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Everything posted by Thriller

  1. Thanks Bill, We'll have to do some figuring and discussing of options. Maybe we'll have them eat before us or at the same time and then come to the banquet as "observers". At any rate, now I know where we stand.
  2. I just sat down for about the third time with the registration form...we're finally almost ready with it. I may have asked this before, but obviously didn't make note of it if there was an answer. Any chance of child pricing for the banquet? Or some type of alternative? I know the kids would like to be there, especially considering the attention they got last year, but I find $45 for a 10 year old a bit tough to swallow. Worst case, I buck it up, so it isn't a make it or break it thing. Teresa's 14 now, so I guess I'll need to start getting used to not thinking of her as a child, although she'll always be my little girl. Thanks.
  3. I am not absolutely certain yet, but I'm likely to go. I know a local who will be parking his '41 Limited with the CCCA folks. I'm pretty sure that car has original paint. I have plans for which car I would be most likely to bring, but need a couple things to settle out in that area yet.
  4. Roger - it isn't so much secret issues, but there are issues that should be handled internally to the club rather than on a public forum. Financial issues is one that I can think of off the top of my head. Members have the right to discuss and have input, potentially assisting the BoD in making decisions, but non-members should not have input into internal club decisions. Of course, that's my opinion.
  5. Paul, If you'd like, you could e-mail me a few photos and I could post them up.
  6. RockAuto lists headlight switches with and without Twilight Sentinel.
  7. That doesn't say that we may not be able to set aside a password-protected section of the BCA web site for some of what is suggested. While we wouldn't necessarily want to set up an entire new forum along with its associated costs, we already have some of the basics in the BCA site.
  8. Sigh...I'm pretty sure the applications I handed out have made their way through the recycling pile rather than to the national office, so I'm pretty sure it isn't me.
  9. And I still don't own a Riv...so, you are behind a couple of other forum members at spending Suzanne's money :rolleyes:
  10. I understood that it was a running change. The early ones were open to let cold air in - good idea, but without a defined channel to the air cleaner, bugs, dust, and whatnot got in and made a mess of the engine bay. So, production changed to the solid design. I'm sure that some owners complained and may have gotten the newer design put on their cars. That's what I remember hearing / reading. Since the different assembly plants tended to serve different geographical areas, geographical differences may have come into play with northern plants that deal with snow avoiding the open hood ornament. For the record, my Special was built in Oshawa and has the solid ornament.
  11. Very nice. It's a shame about the saga...it seems stuff like that happens far too often.
  12. I don't believe anyone ever implied that Bugle piracy is a current concern. I believe it was effectively that what now requires effort (scanning / copying / printing or scanning and saving), which in itself is a deterrent (face, people are lazy), to something that is very easy to lose control of. The majority of BCA members would be diligent about protecting their access, but it would only take a few dishonourable folks to spread it around quite rapidly. At that point, free versus a cost becomes an issue, particularly for the international members who are less likely to belong to a chapter and pay additional costs due to higher mailing costs. Would all the members in Europe remain members if one of them kept up the membership and e-mailed it to everyone else, as an example? Folks are complaining about $50...what about the international costs, particularly as postal rates don't decrease? Essentially, it is a hypothetical argument. If you have paper, the only low effort things you can do with the Bugle is keep it, toss it, or give it away. Giving it away does not present a significant loss of potential memberships, and may create new memberships. The concern with electronic distribution is that it is easier to send along, and if you are sending an e-mail, it is not much more difficult to send it to 10 people than to one. In many respects, I would like a soft-copy Bugle. However, I am personally torn. Another thing to keep in mind is that this is a forum where people are allowed to express their opinions. It is NOT a corporate brainstorming session where all ideas are valid and not subject to critique at the time of being stated. The ideas are all valid. Some are better than others. However, if someone presents a possible problem with implementing an idea, or it is an idea that requires further study, then it should not result in any emotional responses. Facts have no emotions. An electronic Bugle is something that has been talked about for a while and I know the BoD has been looking at some of the issues surrounding it. My vote is to let them continue and report back to us when they have something to report. As for any new ideas, there are BoD members here and I for one am confident they will take it under advisement and investigate what they are able. Of course, they are volunteers, so perhaps if someone wanted to present an idea it would be better if they also offered to perform some of the research and investigation into the topic that may be required.
