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Everything posted by bhambulldog

  1. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/hungry-hogs-eat-oregon-farmer-article-1.1172448 ​OCT 2012 A family member of an Oregon pig farmer discovered his relative's body parts scattered across the pen — a gruesome find leaving authorities to believe it was a case of hog eats human. A pathologist couldn’t immediately determine whether the pigs were the actual cause of 70-year-old Terry Garner’s death, but a forensic expert at the University of Oregon will conduct further tests, CBS affiliate KCBY reportedMonday. “What a way,” someone who answered the phone at Garner’s home told NBC News. Investigators aren’t ruling out the possibility another person could have been involved. “Due to the unusual circumstances, the Sheriff’s Office is investigating to determine if foul play may have resulted in the death of Mr. Garner,” District Attorney Paul Frasier told KCBY. Garner was at his farm near rural Riverton last Wednesday, when a family member went looking for him, according to The Register-Guard. Garner’s dentures were first spotted inside the hog enclosure, and then other random body parts were located — although most of him had already been devoured, the newspaper added. The Coos County Sheriff’s Office has a couple of theories on what occurred: Garner could have suffered a medical emergency, such as a heart attack, leaving him in “a position where the hogs could consume him,” according to a statement. In another scenario, the swine — weighing about 700 pounds each — may have knocked Garner down, overwhelming him before killing him, authorities said. It’s unclear exactly how many pigs live on the farm, but police believe one of them had been aggressive toward Garner before. Pigs are omnivorous, and have previously been known to feast on people. The 56-year-old wife of a pig farmer in Romania was knocked unconscious and eaten in the animals’ sty, UPI reported in 2004. Her ears, half her face and fingers had been ripped off, a doctor said. eortiz@nydailynews.com
  2. $8,000 what a deal !! :cool:
  3. Regarding the discussion on the Dodge's engine oil running out while upside down. They might've edited out refilling the oil, or not filmed the re-oiling to begin with. At 2m46s in the video there is an obvious break in the action,
  4. Very Nice ! Congratulations !!
  5. Installing an alternator will disable the accelerator starting feature. Unless you rewire the starting system. That's a good reason to have the generator rebuilt. In the 44 years we've had our car, I'm on the third generator/voltage regulator. I've found that when one goes, the other should also be replaced. (voltage regulator and generator should bothbe replaced at the failure of either one) I have not. But, I have looked into it. Powermaster has come up with scheme that will let the Buick keep it's Accelerator start feature. http://www.powermastermotorsports.com/powergen.html to keep the accelerator start feature, they came up with this scheme, Note the relay required is a 6 (six) volt that is not a misprint 6 (six) volt is correct ​
  6. Taking a closer look, I think that it is a Guide/Trailmaster Mine has Unity spotlights
  7. Mine shows about 35% faster than actual. I think we have a common problem. The resistance (magnet) is weak in the speedometer head.
  8. I agree with Rusty, the leak is likely NOT a fault in the ABS
  9. Interesting. Paint on the INSIDE of the engine.
  10. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. But, I think a Roadmaster's rear bumper would be the same as Super's (Iknow it's true for '55) Perhaps widen your search a bit...
  11. the shorter center section is for Century and Special models (60 and 40 series)
  12. Well we're all learning here. We've owned our '55 Roadmaster since 1970. From that time up until this thread, telling and showing that wire wheels from the factory did come on '55 Buicks , I would have and did say that '55 Buicks did not get wire wheels from the factory.. And, I was wrong about that...
  13. And Jackie Gleason's 76C has Kelsey Hayes wire wheels Also a Unity spotlight
  14. Thanks for the lesson in English. !
  15. Ed probabaly has a good lead for you there. The Covair, Riviera guy. I'm not familiar with OPGI... SMS matched mine perfectly. And, I've heard others say the same. SMS is very expensive, though...
  16. Very Nice !!! I'm glad to see you're driving and enjoying it!! When Dad was teaching me to drive, he let me drive the Roadmaster to and from shows. Teach Evan to drive with the clutch, and he'll be way ahead !! (Dad also taught me to drive in his '36 Buick and '52 Chevrolet with clutch)
  17. Bad Grounds for sure. The electricity gremlins are trying to find their way to ground and are having a hard time. So, they're acting up Also as said, the 6v works the same as 12v But, 6v has bigger wires The smaller 12v conductors in the flasher are too small
  18. As someone posted above, Title laws are different from state to state. Alabama does not issue titles for vehicles built before '75
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