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Posts posted by JohnD1956

  1. It's too bad there isn't white below the sweepspear.

    Combined with John D's suggestion, it'd be cool to paint the sweepspear (to the proportion of the trailer) THEN paint Cherokee Red above and Dover White below, making a two-tone trailer....with portholes, of course!

    I wonder what it would cost to do half of the trailer in Cherokee Red? Probably huge!!! I bet for the money you could have plastic decals made and just paste em on the trailer.

  2. As I understand it everyone in the USA has ethanol. Just some states do not require notification at the pump so people think they don't have it.

    Anyway, I hope you are refering to Gas Tank renu product. I had my 56 tank done several years ago and I run a clear filter on the fuel line, and it looks like the sealer is holding up okay.

  3. Don't know much about the 68 but it looks good in the four pictures. Good luck

    Buke, look at the metal inside the front and rear window for evidence of leaks. It seems that the urethane sealer in these cars detaches and when the rain puddles in the pinchweld it will then run into the car and rust things out from inside. Under the rear seat and on top of the trunk shelf are likely to be problems.

  4. After a visual check of the radiator tank seals, from my experience with this vintage 3800, ( 4 cars at various times) you have an intake manifold leak. Most likely invisible as it is slow and active in the form of water vapor.

    The good news is the gaskets are cheap and reliable plus they are to install. You'll want a inch pound torque wrench because the bolts are small and the torque requirement is equal to only a few foot pounds. It does take a few hours to complete, mainly because you need to disconnect the wiring harness from the sensors and some can be tough to get to. You'll want to be especially careful of removing the wire on the temperature sensor under the throttle body. The last one we did was rusted on so tight we chose to cut and then resplce the wire under the plastic wire loam.

    Just keep in mind that these cars are mostly what I like to call Press and Stick cars. I figure the manufacturer builds everything today for the fastest assembly process. Sometimes this does lead to difficult things to detach, but usually it means there are very few hand tools required to put stuff together again.

  5. Hopefully. Did you see the video Eastwoods put out on their advertisement for a Stretcher/ Shrinker? It shows formation of such a curve and starts with a straight piece of metal, with 90 degree bends on each end. Then the shrinker is employed along the length of the short 90 degree bend, effectively curving the straigh piece of metal across it's length. Then the one end was cut off and welded to another piece formed for recreating the wheel well opening.

    The point being, If you are welding this into an existing body you probably have to cut off the end where it attaches to the rear quarter panel and then weld it together. My 56 has no seam at the rear quarter panel/ rocker panel so I would think the extra length is meant for the user to custom fit the part to their individual car.

  6. Well, 100KPH is roughly 60 MPH, so 200 KPH would be roughly 120 MPH, which was the standard guage faceplate for the 55.

    I think it would be odd that the car has a factory delete heater since KPH Speedometers would indicate a market potential in the northern climates of the American Continent. Of course it could have been destined for anywhere. Where did you find this vehicle?

    BTW, I seriously doubt the car was delivered without the front bumper. More than likely it was removed by a prior owner. However, considering some of the stuff we've seen over the years I would not be willing to say that was impossible.

  7. Didn't know you had a low rider JD......

    and Danvers was nutin....... y'all yankee's ain't ever see'd nutin like what's gonna be happnin in Shalotte. Git ready for some Spam and grits brotha's and sista's :D

    LOL... Low rider indeed. I'm taking it to a frame shop next week just to be sure it's okay.

    As for that Spam and grits, I'll make sure to have my A1C checked BEFORE I leave for NC...

  8. Hi everyone.....just joined......because I have issues with American Collectors Insurance......please comment .........Chubb Car Guy Jim


    Question.NO.1 ...Will the Auto lose both its Historic & Monatary Value ?

    I'll defer to Jim but I do not think the car loses any historic value if it is damaged and then repaired. It's still what it is, just not what it was. But historical value could mean a few things. Is it's historical value based upon it's rarety or it's originality? 53 Skylarks are historical based on their rarety and concept, and they continue to far exceed their original value regardless if they are completely original or restored.

    Now if the historical value is based only on the vehicles originality then I think the term Historical Value is a mis-nomer, and a more accurate term might be Collector Value. Collector Value is pretty close to monetary value and yes, I think a car that was damaged and repaired and was not of historical value , would lose it's monetary value. To some degree.

    Obviously if it is totaled it will be valueless. If it is running and repaired close to it's original state then it should still have some monetary value.

    Just my .02

  9. the alternator and regulator are original to the car. i've owned the car for almost 30 years and the regulator never smoked after sitting for awhile. the car had only been sitting for about 2 weeks when i first noticed the smoking. what i did notice that first time was a fine mist of oil on the fender well surrounding the regulator. i don't know how it got there,


    BCA 14421

    This is interesting. I wonder where the oil came from? Was it just around the regulator? or much wider than that? In guessing at a source, I wonder if this mist of oil could be brake fluid?

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