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Everything posted by RichBad

  1. All the body panels have been removed, blast and primed. I can start hanging the body back together for the final time:)
  2. Made a start on finishing the doors today. Got one glued:). Taking my time as I want to make sure I’ve got the alignment correct as there’s not a lot of adjustment once they are glued up. Hinges attached, fitted with two countersunk machine screws which have some play in the hole to allow for adjustment. Once set, I’ll add two wood screws to the other holes. Stripped, cleaned and plated the door catch parts. Matt nickel plated them for me so they look good and will never rust again. The tabs that hold it together break easily and need heating (thanks Ron). Luckily only one tang broke when re-assembling (spot of weld sorted that). Finished assemblies, silky smooth:) One door glued and drying and one side of the bonnet rubbed down - the louvres take some time:)
  3. Rest of the body parts blasted and primed thanks to Matt. Bit of work to do on the front guards and valances but Matt is making it look easy. I’ve rubbed down two bonnet tops in the time it’s taken him to fill and rub down front and rear guards and valances!
  4. Had a few more bits of wood to sort before I could start on the doors. Have fitted those along with a few more brackets and the rear hinges.
  5. Looks awesome mate! Just about finished rubbing down one side of the bonnet. Jeez, the louvres just keeps going:)
  6. Jeez, looks impressive! I managed to get half of one side of louvres rubbed down:). Lots of wood sanding though.
  7. Holy smoke mate you go quick! Pain about the pistons - that’s unusual. The rear guards came up a treat mate!
  8. Many thanks for the kind words! It’s fun learning and bringing these old things back to life so hopefully they go for another 100 years. I hope that sharing our stories encourages more people to get involved and keep the movement alive. Thanks to everyone on the forum - I know it’s helped me out of a hole a few times:)
  9. I’m pretty sure they are just a guide to reduce friction and wear. From memory they are soldered in place but you may be able to glue it with some fuel resistant epoxy.
  10. Wood work is back together for the last time - it’s not coming apart again! Glued and screwed and with the metal work on the next time it comes apart will be when it next gets restored (hopefully a long long time away). Matt primed and painted the inside of the metal work before it went on and I gave all the wood a few coats of epoxy resin so it should last a lot longer than it did the first time around! The first nails going back into the body:) Another coat of epoxy then I’ll start final fit of the doors.
  11. Looks awesome mate, you’ll probably have it done by Australia Day:)
  12. Nice! They are pain being so flexible - great solution:)
  13. I see another talent being added to Matt’s repertoire - gasket making:) one of my wife’s friends is in to craft work and she was telling me about a paper and card cutter that she has. She can upload an image and it will cut the exact shape - she said it could do thick card so I may have to test her with some cork - just have to tell her it’s a Christmas card and just a coincidence that it looks like a water pump gasket;)
  14. Na, that’s the speed he goes! I’m trying to slow him down with helping out on my Dodge body but don’t think it will slow him:)
  15. Thanks Rodney, sure looks similar and that ones lovely. I think mine could be a different one though because it wasn’t half as nice as the one in your pics:)
  16. Thanks Tate, I wasn’t when I started but have learnt a lot through this:)
  17. Hi Rodney, that’s really interesting. Unfortunately I know nothing about the history of the car - I purchased from a guy in Werribee but I don’t think he’d had it long and didn’t have any paperwork except the permit registration. I’d love to find out some more history of the car. It had sort of been restored in the past and clearly they did a lot but it looked like it was done on a tight budget. The woodwork was all over the place and whilst the chassis and running gear had been painted most moving parts were stuck and just painted over. The trim was the nicest bit of it (I’m hoping I can reuse that). Does your friend remember any details? cheers
  18. Wood work looks a bit different now, laid it all out today before a final sand and seal then start gluing/screwing it together. Photo below of the old and new.
  19. Wood work ready to go back together at last - looks a bit different from what I took off. Doesn’t look like much when it’s stacked up - I think there was more sawdust than finished wood! Going to give it all a sand and sealer then start gluing/screwing it together and attach the body panels.
  20. Another benefit is you can fit the flywheel without over exerting yourself (or perhaps I’ve become too much of a desk jockey)
  21. Agree - there’s theory and reality, not always the same - I like to understand the theory but put my beliefs in reality and experience - you wouldn’t want to fly an aeroplane that’s never been tested;)). You cant beat real world results (although need to be careful of other variables too such as oil viscosity, gear ratios, four vs 6, vehicle weight etc).
  22. Panels now primed and painted on the inside thanks to Matt so ready to go back on the wood. Also got a bunch of fittings and fasteners zinc tumbled - came up a treat so ready to start putting back together now (just need to sort them out:)).
  23. Nice! Definitely get the block and head skimmed (or at least checked) - it’s not easy to do the block later:) have you thought about taking a little more off to give a bit more compression? Not sure how much difference it makes on the 6s but am sure it would help (and they were very low as standard)? Perhaps someone out there has tried it and knows what works well.
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