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Everything posted by drhach

  1. That's really coming together nicely. I can't wait to see it with the new tires.
  2. They're on Green bay Rd. and Washington St. Most businesses around there have changed hands a hundred times. It's very likely that there was a hand carwash nearby at one time. Depending on when you were at Great Lakes, you probably wouldn't recognize the area. Most of the "Strip" has been torn down and is now vacant lots. Probably a better use for the property than what it was.
  3. I'm not sure which part of the Chicago area you're in. But I used Waukegan Radiator. They've been around since the 70's. It's a great place to take a leak. At least, that's what the sign says.
  4. I found that re-coring my existing radiator was cheaper than buying a new one. I got the added benefit of having the radiator fit when I put it back in. I don't believe anyone makes an exact replacement for these cars. So you would need to figure mounting out. Also, unless you want to spend a lot of money, you'd probably end up buying aluminum which doesn't really look right under the hood. So if aesthetics are a concern, there's another argument for a re-core.
  5. A car sitting on its frame in Brainerd Minnesota is not a happy place to be. Given that the dash is rusty, I would expect the frame and floor boards to be paper thin.
  6. Young me loved the Trans Am, older me loves Sally Field. What a great movie.
  7. It was on a facebook Wildcat owners page. It's a private group. I tried to post a link but couldn't.
  8. Yup. I rebuilt mine. The pump is the different animal. Seals, bands, etc. all interchange. You may also find that the output shaft bushing is smaller than most ST400/TH400's. Mine is from a 65 and they used a smaller diameter bushing and yoke. But if you're bushing are ok, you'll be fine with the generic rebuild kits. There's actually a plethora of upgrade stuff that you can do if you want to go there. But you sure don't have to. You my also have a unique oil filter. But again, nothing you can't source or swap if you aren't a purist.
  9. Hi Bob, I bought them on Ebay. Here's a link to the item(s) CHROME 6 3/8" FLAT TOP DUAL QUAD AIR CLEANER SET 5 1/8" 4 bbl #229P-2 | eBay I'm not sure of the quality. My long term plan is to use a K&N oval filter, but I'll need to make a housing and I haven't gotten around to it yet. That will probably be a Winter project. I still have some tuning to do on the carbs. They're running really rich and there's a bit of a bog on hard acceleration. I did the bare minimum just to get them on there. I'll break out the vacuum gauge and get them dialed the rest of the way.
  10. I was able to get the wipers working. I had to take the motor apart and fiddle with it. I paid a guy to rebuild it and I guess he got it 90% there. But you need the whole 100% if you want wipers. I think the brushes weren't seated properly. I tried to get in touch with the guy who did the rebuild and he never responded so I ended up doing it myself. It was a pain in the neck and I was a little annoyed given what I pad to get the thing rebuilt. But they work now. Regarding the power steering, I think I'm sucking air in to the system. Also it is leaking like a sieve from the front o-ring. I ordered rebuild kit. I'm not sure how soon I'll get it done. Hopefully I can get that done in the next week or two. It looks like a pretty straight forward job. Fluid loss has been an issue since I've had the car. But I think having the pump sitting empty outside of the car while I rebuilt the engine made the seals dry up even more. The engine was such a sludge pit that I never really noticed that my losses were from the o-ring. I also had issues with the gasket on the cap and I figured most of it was coming from there. I picked up my driveshaft yesterday and got that in. It's shafting nicely. I did find that my shift quadrant is still off a little. I'll have to tweak that and get it closer. But it's good to know that I can drive the car if I need to. Also, I installed my new manifold. I put in exhaust crossover block-offs for the intake ports while I had the manifold off. Previously, the fuel was vaporizing over night and I had to fill the float bowl every morning that i wanted to drive it. It looks like this solved that issue. So, 2 steps forward and one back.
  11. I don't either. I think most people who do that try to add a little value before reselling it. This guy didn't even bother to give it a bath before asking 5 times the purchase price. Again, asking and getting are two different things. It's a non-runner and who knows what lurks under all of that dust.
  12. I guess you can ask a million for it if you want. That doesn't mean you'll get it. I have no problem with someone making a few bucks. It would have been a much better story if someone who would have appreciated the car had gotten it for that price.
  13. Spring has sprung. I go the car out of storage. I took out the driveline and dropped it back off at the shop. They're going to weld the plug in the back of the yoke. Also, some dummy didn't do a great job measuring for the new driveshaft. So, I'm going to have them add about an inch. It's probably fine but the more engagement I can get the better and it's there anyway. I'm hoping to get it back and installed this weekend. I also looked at my work on that shift quadrant. I can't help but think that it looks a little too "homemade". So I took another tack. I found a shift quadrant from a 66 Riviera and modified that to fit. I think it came out pretty good. Here's the before and after. Originally, the shift points were engraved in toe the front plastic. I cut a piece of plexiglass to go in there.
  14. I just saw that the guy is trying to flip it for $15K. He didn't even bother to wash it.
  15. I feel your pain Roger. I used to make a plastic headed key blank for BMW motorcycles. It was very tricky and even when I thought I'd perfected them, I still had failures. Making these things is as much art as it is science.
  16. Thanks. I know the parking lots at these kinds of things are often as good as the events. I was hoping there'd be a swap meet. I didn't see any mention of it on the form.
  17. I am a BCA member. I've never been to one of these before. it looks like Saturday is the only "spectator" type event.
  18. Wow, I guess it was real ad after all. Even with all of the work that it will probably need, that seems like a bargain price. I found the guy's posts on Facebook. He posted some shots of the interior as well. The car looks very complete and probably will clean up very well. He commented that the engine needs a rebuild. As nice as that car appears to be, I think the cost of an engine rebuild isn't much of an overall expense.
  19. Can't see it without being a member of the group.
  20. Not many pictures, other than the coat of dust, it looks pretty good. Could be a pretty good score if it's for real. (7) Marketplace - 1965 Buick Wildcat | Facebook
  21. They also seem to know when it's pay day.
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