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Gerat Chadwick Six


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Hello, I am looking for any and all information, photos, books etc. on the Great Chadwick six. My Wife's Great Grandfather was Lee Sherman Chadwick, Founder of Chadwick Engineering, and builder of these great cars. He dabbled in what seams like everything from cars, boat motors, and early car racing( which was more like an endurance test), to the invention of an early mechanical road map called the Chadwick automatic road guide which used metal disks to guide the driver to his destination. Over the last couple of years we have been collecting information, last fall a trip to Seal Cove Auto Museum in Maine allowed us to see up close Lee's handy work. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank-you.........Tom tnmlague@pshift.com

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Guest De Soto Frank

About two or three years ago, there was a white Chadwick touring car at Das Awkscht Fescht in Macungie, PA.

I believe it was a 1910 model, was absolutely HUGE (I mean, Locomobile 48 HUGE), and had more polished brass than any car I'd ever seen before.

It was simply dazzling.

I would presume this car lives somewhere in the SE Penna/ Delaware / NJ region.

Not much to go on, but might help?

Does anyone else remember this car and perhaps who owns it ?

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I believe the car you refer to may be the reproduction Chadwick that was produced (80-90%) in Reno by John Mozart under Tom Batchelor's direction in the mid to late '80s. I remember seeing the raw engine and transaxle castings while visiting their shop while attending one of the Harrah's Auctions from 1984-86 and the wonderful piece of engineering that was the reproduction carbuerator produced by John Bentley of England while at a late '80s Hershey. The only two (I believe) original Chadwicks remaining were in the Bill Pollack collection during the '50s-'70s and then "migrated" west to the Mozart collection for a few years before landing in Seal Cove where you saw them. I believe it was while the Chadwicks were under the Mozart stewardship that the white Chadwick was begun. I believe it was completed under the successive ownership of Bill Evans of San Diego. The white Chadwick was also displayed in the last auto expo (sale) put on by Richie Clyne and Don Williams at the Hershey Motor Lodge, the year before the first Hershey car auction, about 5-6 years ago. It truly is an extraordinary accomplishment.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Silverghost

I remember well the two Chadwick cars that were in the Pollack Car Museum in Pottstown Pa.(75+cars) Very impressive cars indeed!!! Bill was in the scrap metal business...A very big operation!!! Bill loved these two cars!!! They were one of his favorites!!! He liked the fact that they were built near his Museum there in Pottstown PA!! Bill knew a family member of the Chadwick's origional builder who gave him an "Origional" crankshaft that the famly had for many years!!!

Was this possibly your wife's grandfather,or father??? He had it displayed in front of one of these great cars!!!(A bit Rusty!!!) I remember talking to Bill's Restorer/Museum operator who stated to me that these were the only two "Origional" Chadwicks that were believed to exist in the 1970s!!! I have some photos of them in the museum from the 1970 here in my collection!!! (somewhere???)

These are the cars that you saw in the Seal Cove Museum!!! I have never heard of any more being found!!! (I could be wrong...But I doubt it!!!) (Someone here will tell us for sure!!!

Here is a brief history:

L.S. Chadwick, Chester Pa. 1904-06

Fairmount Engineering Co. Phila. Pa. !906-07

Chadwick Engineering Works, Pottstown Pa. 07-16

Engine:Great Chadwick Six, 11.2 litre Type 19 Overhead Valves + Copper Water jackets....

Wheelbase... 11foot 1Inch...

Price $5,500 five seat tonneau

Note: From/The New Encyclopedia of Motorcars

1895 to the present by; G.N. Georgano

This Fantastic car was way way ahead of it's time!!! Powerful,Large,Beautiful,

These are very IMPRESSIVE CARS indeed!!!

Your wife should be very proud to be related to Mr. Cadwick!!!

I wish I owned one!!!

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Guest Silverghost

Chadwick Racing History!!!

The 1908 racing cars entered the Vanderbuit Cup and Savannah Grand Prize races.

They employed "Supercharging" and were the first recorded instance of this method being used to increase power!!! (Ahead of Others!!!)

(Also from Georgano's Encyclopedia)

The Vanderbuilt Cup was one of the first "Races" for early cars held in the USA!!!

Many cars made their reputation from this famous race event!!!

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The crankshaft you mention was actually out of the spare engine that Pollock had acquired in the late 40's. This engine is the power source in the white car. The crankshaft itself was in poor condition and a full counterweighted one was installed in the engine instead.

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Guest De Soto Frank

So does anyone know if the white Chadwick that I saw at Macungie two or three years ago was the "replica" or an original ?

I'm told by a local contributing writer to Auto-Week that the white Chadwick resides in the South-eastern PA area ?

(SOrry if I'm being dense about this... crazy.gif )

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Guest Silverghost

I remember the Crankshaft (and the cars) very well! The journals were heavily pitted and it was very rusty indeed!!!

The older In-House Restorer told us that it was given to Pollock by a Cadwick family member!!! I wonder if this was indeed true???

Do YOU own a Chadwick??? From your AACA Forum user name I must assume that you do!!!

