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Someone needs to be politely but firmly shot.


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OK, really got into the ABS problem tonight.

Yellow (ABS) light coming in mostly on corners and slow speeds. Codes seem are 32, 36, and 76 all of which relate to the Right Front Wheel sensor. (diagram on page 5E1-15 of 88 service manual is clear. Right side is passenger side)

Remember that previously had replaced the front wheel bearing so no play atol & before that had relieved sensor mount slightly because of signs of touching toothed sensor ring. Everything around is clean, much cleaner than driver's side.

Been through two computers and three sensors so far. Ok at speed, usually comes on in turns or jounces.

Verified chassis harness connected to proper pins in ABS module connector.

1) ran shielded 16 gauge twisted pair from sensor to ABS module in trunk bypassing harness. Used wires fron a spare ABS connector on one end so has proper pins and connector is properly assembled. Snsor connector is a real harness end connector spare.

2) Swapped the sensor to third spare. Gapped to .020"

3) Swapped computers

4) Swapped "main" relay

No change, light comes on several times going around the block. OY!

OK. I clear the codes, disconnect right sensor, and turn key on. Then check codes and wassit ?! Code 33. Rear wheel sensor. Something is not kosher. Swap computers. Same-same.

OK clear codes and dig around the ac line to find the LEFT wheel speed sensor connector (note: is not in the plastic raceway). Pull that connector and check codes: 36 !?!?!?!?!?!?!

REmove driver's wheel (now midnight and back really hurting) and clean everything off - find break in insulation right below body junction exactly where stressed by turns and bumps. (see attachment - stressed lots more than when I found))

Spend an hour gently removing the old sensor from the mount (vice grips on top turn head but not sensor body) - lots of WD-40 later the sensor is removed and a bit of emory cloth cleans up the bore nicely. Spare spare sensor fits right in (apparently front sensors can go on either side fortunately) with a bit of lubriplate added.

Set to loose .019" (tight .020") and put everything back together. Go around block: no lights, no codes, no errors.

So at 2:14 am am showered and mostly clean - harness restoration will take place tomorrow. At least that is easy/clean.

But meanwhile, at least for my car (and the spare computer came from an 89) THE CODES IN THE BOOK ARE RONG ! code 36/76 is DRIVER'S WSSS not passenger. Passenger is 33. HON what the RSS is.

Would be interested if anyone else's TEVES checks out the same way. Oh well, it probably needed the new wheel bearing and now have a spare. Seems incredible that in 18 years, no-one noticed.


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Guest F14CRAZY

Ah yes. Could it be that the wires at some point were mixed up?

Pft. Handbuilt cars! Probably had a few too many at Gus' Bar behind the Craft Centre.

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We feel your pain........hate it when something like that happens <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />.

I have a scanner that I bought from Advance and the book has the codes listed the very same way <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />...... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />.

Could be they way/direction the author is viewing the car?

Maybe entering a post under or with a title "incorrect or misreading brake sensor codes" would be beneficial for those experiencing problems in the future...just a suggestion <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />....


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Why I referenced the figure in the service manual - in the 89 which is downloadable it is figure 5E-3 "Component Location" on page 5E-6. Right wheel speed sensor is clearly on passenger side.

Second ref Fig 5E1-16 "Connector Faces" on page 5E1-23. The ECBM connector shows the Right wheel circuit 872/833 (ref figure on top of page) are the seventh cavity on each side from the cable end. Left front (873/830) is two cavities away. Right rear (code 33) is even further so am reasonably sure the wiring is as in the manual and had the same results with both the 88 and 89 computer.

So when I pulled the Right Front connector the computer recorded code 33. Pulling the left front connector gave code 36 (what I had been getting). Replacing the left front sensor which had a cracked insulator cleared the problem.

Would be interested if others get the same thing (about 15 minutes to check both).

BTW it is easy for multiple documents (Buick manuals, Ford manuals, Autozone manuals) to have the same error if it is in the source document. Wonder how many TEVES have been pulled for the wrong codes ?

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But,but,but... isn't the driver's side the right side when you are lying under the car with your feet sticking out the back? And I thought this only happened in the Asian to American translations in all the instruction booklets. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR DISCOVERY. Kenny

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Paddget: as you know I am into motorcycles. About 1941 the gov. gave contracts to Harley and Indian to build a shaft drive motorcycle. This was to fight Romel in N. Africa. Note: none were ever used. Years ago a friend was rebuilding one and could not get the transmission together. At a meet he ran across an old Indian Employee. He happpened to have worked on this model. My friend told him he was going by the service manual. The old timer said, OH, you found the mistake in the manual. He then told him how to assemble the transmission. So yours is not the first or last............ken

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Suprising part is that no-one ever seems to have noticed. I mean these are production cars and Teves was used in BOP cars, Cadillacs, Fords, and host of european cars.

If wide spread I'd expect a TSB but nothing. OTOH I had two different EBCMs (brake computers) report the same codes. Just does not make sense.

ps had some major rain this afternoon so had a chance to test the ABS function, worked like a champ.

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Reading down through this thread I kept thinking about that image in the manual of the inverted thermostat. In a previous post by myself, I'd attached an image of the page from the manual. I here now re-post it ([color:"red"] See Attached )

Keep in mind that I realize that there are a gazillion items to keep ones attention to when putting together a manual of any type. Page layout, text , spelling, typo's, technical writing, figures and examples correlated to the text, Enginering updates while in process (note the capital "E") , writes and rewrites etc... But!!! I have to say that this manual is among the least user friendly out of all that I've ever used.

Page numbers are wrong. Figures are wrong. Settings and values are wrong. And the index at the back of the manual isn't worth the time it takes to turn the pages to get to it. (the 88-89 edition... the others I don't know) I try to do most everything I do "by the book". But this book leaves me... aggravated to say the least. But it's better than no manual at all right?

I'm sure that there are members of this board that had input during the manuals construction and I don't want to offend. It's just that, at least to me, that while trying to work through a problem and looking for guidance from any source *The Manual* should be [color:"purple"] Gospel .

I like to keep my posts positive but, every so often, I just gotta tell it like it is so pardon my rant.

Oh yah... one more thing...

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Re: Someone needs to be politely but firmly shot. </div></div>

I love it!!! I want to use it in my signature. Do I have permission?


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Per Padgett's post: "So when I pulled the Right Front connector the computer recorded code 33. Pulling the left front connector gave code 36 (what I had been getting). Replacing the left front sensor which had a cracked insulator cleared the problem." Hope this clears things up. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

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