  13. is what you need...easiest with a rear seat passenger, but you don't have to modify the panels.:cool:
  14. Not to mention the last generation SC Rivieras as well...reasonable performance cars from what I hear.
  15. I'd put money on a hub cap center. The Buick tri-shield emblem evolved over the years, but originated in 1959. Has anyone ever seen an article or site devoted to the emblem changes? That would make a good Bugle article...I don't remember it being covered in the 7 years I've been a member (but memory isn't that good either).
  16. It's because they are still made of rubber at that point and bounce. They grow out of it. Ever notice that if nobody is watching they're fine, but if the parents see the incident, they're screaming bloody murder? As for the origin of this thread, the item is broken - that in itself invalidates the use of the word mint.
  17. If you read the comments, it gets pretty frustrating that there are folks who won't even consider looking at it because it is a Buick and they think of Buick as an old man's car. Of course, you see younger folks in Enclaves.... I can't wait to see one in person...some things like an overall feel for the size I just don't get unless I can see / feel it.
  18. If if have all my recollections correct, I met this couple and the car in 2008 at the MBCC Homecoming in Oshawa.
  19. There is a huge difference in ease between forwarding an e-mail, and scanning a magazine, printing it, and making copies for all your non-BCA friends. Even if it is password protected, it becomes an honour system to keep your pw yours. As far as that goes, have any of you heard about the Churchill High School teachers dancing? If you have, that is due to cell phone video going viral. When Facebook meets forwarding of links, it gets around the world in a hurry. If I pass along a physical Bugle, someone else sees it, and perhaps they pass it along, and so on, with possibly many potential new members as a result. From what I have heard on these forums, many folks don't keep their Bugles forever, so unless they are just thrown in the trash or recycling, they get passed along already. The local chapters are the hands and feet of the BCA in most areas. If I remember correctly, our VP had put together a list of the most populous areas in the USA without chapters. There's a lot of folks not generally within reach of a chapter. So, if all focus is on the chapter level, there's a lot of geography missed. That group is also the group for which the Bugle is absolutely crucial. It becomes the lifeblood of the BCA and primary communication medium (as these forums are not generally used for official club business). If chapters had "associate" memberships, then how long might it be before the chapter has a majority of such memberships who vote to rescind BCA membership and simply become a local Buick club? I could see that happening, without trying to find a negative simply to find a negative. Now, if the associate membership was a one year only thing or one time only, that might be different. However, how do you break it to someone who enjoys a local club that their membership of $20 last year is $70 this year? Wait a minute...that sounds a lot like the discounted first time membership we started with. The other thing is that those chapters who are offering the first year membership free to new recruits are likely not suffering as a result. Assuming the chapters are reasonably well run, they looked at their finances, their historical recruiting rate, and perhaps added in a fudge factor to ensure they could afford it. Those chapters who may not be able to afford it should not offer such a thing. I'm tired...I'd better stop before I start repeating myself or somehow otherwise get myself in more folks' bad books.
  20. I know the Regina plant assembled Pontiacs as well.
  21. Ellie - '66 Wildcat - license plate starts ELY Vicky - '61 Invicta - how else would you shorten Invicta? Spirit - '76 Century Pace Car - Free Spirit I think that comes pretty close to the ones that are named...I had a somewhat disparaging name for the '62, but Suzanne convinced me to stop using it. The '54 is known as The Gray Ghost...that's just something that could be interim until something comes up. Thought about naming the '41 Franklin - the previous owner was a Mr. Franklin, and while it is sort of an old fashioned name and suits the car, it is also masculine, which I'm not sure suits. The other projects aren't named.
  22. It sure would be something if I could just fly in to any location that y'all plan and drive away.... Of course, doing so would imply a lottery win, which sadly hasn't occurred with a large enough sum yet. I love what you've done with your avatar and descriptor though....
  23. I'll try to get a photo of my '29 wipers up. I believe it is quite similar.
  24. I guess you'll just need to give it to a short guy like me then...
  25. Bonjour Nicole, I'm a CS with Health Canada out here in Winnipeg. I've been through the LAC storage facility here a couple of times when we were looking at backup tape storage. Dave's calculation is based on the fact that we know the total Canadian production, but not by model. American production is known broken down by model. So, the model 51 (Super 4 door sedan) represents 15.5% of total US Buick production. Taking that percentage and applying it to the Canadian production total for 1941 gives an estimate for how many Canadian-built Super 4 doors were built. That leads to a question for Dave, probably for a different thread. Since Canada joined WWII in 1939, was there a drop in Canadian production for those years before production ceased completely for the war effort? Documentation on this seems to be scarce.
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