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Merry Christmas to all


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I would like to wish a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all the many fine people I have met and corresponded with through this site, and also to all the others whom I have not yet had the pleasure.


T'was the night before Christmas and all through the town,

Not a sign of Baby Jesus was anywhere to be found.

The people were all busy with Christmas time chores,

Like decorating, and baking, and shopping in stores.

No one sang "Away in a manger, no crib for a bed",

Instead, they sang of Santa dressed-up in bright red.

Mama watched Martha Stewart, Papa drank beer from a tap,

As hour upon hour the presents they'd wrap.

When what from the T.V. did they suddenly hear?,

'Cept an ad... which told of a big sale at Sears.

So away to the mall they all flew like a flash...

Buying things on credit... and others with cash!

And, as they made their way home from their trip to the mall,

Did they think about Jesus? oh, no...not at all.

There lives were so busy with their Christmas time things,

No time to remember Christ Jesus, the King.

There were presents to wrap and cookies to bake.

How could they stop and remember who died for their sake?

To pray to the Savior...they had no time to stop,

Because they needed more time to "Shop till they dropped"!

On Wal-Mart! On K-Mart! On Target! On Penneys!

On Hallmark! On Zales! A Quick lunch and Denny's.

From the big stores downtown to the stores at the mall

They would dash away, dash away, and visit them all!

And up on the roof, there arose such a clatter,

As grandpa hung icicle lights up, on his brand new step ladder.

He hung lights that would flash. He hung lights that would twirl.

Yet, he never once prayed to Jesus... Light of the World.

Christ's eyes... how they twinkle! Christ's Spirit... How merry!

Christ's love... how enormous! all our burdens...He'll carry!

So instead of being busy, overworked, and uptight

Let's put Christ back in Christmas and enjoy some good nights!

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Jim , You take no credit for writing the wonderful "take-off" of "The Night Before Christmas" ! It says it all ! Christmas has gotten so commercial that hardly anyone takes time to honor "The Reason For The Season", Our Lord Jesus Christ . If you "penned" the "take-off" , my compliments to you and if you didn't , I thank you for posting it ! A Very Merry Christmas and A Happy & prosperous New Year to you and all the rest of this Great Forum's Members .


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Last Sunday our Priest in Church read the take-off on "The night before Christmas" from the pulpit as part of his sermon and I thought is so good I asked him for a copy. That was the easy part, it was emailed to him and he printed it out, retyping so I could email it was the challenge for me. smile.gif

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We have great people around us daily and many here on the forum. Just one more of the things to be thankful for.

As a side note, many of you know Jim as the guy that has several Reatta parts cars and sell parts at a fair price. He is also Assistant Director for the Reatta Division. One of the "unsung" things he has done for the Division, last fall he drove from Duluth to Batavia NY to scout for the 2005 Reatta Rendezvous.

The Reatta Rendezvous was started about five years back when a group of Reatta owners decided to meet (rendezvous) on their way to the national Buick meet.

They met the evening before about 80 miles away from the meet, had dinner that night then toured into the national meet. Every year since, someone has organized a Reatta Rendezvous, but now it is usually a tour during the national meet. We find something interesting near the meet site and drive there, eat as a group and tour back (usually with an ice cream stop)to the meet location. Even owners with show cars are driving them on the Rendezxous, for the last 3-4 years we usually average 20 Reattas....at the Flint meet there was probably over 50.

This has brought the Reatta owners closer together and we have met lots of fine people.

Thanks Jim

Happy Holidays to everyone.

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Guest Reatta1

I'd like to add my wishes to all for a happy, holy and blessed Christmass no matter how or why you celebrate it. Despite the challenges the wife and I are facing this Christmass, we still find some comfort and peace in celebrating the birth of Christ. We hope everyone else can too.

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My eyes are a little teary after reading Jim's post. I would, however, also like to wish each and every one of you a very merry Christmas and a happy, healty and prosperous new year. I also hope to meet some of you at Batavia next summer. Some people that I owe a special debt of gratitude to this year are Barney for his hospitality and help in checking out a Texas car for me, Jerry for selling me a beautiful convertible, Mike for all his help in getting the car to Arizona so I did not have to fight Los Angeles traffic and for fixing some items without my asking and Jim for all his help keeping my cars running.

Reatta owners are really a great bunch of folks.

Merry Chistmas to all!!!


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Jim and all fellow posters, what a great year this has been

and all of the thoughts on this thread are all heart felt, so

lets add one more and think and pray for all of our young folks

around the world fighting and dying so that we can enjoy our way of

life in these great United States. Please pray for world peace.

Have a Merry and safe Christmas from Kansas

Chuck Kerls

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Holiday Greetings from NC. I was wondering when we were going to share the warmth of Seasons Greetings. My God Bless and keep each of you as we go through this wonderful season. I too hope that we will all keep the great love of our God (as given thru the birth of our Savior) in our hearts and minds as we enjoy the blessings of this season.

Stay safe out there as you move about enjoying the fellowship of family and friends.


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Today...I wish you a day of ordinary miracles

A fresh pot of coffee you didn't have to make yourself.

An unexpected phone call from an old friend.

The fastest line at the grocery store.

A good sing along song on the radio.

Your keys right where you look.

I wish you a day of happiness and perfection - little bite-size pieces

of perfection that give you the funny feeling that the Lord is smiling

on you, holding you so gently because you are someone special and

rare. I wish You a day of Peace, Happiness and Joy.

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Read what you posted Jim, forwarded it to my list, a lot of "thank you's", so I'm sending them back to you. Thank you and a Merry Christmas!


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