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"Santa's Sack of Toys" at AACA Museum


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smile.gif Get to the AACA Museum Nov.15th to January 4th., and see "Santa's sack of Toys"! Over 100 pedal cars, tractors, and scooters have been loaned to the Museum for a large Christmas Season display in the Cammack Gallery. Many very rare cars are on display. With your paid admission, (starting Saturday Nov. 15th.),you will get a chance to win a pedal truck to be given away Sunday December 21st. 2003. Bring the children (of all ages) and show them the cars and scooters of your youth. It's well worth the drive AGAIN!!!

PS;I know how many are there, see if you can count them all, then post your count here. I'll let you know if its correct!


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Sounds interesting.

Darn..I already finished the current newsletter and can't fit it in the regular body (I am printing it right now). But I can still type up an insert to put in it before its mailed. We are about 1 1/2 hours from the museum and Im sure some of our members would be interestd in seeing the display.

Speaking of the Cammack Wing, a group from our region went down to see Mr. Cammack's Tucker collection. I had always heard it was really nice collection.. but WOW!

Sure enjoyed that. When the collection goes to the AACA Museum (I'm told after Mr. Cammack's brother passes away) it will be a super addition. The only down side is.... if Dave Cammack won't be there to share his his vast knowledge of the man, the company and the automobile.

Fanatastic collection!

Thanks for the info on the Santa's Sack of Toys Display

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Karl, the wife and I went to see the pedalcar display today. Pretty impressive. Hope you get the word out with all the people headed to see the Sweet Lights. Maybe this ties into Claire's post about getting the younger generation involved. BTW, I don't want to give any of Santa's secrets away, but you must have been a pretty good boy. Saw several presents with your name on them.

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Nearchoclatetown, I sure hope the display brings in some young people. I understand we will be getting some newspaper coverage this week. That will help! The Pedal car that is being given away will make any youngster happy on Christmas morning. My wife and I spent Saturday morning finishing some final "Santa" name tag placements, then stood near the display till early afternoon answering questions and talking to the visiters. Many stories were told to the young sons, daughters, grandsons and granddaughters of how "I had one just like that one when I was your age", or they were amazed that there were so many different makes and models. I watched as visiters made their way into the room, stopped dead and then big smiles would grow on their faces. We are hoping the Hershey Park Sweet Lights, and Candylane will bring some up the hill to see the display. Hershey Park is quite a draw at this time of year. As for the tags with my name on... well my wife tells me its not too late for Santa to change his mind!!! frown.gif I hope not!!! confused.gif I'd miss George and Elroy

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Hope to get down to see the display as it sounds interesting. Has any advertising (sign) been placed down by the road or intersection at Hersheypark to let people know the museum is up the hill? Is the green & yellow 55 Pontiac still on display as I think it was located close to where these pedal cars are on display? I guess I'm to old to win the pedal car, shucks! smirk.gif

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After moving the center area display cars around, you get even closer to 3 sides of the 55 Pontiac; it is now on the outer edge just across from the Pedal Car Display. As for you winning, every paid admission is given a ticket to fill out to win the pedal car. The more times you come back the better your chances to win! As for what goes on at Hershey Park... I would think they would like people to spend all their money down there, and not come up the hill. I hope the front sign will pull some in to see the display.

Steve, Thanks for the kind words, all of Santa's helpers did a great job making this happen. Glad to hear we are getting national coverage for the Museum. Karl

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Hi, Ron...hope all is well.

This display certainly sounds great. Just so all the volunteers do not think their efforts go unnoticed, my company's Technical Director is from India. He has friends coming to visit the U.S. Smajareet asked me about local attractions of which he could take his friends. I mentioned some, and, what caught me totally off-guard is when he asked what I knew about the "New" Automotive museum in Hershey. Wow!! Did I give him an ear-full. Brought in photos from the opening ceremony and that's all he needed to put it on his agenda.

(Now, as far as "My" Pontiac at the museum goes, the one you take care of for me, Ron, it is in good hands. I would never think of gutting it to make the pedal mechanism I built work easier, though, it did cross my mind.)

