congrats.

    Allow me to remark, the clearance between frame and carb housing seems very little, from the picture showing this. Engine movement under acceleration or heavy breaking mght lead to an interferance with bad results for the carb.

    can imagine the smile on your face driving the V-12, running the way it did, taking it out for a first drive. Johan

  5. Have been busy with all kind of small jobs, taking a lot of time, hardly worth picturing, not a lot to see.

    The current status is visible in a few images attached. Rear fenders on as well as taillligths with indicator bulb inside.

    Running board rubber took a lot of sweat to get right, all loose parts made after the remaining original mat, had to be fit and glued together. In the end

    I'm satisfied with the result. Thanks to my Feinn saw and Dremel as well. Interor is also nearing completion as the picture

    shows. regards Johan






  6. Dave, you know I love my Cadillac's, but I have to say, I'm glad you have initiated this thread , it's so nice to see all these pictures of so many fantastic cars, not to forget the added information, submitted by the forum users,

    I'm impressed,

    I even start thinking about owning one.


  7. 1 take off Bat + attach the ignition box within the engine compartment

    2 take out the point base plate, take out adjustment as well, the washer with the internal M4 screw should slide over the cam, the screw presses towards

    the flat side of the cam. the washer should freely move circular

    the same is said next to the drawing of the washer

    3 ignition adjustment to be fitted again, the axial play should be eliminated with the washers in the set

    4 Rotor with magnet should be pushed over the washer, signal sensor to be fitted

    5 Put all wires in place after the drawing

    6 Take out both plugs, put the piston in cylinder one at 0.5 mm before TDC

    this goes for all engines

    7 Sparkplug from cylinder one with wire to ground

    8 Ignition on, Rotor to be turned to the right until spark at plug stops

    9 The rotor now has to be tightened with the screw

    10The ignition is set

    Put everything together, start the engine and have a nice drive.

    This is the translation I can give, hope it will lead you the right



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