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Brooklyn Beer

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Everything posted by Brooklyn Beer

  1. Watching this one closely though I still have a hankering for a model T or Dodge open car.
  2. Just the angle of the pic or did Hudson have a lower roof line then other sedans of this time ?
  3. Not knowing much about Buicks this old, is that genny, distrib, water pump configuration a bear to work on ?
  4. Looks like it drove through a J C Whitney yard sale
  5. This carb I had to rebuild using a chevy part kits and getting the proper drill rod size bits for the idle tube holes. Chevy was too small and would only idle at 3/4 choke. Now the car will run and drive fine. Starts fine. Idles fine but with a little popping. But it could be much better when the humidity is up. You can tell power is lacking as the temp and humidity climb. Did vac and compression test on all cylinders and that is fine. Maybe I am just asking too much from an old car and using my 31 Franklin in comparison.
  6. Check your oil BTW and see if you have any cross contamination. On Mopars a leak that bad will contaminate the oil.
  7. The correct DRT-08 for my 31 PA is not liking the hot and humid TX summer. It was job in itself getting it working correctly at cooler temps. Would like to do the swap for the next year BB-1. Anyone know a source? They made so many different ones starting in 32.
  8. Simple rebuild. Typical E-gas issue. The new E resistant materials will fix it.
  9. Stick with factory. My all original 1950 Chrysler works as good as the day it rolled off the line. Learn the car. You'll love it. Factory spec harnesses are much easier to install then then trying to cobble together something into 12 volt.
  10. Some people say this is a GM thing but I do this all the time with my 31 Franklin when it won't find reverse. Also with my 39 Chrysler and 53 Plymouth
  11. What was the first year for dual carbs on Buicks and what year/model, in peoples opinion, was the best combination for both?
  12. So in 32 they moved the free wheeling pull between the choke and throttle. Interesting. Curious to what carb it has. I am now looking for the correct (incorrect) BB-1 for my 31 to replace the DRT08. It hates hot and humid TX weather.
  13. I am lucky to work commercial construction and starting in 2 weeks they begin dismantling the school next door as we open up the new one. Last year they replaced the schools roof we are tearing down because of hail damage. So looking at cutting a deal with the demo guys for the 40ft sheets of R panel that is basically new. But doing that removal during a TX summer is no fun deal. It is in the middle of a neighborhood so no way I can go in from 9 pm till morning and get a couple hundred panels at night because of noise restrictions.
  14. I am going to need another car barn if I keep looking at stuff like this. Trying to keep focused on finding a 24-26 Dodge touring. Very nice car.
  15. What a beauty. The patina on the wood is perfect. Needs a good weekend of detailing to make it shine.
  16. Thanks ! Love the car. I will be taking off the modern radials though. It is like docking the Queen Mary at low speed. Back with black walls.
  17. Like the color but I don't even see it moving for even 7k. And I am a 50's mopar guy. Nobody is looking for these unless they are 3500 estate sale specials. In comparison I got this Chrysler Windsor for 7300 and that is original paint. Hate to see it get pushed back in the garage for 5 years then driven for a 5k offer. pre 1953 mopars just don't have a market right now
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