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Handicapped Scooter operation at 2004 Fall Swap ????


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Someone tol me I had to have a large personal Liability insurance policy in order to operate my handicap scooter on the grounds at 2004 fall swap in Hershey Pa put on by the AACA. Is this correct? Thx Fred

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Guest imported_Joe Kieliszek


Last year, permit tags were being issued over in the maintainence

building for scooters; my father went over to get one for his.

He says they did not ask for proof of liability coverage at that

time, unless this is a new requirement..


Joe Kieliszek

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  • 4 weeks later...

Is there anything more known about this issue--if liability insurance is needed? Also, what is involved with registering to use the scooter? We will be bringing an electric scooter for my father to use--first time doing so.


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Guest swabjockey

You can register your handicap scooter at the maintenance building. The scooter needs to be 3 wheeled electric cart and you need to bring your handicapped parking tag with you. The maintenance building/service entrance is east of the red field and is accessed from Hershey Park Drive.If you have anymore questions please call us at Region Headquarters 717-566-7720 Mon.-Tues.-or Wed evenung between 7:00 and 9:00pm EDST...See you in October for Dream Cars and Parts Galore..."Mac" MacAdam

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Thanks! This scooter in question is an electric three-wheeler. We have also have a handicapped parking tag we use in the car. Appreciate the quick response!

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Guest Indiana_Truck

I can walk some but it is the standing that gets me. Sometimes I can walk a good distance before I get into trouble and can not walk back so I need something to ride when I go to something big like that. No way could I ever walk one whole field in any one day. I might be able to do part one day but then be in pain the rest of the week so it is not worth it to me. I will not go if I can not ride something because it would be a total waste of my time and money to even try.

Last weekend I went to swap meet and tried to walk it but ended up buying a folding bike to get back to the car with. The bike was a life saver cause I never would have made it back.

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Nice to hear from you on the Forum again.

Have a safe trip. Once here, one way or the other, we'll accomodate your needs.

Look forward to meeting you in person.

(I'll send you my phone numbers).

Regards, Peter J.

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I don't want to muddy the waters too much, but would like some clarification:

The Hershey Region website:


Has the following at the bottom of the page:




allowed to operate on the meet grounds for the safety of

our visitors and members."

Can we still bring our own private, 3-wheeled electric scooters to use--a Mobility Rascal in this case? I'm assuming this provision is talking about gas scooters, not electric, but wanted to make sure.

My Dad is in a similar situation: he can walk, but it would be too much to walk all day.


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Guest swabjockey

Again to clarify, three wheeled personal electric carts are authorized for handicapped use. Present your handicap authorization at the maintenance building where the handicapped parking is located. If you have further questions someone will available at the Hershey Region "Chuckwagon Lodge" 717-566-7720 on Mondau, Tuesday or Wednesday evening from 1900-2100 (7:00pm-9:00pm) each week leading up to the show and Saturday 25 September from 0900-1200 (9:00am-12:00pm). We would be happy to answer your questions........"Mac" MacAdam, Hershey Region member and Assistant Fall Meet Chair

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  • 1 year later...

Bob, Your post concerns me too. I'm not handicapped, per se, but after walking all day, I have a lot of trouble with my bad left ankle for at least a week afterwards. I've been known to come home to my recliner and have to crawl upstairs to go to bad. I have to wear a stocking and take at least 4-6 aspirins each day until it gets better. I see where you have to have a handicap authorization with you to get a Hershey permit. I'm sure I could get a handicap designation from my local doctor.

I'm just venting here, but would sure like to know how I will cope in the foreseeable future at Hershey. Any ideas folks?

Wayne, the limper!

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Wayne, Like you I have a bad ankle. I stepped off of a utility trailer that flexed, then stepped onto a large rock and rotated the ankle one way and then fell the other. Loud snap and pain. No broken bones but the tendons were damaged beyond real repair. So it got very sore at Hershey. Finally going through physical theraphy helped a lot before I went to Hershey last year.

Things that help. Take whatever pills you take before you start for the day and make sure you take them on schedule so that they don't wear off. Swap socks during the day to keep your feet dry and cushioned. Damp sock squash down and your feet will get tired faster and that will translate to your ankle. If possible have something with you that you can sit down whenever the occasion presents itself. I have a wagon that I pull and one end has a cushion in it for sitting on. There is also a pack that is attached to a camp stool, it came that way. That provides somewhere to sit incase we find so many treasures, or one so big that it takes up the whole wagon, and I can't sit there. And finally find a shady, grassy hill, take your shoes and socks off and let your feet and legs rest and cool off. We met some nice folks last year doing the very same thing. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

(By the way, how does your wife feel about you referring to her as "bad" when you crawl upstairs? <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />)

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> . I've been known to come home to my recliner and ( <span style="font-weight: bold">should have been</span>"and Afterwards" have to crawl upstairs to go to "bad". </div></div>

Ok, you got me Susan. I'm notorious for not proofreading my material. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" />

But, speaking of bad..... Maybe I better not go there. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

Yes, your small stool idea perhaps intices me to call AACA Headquarters and order one their foldup stools.

Thanks, Wayne

PS, the bottom bone in my left foot is broken from an inadvertant jump onto a concrete floor from 14 up. Not fun, not repairable either...yet!

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Sorry, Wayne, since I know how much you care about your wife it was just too good to pass up.

I will add something else since you mentioned a broken bone in your foot. I found the greatest shoe inserts. They are "Air Plus" brand and I know that Rite Aid stores here sell them for both men and women. They are a frosted looking silicon material not gel. They are not squishy like the gel ones and for me provide a great deal of cushioning on the bottoms of my feet. There is almost no concussion to the heel, tendons or ankle when I walk now. They are not overly thick so they can go right into a new pair of shoes and not make them too tight.

I have seen many people using the stools that the AACA sells.

I hope your foot gets better soon. Having foot/ankle/leg pain is not fun.

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Wayne, I think many of us are in the same situation as we grow older. Not quite broken down enough yet to get a handicap sticker, yet not quite good enough go all day without having pain for days after Hershey, Carlisle, etc. Almost need a ½ day scooter permit.

I like many had issues including pulling my leg all but off and spending 8 weeks in traction. After a few days at Hershey I could be the poster boy for the March of Dimes poster. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

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You're probably righht Ron. It makes me admire those "younger" fellows like Howard, Binger, and Ron Barnette. I never hear them complain, and here I am already over the "hill". <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

Susan, a custion pad won't help me, as the back bone in my left leg has dropped lower in the ankle, because the bone that supports it is crushed flat from the fall. My left leg is therefore shorter than the right. Been down that road.


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Wayne, Like you, I have given this some thought for this year. Hershey Region has a contract with Scooter Bug to provide physically impaired carts for rent at the Fall Meet. The number is 781-933-3120. I have not called for prices. As before, If you have your own; it can [color:"red"] NOT [color:"black"] be a GOLF CART, MINI-BIKE, MOTORBIKE, MOTORCYCLE, 2 or 3 wheel BICYCLES, MOTORIZED CART (riding mower etc.)or SCOOTER. This rule is for the safety of everyone! The Region will gladly give you a permit for your Batt. operated one person cart. Hope this helps. Karl

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The rentals on the scooters (if eligable) has been to the tune of $75/day. Fortunely, Dad owns one so we bring it for him to get around.

Wayne, <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> My left leg is therefore shorter than the right. Been down that road. </div></div> So that explains your running around in circles! <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> And if your running in circles, you'll never get down that road. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

There is one problem with the electric scooters. You can't hear them coming so you can get out of the way. I've had more close calls to being hit in the past three years, than all the other years I've been to Hershey.

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