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Johan Boltendal

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Posts posted by Johan Boltendal

  1. Pulfer and Williams were the place for Authentic decals. I have both the useless repro's that look fake from 10 yards and the Bill Williams ones,like original.

    Perhaps this helps Bill Williams died last September. Pulfer and Williams was purchased by Eric and Vivian Lavine, in Indiana.


    I've restored my own with a fine cloth wrapped tightly aroumd a small metal rod, wetted this in solvent and kind of rolled the extra paint off.

    it will do but has nothing to do with a 100 point.

    Good luck Johan

  2. Harry,owning and working on early '30's Cadillacs from 1973, I have been and still am fortunate, to get to know, several fine American people, this fact adds tremendously to achieve the goals I'm after, as you perhaps will have read in my earlier comments.

    When finished, I will take it out and use the Cadillac as intended. Thank your for your nice comment, Johan

  3. Harry,owning and working on early '30's Cadillacs from 1973, I have been and still am fortunate, to get to know, several fine American people, this fact adds tremendously to achieve the goals I'm after, as you perhaps will have read in my earlier comments.

    When finished, I will take it out and use the Cadillac as intended. Thank your for your nice comment, Johan

  4. Hello All,

    It has been a while, since my last update, some trouble along the route at the moment. Not much visible progress.

    The newly made windshield base rubber, interfered with the wiper arms, so they had to made a new one that would fit,

    Work on fitting the dash had to wait, because there is hardly any room to fit the wipers,when the dash is in place.

    My leather supplier promised me to send 4 hides weeks ago,

    only to tell me yesterday, after I gave him a call, he couldn’t find them and nothing was shipped at all.

    There would be a new batch ordered, to take another 40 days or so.

    Car is scheduled for the upholsterer next week, so much for that planning.

    The new windshield base rubber arrived yesterday, I have cut a new one and now it fits, just, but it does.

    During this time I tried to assemble the smaller parts, door locks, the locking mechanism, the taillights, the parking and head lights new short wiring and connections,

    assembling the hood hold downs, with all rivets like oem, specially made these.

    The horns adjusting and trying for a good match and lots of small stuff, all need doing,it is ready, when the time comes to fit.

    You will have been there, but it’s frustrating when you plan all kind of things and then they do not happen, but that must be the fun of restoration perhaps.


  5. Hello All,

    It has been a while, since my last update, some trouble along the route at the moment. Not much visible progress.

    The newly made windshield base rubber, interfered with the wiper arms, so they had to made a new one that would fit,

    Work on fitting the dash had to wait, because there is hardly any room to fit the wipers,when the dash is in place.

    My leather supplier promised me to send 4 hides weeks ago,

    only to tell me yesterday, after I gave him a call, he couldn’t find them and nothing was shipped at all.

    There would be a new batch ordered, to take another 40 days or so.

    Car is scheduled for the upholsterer next week, so much for that planning.

    The new windshield base rubber arrived yesterday, I have cut a new one and now it fits, just, but it does.

    During this time I tried to assemble the smaller parts, door locks, the locking mechanism, the taillights, the parking and head lights new short wiring and connections,

    assembling the hood hold downs, with all rivets like oem, specially made these.

    The horns adjusting and trying for a good match and lots of small stuff, all need doing,it is ready, when the time comes to fit.

    You will have been there, but it’s frustrating when you plan all kind of things and then they do not happen, but that must be the fun of restoration perhaps.





  6. My '32 Cadillac AWP has a separation window, this one, most of the time lowered in his or her life, is till the original

    early laminated glass,without any damage,now my question is;should I replace this glass, with a new safety glass, like I have all other glass, that was either to far gone or broken, or should I leave it be.

    This would be my first choice. The glass has a light brown or amber color,due to the discoloring of the early mica in between sheet and of course visible, next to the new safety glass, that's always a bit greenish in my opinion.Would this be acceptable in your opinion and judging wise?

    Look forward to your ideas. Thanks Johan

  7. Sorry West, if I answered under a wrong impression, knowing this now, the answer still is the same, you will not be able to find an easy way in, making a tool that might work, will take a lot more time and effort, then having the rivet made in what ever nr. you need.

    I've tried this myself and I still feel the pain, of the damaged finger in the process, without succes, until taking the lock apart.Easy to do at home without a machine shop.

    BTW the apple green spring looks like the 942A from a replacement box, the same spring should fit my '32 Cad, but didn't, it is too long, did you compare yours, before all efforts turn out to be in vain?

    Good luck again, Johan

  8. It isn't supposed to get in with every part in place!

    The sequence is different.

    You have to take out the rivet that holds the lock/nose arm,

    at the far end. Then you will be able to slide the arm away

    and make the fit of the spring a piece of cake.

    Slide it back in, at the same time compressing the spring, without damaging you or whatever else and put the old or better a new rivet in place.

    Good luck Johan

  9. That's exactly why the dampner is not intended to set your timing.The dampner moves back and forth, when new a bit when worn a lot

    TDC can and will be found on vibration dampers,when the engine is not running, the TDC mark will be more or less acurate, when the dampner is fully functional that is, but they are certainly not intended to set your timing, with the engine running. The flywheel mark is the only thing to go by,


  10. Dear Diz,glad you like the way this Cadillac is restored, thank you for your encouraging comment and thoughts.

    That driving the wheels off, was, what I initially had intended,but the following defects and some more, were leading to this full restoration; a leaking tank, bend frame,different springs, all 4 of them,a to tight rebored engine, that went solid after 5 minutes warming up,a gone top,no exhaust, completely dangerous wiring,all rubber worn out or missing,

    butchered headlights, a bend sychromesh drum, stuck clutch,

    sagging doors, worn out window mechanism's and wiper system,

    a completely glued sealed windshield, together with the wood and frame and body, kind of prevented this,taking the windshield out, saving the frame and wood moulding, took two weeks, every day, 6 hours a day, to give you an idea.

    Still, I'm very happy with the restoration, certainly now the nice work has arrived,I'll be posting some pictures every few weeks, to tell about progress. Johan

  11. James, thanks for asking, I like to restore this car to a condition, as close as possible to the buildsheet. The parts search,meeting a lot of very nice and interested helpfull people,taking the car apart, finding that special note on a card board side panel, the print of the steel company in the left front door plate, Cadillac Motor Car Company Detroit in yellow lettering on the torque tube,thge paint marks on the gears in the transmission,I can go on as you notice. All these efforts will lead when finished to a driver. Ii love to see the efforts that went it to show cars

    but I am a driver. Johan

  12. Actually, these are fitted the other way around, open end of wiper hook from inside of the slot in the wiper arm, towards the outside of the arm and then turned into the slot,done and fitted secure. This way they won't fall off at the first wipe and damage your window. Johan

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