Do you have any photos of YOUR Chadwick???

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When I visited Bill Pollock in the late 1970's he graciously showed me his collection and even his spare parts. Most of the spare parts he had at that time were aquired when he purchased the chassis that later became his runabout. Bill told me that previous owner had parted out a wrecked car, probably in the 20's or 30's. I remember seeing the crankshaft, the remains of a spare engine, a damaged transmission, and various other chassis parts. They had been exposed to the elements for years and were unearthed when the chassis was pulled from the field.

To answer your other question, yes, I have a Chadwick runabout in my garage.

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I could read or listen to stories like this all day long! So many great finds and the stories that go with them are now lost because nobody bothered to write them down. There were some great restorations performed in the 1940's and 1950's, some questionable ones as well. I have no problem with the third Chadwick restored from bits, or other early cars, but I think that fact should be stated up front. A restored car rolling down the road or on a show field is far better than parts on a shelf IMO. grin.gif

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I am very happy to see a good discussion going on on this subject, from the information i have collected so far Lee Sherman probibly had a bigger impact on the early automotive than most people realize. i have learned that with Lee's backing, the start a coach building business (fleetwood) took place. later to be bought up by Gm. also when firestone tire wanted to go racing for the first time they went to Chadwick. i would again like to hear from anyone with information in any form, or pictures that i could obtain copies of. i would gladly pay to have copies made of anything on this subject or buy the originals if you would part with them, and if by chance there are any parts out there, i would like to at least know where they are so i could keep attempt to keep tract of them, unless you wanted to part with them too.

Thanks to all.............Tom

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Did the Chadwick family stay in the automotive field into the 1920's? I have a fair amount of raceing related paperwork from the mid to late 1920's from the Philadelphia area. One thing for sure that was one of the most active racing areas in the country. The 1929 Indy 500 winner and many other Miller and Duesenberg race cars were Philadelphia owned. grin.gif

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No unforuatuly the last race race in which a chadwick six ran was the Vanderbuilt cup in oct. 1910. after winning this race in his most spectacular win ever, Lee returned to Pottstown to face the most heartbreaking race of his life, a race in which the financial backers of his company pulled the plug on anymore autoracing and further car developement. the car was good enough they said and Lee, who had had enough, walked out of his company and never went back. What was left of the company ran until about 1915. the plant was then converted to building armmerments for the war, and later bought by Dana? and spicer driveline components were built there. on a side note, The Chadwick six held a record for a 10 lap run at indy when the track was first opened.

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  • 10 months later...

There are as you have stated only two known fully original Chadwicks out there... My father knows the story well, There is one, I beleive incomplete, nothing more than peices, yet to be reassembled, still in the boxes it was bought in.... The white is as you say, a reproduction. Oh,and by the way,I am a direct descendant, a daughter, one of four daughters of the firstborn grandson of the man whoes cars you so admire,whoes grandfather,Lee Sherman Chadwick is his namesake,my father is Lee Sherman Chadwick lll.

lscd (Lee Sherman Chadwick's Daughter)

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Guest Stonefish

Willi Haupt of Pottsville won the Giant's Despair Hill Climb in 1908 in a Chadwick/6. I am the historian/archivist for the PHA (Pennsylvania Hill Climb Association)and have a few pixs of the car in action. feel free to contact me at Rmann@hersheys.com

If anyone one has artifacts relating to hill climbing in PA...also contact me.

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Took an awful lot to get back to this conversation!!! My posting was meant to be a reply to this message from uncletommy or Tom tnmlague@pshift.com...

"Hello, I am looking for any and all information, photos, books etc. on the Great Chadwick six. My Wife's Great Grandfather was Lee Sherman Chadwick, Founder of Chadwick Engineering, and builder of these great cars. He dabbled in what seams like everything from cars, boat motors, and early car racing( which was more like an endurance test), to the invention of an early mechanical road map called the Chadwick automatic road guide which used metal disks to guide the driver to his destination. Over the last couple of years we have been collecting information, last fall a trip to Seal Cove Auto Museum in Maine allowed us to see up close Lee's handy work. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank-you.........Tom tnmlague@pshift.com"

Sir, I am a daughter, one of four, of his firstborn grandchild Lee Sherman

Chadwick III, ( who was himself son of Herbert Chadwick, husband to Emma Olds, one of the daughters of the originator of the Oldsmobile), and therefore am also a greatgrandchild and direct descendant of the man whoes vehicle you are researching. So you must be family. Which of my cousins is it you are married to, sir... my fathers' twin sister had no sons, his younger sister had two daughters. Or was it one of his brothers two daughters, perhaps?

