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Everything posted by buick5563

  1. I don't see the pic, Bulldog, but 2197s is the Carter 4 bbl for 55. Good carb.
  2. Of course.... Cuz it's a Century
  3. This is true, Bob. I found an NOS one a long time ago (when Buick Farm still had stuff). Probably late 90's. It had stress cracks in it then. I still have the box, but don't know where the piece went.
  4. Like Tx. John said previously, my pics above will fix a non-blowing horn AND this will happen very often in 55's. BUT with that said, I am veering more and more to the relay for the constant blowing.
  5. Buy this and cut where I am pointing with the screwdriver, leaving the 1" section with the reducer left: Then solder the bottom of the wire to a groove you cut in the coupler. The reason you do this first is that the fitting is thick and needs a lot of heat to melt solder. I also use a three inch piece of small shrink wrap at the bottom of the wire to further protect it where it goes through the slot. Then feed the wire back up the tube and solder the top. This is just how I do it, you can try it any other way you want. If you have an easier way, please share. Looks like this after soldering and back on the rubber insulator:
  6. The advantage of using this system is that you are cutting off the small side, which means there is a natural lip. That lip prevents the piece from sliding down past the rubber. Pics to come soon...
  7. Www.bobsautomobilia.com has reproduction tanks. The only thing I don't like is that it has a rubber tube that connects the filler tube to the tank. It is a fine way of doing it, I just don't like the way it looks from underneath. The way around that is to solder the old filler to the new tank. I wish you were closer, there is a guy in Austin who knows 55's inside and out and has only once complained about parts availability . PM me and I'll send you some parts info.
  8. It is definitely more fun doing it as a hobby, where there aren't time restrictions.
  9. Good call JD. I think that the large gauge (starter) wire was actually cloth insulated originally. Then joined together with the smaller yellow wire in the cloth conduit.
  10. Eric, Call Bob's Automobilia. They will have one in stock, and have it shipped quickly. Then just send your core back.
  11. Ok. Was just wondering because if it was a 55 and had the bolt (screw) on armrests, I would say it was a re-badged Special. It's a nice car.
  12. Question for the 54 guys: Was 1955 the first year that door panels had armrests "molded" in as opposed to bolted on?
  13. It's gonna be a fun afternoon, no matter what.
  14. Gary; Personally from a taste point of view (as a non-57 owner) I think the white car would look good with tangerine wheels and wide whites. Don't know judging wise what it "should" be.
  15. It's not over yet suckas!!! JD, The 56 was the first year with a rag joint for Buick (if I'm not mistaken). I was able to fix my horn issue with my 63 Cat by bridging the gap between top and bottom sections (at the joint). I refuse to bet on this one, but you might want to try it.
  16. And welcome aboard Brian. Seriously. Follow Bhigdog's advice. He's a smart dude.
  17. It is definitely a possibility Jim, but probably not on a car that hasn't been monkeyed with recently. A) I'll be in Allentown. Willie has the easiest solution, both to test for and to fix. C) My solution is now looking like the least likely D) That means I have the first round (at least) E) I owe Jim for the last time we hung out, so he is included in my round F) I'm coaching Little League baseball tonight, so dealing with a bunch of eleven year olds has me drinking a Tecate to loosen me up right now Sorry OP. Hijacked!!!
  18. Pecan Porter for a relay diagnosis. Ok.
  19. I can't even blame my answers on Scotch. Or red wine...
  20. I reread this and it makes sense. Might be Bhigdog's first suggestion. Or the ring just stuck and you need to lube the little rubbers on the wheel spokes. I'm still betting on your fly in the ointment theory, Bob.
  21. You got it Bob. My theory is actually based on if the "slip ring" (second pic... for clarity during this discussion) splits and is still connected to the wire, it grounds to the column, no longer protected by the rubber between it and the shaft.
  22. Hey Lamar, Can you add 55 Buick to this title so I can search it in the future? Thanks
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