Regards, Peter J. grin.gif

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

Steve, Is that the Maryland PBS show? I have not seen it since last winter, it is broadcast on a Sat. afternoon here on Long Island when I am usually doing something.

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Ron, you bet I would enjoy driving your Pontiac. One beautiful car. I am planning on attending the Grand National. I'll introduce you to Diz, too, as we are planning to get together.

So you folks know where Ron and I are coming from here, he is a great friend with the finest looking '55 Pontiac I have ever seen. Not many of them at shows. My father's first "new" car was a '55 Pontiac 2-door Safari Wagon. Whenever I look at Ron's, it brings back so many great memories. Many of the features are the same as the Safari Wagon.

Ron's Pontiac has been on loan to our new museum, so, if anybody wants to see a fine car, take a gander.

Regards, Peter J.

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Not to mention he has a schweeeeet Amphicar too! Ron is one of the good guys for sure! We met at Celina and he was among the ones who gave Amphicar rides at the local retirement home. Something about having an otherwise quiet 98 year old guy laughing his butt off as you hit the water at 30 MPH that make life good!

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Pete & Amphicar thanks for the kind words. I try to treat everyone fairly. Sometimes when I help people with copying documents, etc they say I can't repay you. I ask them if they could, would they do the same thing for me? They always say yes and I always reply, thats all the counts.

Amphicar giving the older people rides was a blast however the one woman covered herself up because of the hot sun when we were returning and it honesty looked like she was dead when I was bringing her back to the home. In fact it took awhile until there were any more that wanted to go out for a ride.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Christmas is just two weeks away!!! Still time to get to the Museum and see the pedal cars. Don't forget there will be a drawing to win a new pedal car on Sunday December 21st, just in time to get it under the tree. You don't have to be there to win this car. You get a chance with each paid admission. The display will be there till after the new year. Hope to see you there! Karl

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Hi, Doug...hope all is well.

Would you elaborate on your post. I have no idea what you are saying here. Fairly certain others have the same question...Thanks in advance...

Regards, Peter J.

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Hi, Doug...thanks for elaborating.

As I am not an official with the Museum, or, Magazine. I would advise that you simply phone them, especially, with the proximity to your abode.

Regards, Peter J.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The winning ticket for the give-away pedal car was drawn at 2 pm today. Mary Krouch pulled the ticket with Bill Smith, 2 young visitors and myself witnessing. Richard Schmidt, from Lancaster PA, will have a new Fire Truck for under his tree. Thanks to all who visited the Museum the last 5 weeks and filled out a ticket. The Pedal Car Display is still there, till Jan 10th. 2004. Please support the Museum, pack up the kids, and come visit this wonderful building full of old cars during the holidays. Karl

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nearchocolatetown, I spent Saturday at the AACA Museum. The 2003 Pedal Car Display is now history. When I left at 3 PM., all that was left was a few of our "snow flakes"! When the doors open on Wednesday, the Cammack Gallery will be full of Rolls and Bentleys.

Before I left I stopped at the office to get the answers to your question on the Membership program. There are five levels of membership: Individual $40, Family $75, Supporting $150, Sponsor $500, Patron $1000. I strongly support the mission of the AACA Museum as an educational tool for the hobby. This Museum will serve to open the eyes of our youth to the hobby. During the set up of this Pedal car display, a Brownie Troop was touring the galleries! The membership levels provide the donor with a newsletter, invitations to openings, discounts on programs, 10% off on gift shop items, and, depending on the annual contribution, unlimited admission for one with individual; Family- 2 adults, 4 children or grandchildren (unlimited admission), and 5 guest passes. That's $35 worth of tickets. Supporting: 4 adults, 8 children, 10 passes and one AACA Membership. You get more and more guest passes as you continue to dig into your pocket. Patron Memberships can arrange a private Guided tour. I hope this gives you and everyone else an overview of the membership program. The web page to become a member is www.aacamuseum.org or call 717-566-7100 for a Museum membership. cool.gif The newsletter gives you updates of the new donations and constant changing of displays. This gives you the heads up to bring the family back to see what's NEW at the museum.


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