LSCD (Lee Sherman Chadwicks' daughter)


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

O.k. lscd here we go, Lee Sherman Chadwick's son Herbert had four childern Lee, Linda, Susan, and Jon. Jon has two daughters. Linda has two sons, one deceased. Susan had four, two sons, two daughters, that is where i come in. I married Susan's oldest daughter Merry Jane. So which one of Lee's daughters are you Merilyn, Cheryl, Pam, or Julie??? please note my e-mail has changed. tnmlague@msn.com

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Is anyone ever going to post a picture for us search-impaired folks? </div></div>

Ralph Stein's The American Automobile had a full chapter on the Chadwick.Worlds first factory SUPERCHARGED automobile @ 1906-07. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />436373-Mvc-002f.jpg


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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Here is fairly recent picture of the Model 19 Toy Toneau that is in Pennsylvania. </div></div>

Nice workmanship, it would be interesting to know exactly what bits were original Chadwick.

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This is a picture from the early 1950's. This is the Chadwick runabout that is now in Maine. It was retrieved from a field in Ohio where a tree growing through the middle of the frame. This was one of the first frame up restorations. See the Antique Automobile, September 1953 issue for all the details.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Silverghost

WOW!!! O9 Chadwick what a fantastic speedster you have there. what % of origional parts is in your car, as it now sits? Is the chassis origional Chadwick ?

Where did you find, and what condition was this car in when you got it?

Do you have any other photos to share?

How much work is still needed?

When will the project be finished?

I remember Bill's Great Pottstown Showcase Museum very well...

I often wonder what became of some of these great cars?

There are many that I wish I had bought years ago!

My dream is to someday own one of these Great Large Displacment


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The car is all authentic Chadwick. I started this project in the 1970's. It wasn't supposed to be a 30+ year project but life teaches us that there is always something else to do. The goal is to finish it sooner or later. Attached is a photo of Joe Parkin Jr. (driver) and his father (mechanic) at the Founders Day Cup Races, Oct. of 1909. Joe told me "We had more power than we could use, if we hadn't had so many flat tires we would have won".


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Guest Silverghost

O9 Chadwick: WOW! What a great origional race photo! I had always thought that the Chadwick was way ahead of it's time since I saw Bill's two in Pottstown Pa while in High School in the early 70s.

My dream has always been to own, or at least ride in, an origional high power speedster!(Mercer,stutz,etc.)

I had no idea that your 09 Chadwick existed?

In the Philadelphia area in the early 70s there was also a great Otto, and a Cole...Both Origional speesters!

No one seems to know where these cars are today, nor what ever happened to them? I have been looking for them for years!

I can easily understand how a project can take 30+ years as there is not enough time for one to do all he wants; or must do in life!

Something always seems to pop-up that puts a project on the back burner.

Keep the great photos of your very special 09 Chadwick comming! I really enjoy seeing them!

Thank You!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 11 years later...

Below is a photo of my grandfather Al Mitchell driving a Chadwick in a Philadelphia Fairmount Park race I believe in 1908. I have another closeup photo of him behind the wheel and a few good stories he told be about these early races.  He crashed in this race.  I visited the Pollock museum in the late 1970s when the 2 Chadwicks were still there.  Ray Ott -- West Chester, PA


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The rest of the field is

No 12 Thomas 115 hp  No 20 Knox 40 hp  No 2 Knox 50 hp

No 19 Thomas 115 hp No 7 Matheson 60 hp No 15 Matheson 85 hp

No 5 (behind no 4) Mercedes 90 hp

If anyone can make out any other numbers I can tell you what they are


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Len Zengel drove one of two Chadwicks entered in the October 1910 Fairmount Park race and was the winner. The second car crashed due to the overzealous driver and Mr. Chadwick was furious. I have a photocopy of a letter written to Bill Pollack by Len Zengel detailing the entire race and how he did not run at push the car due to Mr. Chadwick's strict instructions. The Chadwick's well publizized use of a supercharger was said to have originated at the 1908 Giants Despair Hill Climb when Willie Haupt supposedly told Chadwick to put on a supercharger or the Model K Stanley Semi-Racers driven by Harper and Marriot would beat them. An interesting story but I think Chadwick used a supercharger prior to this event.


The Pollack cars mentioned above made their debut at the AACA Spring Meet at Marshall's Yorklyn, Delaware Gun Club probably in the early 1950's. My AA magazines are not at my finger tips right now so I can't pinpoint the exact year. I disdinctly remember watching the cars come up the hill and taking some very shaky 8MM movies..

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A. Ballard,.

The 1910 Fairmount Park Race  was it.  And the "overzealous driver" was my grandfather, Al Mitchell.  I read in another account of the race that when Chadwick was told of that Al Mitchell crashed one of his cars he responded "crazy driver."  My grandfather always talked about the Chadwick having the first supercharged engine.  I would love hearing one of these 800 cubic inch engines running!  I am new to this site, so don't know proper protocol. I would like a copy of the Len Zengel letter. My grandfather also spoke of him and Willie Haupt.  He got involve in racing as a chauffeur and met one of the Berdolls of brewery fame in Philadelphia. What's the best way of providing my email address?

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Welcome to AACA forums, RayO !  This is an extremely friendly, helpful camp. Send private messages as needed. Click on the big Green box with the A in it under A. Ballard 35Rs name. A message box will be in the upper middle. Click on it and fire away! You will make real friends here. You can be sure we are glad you are with us !  Hey ! I will send a private message so you can see how cool it is !   -  Carl 

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