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Mark Wetherbee

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Everything posted by Mark Wetherbee

  1. It has a Don Sommers look to it... on the original ones I believe they were two pieces silver soldered together at the wing tips where this is obviously a single piece casting. Not the world worst reproduction, but definitely not a genuine
  2. If you look at my pictures the AED badge is what to look for, it should have a division name and the state shield in the center. If you do a google search for “Ford plant protection badge” and look through the images you can find several pictures of them as well as hundreds of these fantasy ones.
  3. Also be careful about discussing the maker’s marks, originally the India Ford signs didn’t have any part number on it which was a dead giveaway, then there was a large discussion about the signage on eBay on a Ford forum, and now that number has been added. I might be sounding like another nutty conspiracy theorist, but I believe there was a connection there... Another thing to be weary of is the lack of grommets at the mounting holes and “chipping” that appears to be made with a disc grinder and some salt & vinegar added rust. I can’t understand why they cropped the top of the pyramid off though??
  4. I have this “Perfection” unit Under the dash of my 31 Pierce, but I don’t plan on getting it hooked up. I agree that the hoses would be unsightly under the hood. I wish it hadn’t been added back in the day but unless I go to much trouble it’s just going to stay put. The back side of it looks like a black crinkle finish which is visible on the mounting support on the firewall. It is hardly visible Inside the car for how hidden it is under the dash .
  5. I wrote this up for our club newsletter a few months ago: The Ford Collectible of the Quarter This time around I’d like to show you some Ford Collectables to be very weary of. These security and guard badges started showing up in the mid 1990’s at Hershey and very thankfully I didn’t have enough cash with me at the time I saw the first one. By the end of the show a few days later I counted several of them for sale and by this time was sure that something was wrong as it was something I had never seen before that was suddenly plentiful. A few weeks later one of the antiques newspapers printed an article about the fraudulent pieces in an attempt to stop the misrepresentation of these as genuine. I will say they probably started out as a made in China fantasy item meant to be a novelty that was almost immediately misrepresented by unscrupulous dealers bent on defrauding the collectors market. Now they seem to be making another round!I want to state that these pictures are of completed sales through eBay and represent real money being traded for fantasy items. People are still being defrauded by these fantasies...The first two pictures Below (5 badges) shows the variety of the first of these fantasy badges that suddenly appeared on the market. Something to note, these are not marked by any maker on the back, they are not numbered with a “badge number”, and the enameled portion is attached to the front in a rather obvious way.These next two badges pictured were recently sold on eBay. Once again there’s the feeling of a rerun of the past fraudulent items. First, they look very bright and new with no wear whatsoever. The enameling is attached to the badge, and once again there is no badge number to identify the officer who it was issued to, nor any makers marks on the items. Originally my speculation based on experience was that these were another fantasy item made very recently, but Charlie Little informs me that the one without the supervisor added is listed as being a genuine badge from the 1980 and newer years but there is a possibility that the supervisor badge is also a fantasy or reproduction item. The enamel on these two is black, and there is a similar blue enameled badge that was used in the 1970’s according to Charlie’s book.Here’s the only original badge I have found for myself. Mine has a Illinois state shield in the center and not an enameled embellishment, plus it was marked by the prestigious badge maker “C.H.Hanson Co. Chicago” on the back. This particular one was for the “Aircraft Engine Division” in Chicago which was open from 1951 to 1959 and is pictured here for comparison. There’s a second variation of this same badge without the maker’s identification but retaining the Illinois state shield and numbering on the front. Which is believed to have been issued towards the latter half of that division’s span.As for this last variation, I don’t think I need to make any comments. You can see it is 100% fantasy and the seller is not trying to misrepresent it in any way...
  6. Excellent original condition with very slight chrome lost as the pictures show. This is an original and both antlers remain undamaged, which is a real rarity from others I’ve seen available. The base is nothing special but comes with the mascot so you can have it on your own desk... This one is $500 plus shipping and you can contact me with a PM if interested. Thank you for looking, Mark
  7. Trust me, I’ve heard that same quote far more recently... like in the past 5 years!
  8. Nope... This gem was a Galaxy 500 Convertible that my mom drove in the early 70’s before it was poorly stored in a Massachusetts dirt floored barn until around 2005 when it was pulled out into this lovely place. The brush had fully concealed its presence until recently. It was given away, along with the valid and current title and the doodlebug just to get them gone... I loved that car as a kid, but there’s no way I would attempt to save it!
  9. The three bolt pattern is also found on Disteel aftermarket wheels made for Model T’s... I still think you have a great picture of a Model T Speedster with one of the many aftermarket bodies made for them, fenders and all.
  10. This is all the Studebaker items in the cases combined. I also have the 1935 mascot In a separate listing.
  11. An absolutely outstanding presentation! Thank you for pointing it out here.
  12. Could be a 50’s item, if so it is likely more scarce and desirable! I think the reupholstered pattern is where I am thinking it is later... There’s someone who has been looking for this option somewhere and I hope you can connect with him!
  13. Mine is in reference to having lunchtime engineering meetings... not the worlds best catering and work through your lunch hour. Our head engineer would always say “free lunch” and my reply is (was) —>
  14. I would shoot for Model T Ford gaps which is usually 0.010 intake and 0.015 exhaust on a fresh rebuild
  15. I was always the one sitting in a hospital bed at MGH wishing for better health... but since then disability finally canned my career, we moved south, and a miracle drug was approved which has been keeping me healthier in the last couple years than I was 10 years earlier. With that renewal of health I took on buying a car I knew little about and am slowly rejuvenating it to be a comfortable driver... three years ago I would have had a problem setting the timing on my Model A let alone doing deep engine work. That “new” car was a dream and I was looking for one like it for several years never expecting it to happen. Would I like to drive a Duesenberg? Sure! Own one? Probably not but I love seeing others enjoying their cars, toys, and whatever they like to have for a diversion. I love history and learning new things and cars are at the center of my interests but I get satisfaction from other people’s interests too. I also do most of the cooking, cleaning, and shopping while my wife works and I am more content than when I was climbing the corporate ladder to get where I had been. Health is #1 and everything else is that cream & cherry on top... It’s not always about having what you want, but wanting what you already have...
  16. You guys are too nice... my answer is 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮
  17. I don’t think they are truck, and I can’t read the part number and verify it is Ford or not, but what you have is the way back fold up seat from a station wagon floor... kind of like a more modern rumble seat for taking extra little kids to the beach. Definitely 60’s to early 70,s vintage IMO.
  18. The Marquette radiator emblem is sold, thank you Peter! Still plenty of good stuff for Christmas presents...
  19. With Hershey being a bust I thought I would bring these up one more time before it got crazy with holidays....
  20. With Hershey being a bust I thought I would bring these up one more time before it got crazy with holidays....
  21. With Hershey being a bust I thought I would bring these up one more time before it got crazy with holidays....
  22. With Hershey being a bust I thought I would bring these up one more time before it got crazy with holidays....
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